Raise Your Hand If You Screen!!!!!

What pisses me off is there are girls on P411 that will make an appointment with a dude and not even look at that dude's profile.

If you don't screen me I don't make an appointment.
SaintPat's Avatar
I was just curious as to what the risk is to the hobbyist if the provider does not screen but she is a provider with a lot of good reviews on here. I once booked an appt with a provider who uses p411. I sent her a request through p411 and then called her to book the appointment and she said that she had screened me and I was good to go. I went to the session and it was great. Later I was checking my p411 and noticed the Tracking option on p411 showed that she had never even checked my p411 info.

So is there a risk visiting a well reviewed provider that is not screening?
I just logged out of chat after having a private conversation with a gentleman who asked to see me today! I told him that I normally do not take last minute dates due to the screening process and that I would have to verify him through either P411 or references from 2 well known ladies and that it could take up to 24hrs for them to get back to me! He's fairly new to the board and has not joined P411 just yet, so he gave me references of 2 ladies, one of which is known on the board, but a total fruit cake! The other lady, I have no idea who she is, is a verified provider here! I didn't feel comfortable in scheduling a date, so I passed! But, before ending our conversation, I asked him how the 2 ladies screened him! OMG, he told me that he had contacted them on BP and neither one of had screened him through ANYTHING!!!!!! All he did was talk to them on the phone and went straight to their incall! You have got to be kidding me!!!!!

What the hell is wrong with you girls? Why in the hell would you allow a gentleman to come into your private space without knowing who he is? Is money so desperate that you would jeopardize your safety? And what really gets me, you call yourselves, "VERIFIED PROVIDERS"! How in the hell can you call yourself a verified provider if you don't verify your clients? Do you actually know that your are risking the life of other ladies by not screening?

And to all you gentlemen, you'd be a freakin' fool to schedule with any lady who does not screen! And if you do, don't come crying to us because you got robbed or have the ole switch-a-roo pulled on you!

To be honest with you, I'm tired of the so called alerts because either party was willing to take the time to screen properly!

SCREEN, SCREEN, SCREEN, you damn fools!

Yes, this is a rant! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Agreed, if you don't screen you are just asking for it.
I was just curious as to what the risk is to the hobbyist if the provider does not screen but she is a provider with a lot of good reviews on here. I once booked an appt with a provider who uses p411. I sent her a request through p411 and then called her to book the appointment and she said that she had screened me and I was good to go. I went to the session and it was great. Later I was checking my p411 and noticed the Tracking option on p411 showed that she had never even checked my p411 info.

So is there a risk visiting a well reviewed provider that is not screening? Originally Posted by SaintPat
I would say yes.

But just because she is well reviewed doesn't always mean your safe from her either just do your homework and research! http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=174358
Lana Warren's Avatar
Here's a little story for you!

Several weeks ago, I had a very good provider friend call me and ask me if I had seen a certain gentleman! He had emailed her and gave me as his only reference! He was not a P411 member nor was he active on the board! She knew right off the bat that something was fishy because she knew I would see anyone without proper screening! But, I can guarantee that some other girl with less experience would have seen him with just a mention of a well known lady's name! Sad, huh?
Papacorn's Avatar
Hats off to all of the ladies that contributed here, or just follow the damn process!

As Lana said at the beginning - all of us hobbyists should also have our heads examined for taking a "flyer" on some new, possibly bargain priced fun...not that I don't wanna play right now, but damn - taking the time to set it up can be fun, if you let it!

Little head may lead me here, but happy to say big head still in charge....
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, sometimes they just don't know. Everyone's not a member here, or have hobby friends, or is completely aware of the dangers of this business. The original message of the OP; where did it go in relation to those who only use BP, for example? Even worse than the message NOT getting to them, there are psychos who prey on these girls. It just pisses me off to no end.

Don't get me wrong. The message itself is great. I just don't know that it's getting to where it needs to go, you know.
What pisses me off is there are girls on P411 that will make an appointment with a dude and not even look at that dude's profile. Originally Posted by ThinWhiteDuke
I hear ya...hard to believe they don't check you out. We certainly check YOU out. So many plusses to reading our P411 profile, ladies. A Provider can see what we like to do, our physical description, age, even what we look like (if the client posts pics). By reading it, you can also tell if we lied about it when we show up to your incall...I always ask them to PLEASE read it...some do...some don't (shaking head).
I do screening and after a recent event I have taken my screening to a whole new level. We all have to start somewhere. I was aware of dangers and asked many questions from very respectable providers and followed their screening process. I read alerts daily and think to myself, if they had followed the screening process that I was taught, I dont see how the event could had happen. With that said, I did this screening process recently for a gentleman and even contacted very recent, highly popular, well respected providers that were his references and the FAILED to warn me on things. Maybe they never experienced the situation themselves or perhaps they were saving their ATF status? I would like to have faith that it was the first of the two. Who knows. Live and learn. My point being that there is always risk so why increase it?. Screening with a fine tooth comb may seem like too much work for some but I would rather screen like my life depends on it then to ever experience what I had. And guys should screen too. i keep reading alerts of situations that are quite sad and horrible. The gentleman warns everyone about the provider and then goes on to say he found out other things.. AFTER the fact. I think Lana hit the nail on the head with everything she said.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I do screening and after a recent event I have taken my screening to a whole new level. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
So do you have an Alert out there for the other ladies to be aware of on this guy? Especially for the new girls not on sites like Provider Buzz yet?
screen screen screen, please ladies lets keep safe and have fun

*******please do not contact this provider unless you have 2 verified provider references
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

You know that I adore you and consider you one of the top shelf ladies in this sphere. I'm honored to know you.

But self-serving topics like this always annoy me on some level. Not that it's really self-serving, you're probably trying to help ... but let me explain on this lazy Sunday morning why I just wrote what I did.

The dynamics of screening has changed in this community of ours. Very few of the whole are involved with boards like this. Also, for me, the whole screening process has changed.

For the first three years of being an escort, I probably turned down 9 inquiries to every appointment that I accepted because of screening. I required a name, work information, phone number and two provider references, if they had them, and the references though (if used exclusively) HAD to be from ladies that I knew.

Taking references from jacked up Mary from Louisville, Kentucky that you saw a year and a half ago in a sugar shack wasn't going to cut it. You get the drift. I already knew a few ladies who had been arrested because of "references" that were bogus.

A couple of years ago, I realized that the way that I was screening was too harsh and well, I wasn't making the money that I needed to be making and a lot of these men, I just felt in my heart, were probably fine.

So ... and get those tomatoes, popcorn and rotten eggs ready to throw at me because I'm going to say it ... I changed the way that I screened. Significantly.

I started to advertise on backpage, which was a huge deal to me and well, I thought that it was initially VERY gross, and my WHOLE perception changed in terms of what backpage was and the screening thing.

The way that I screen now varies. Ideally, I get references, names and more information about work, etc. as I used to but often that doesn't work very well. I GLEAN what I can from these men. I say no a lot but I don't say no as much as I used to.

And with some people that I've known from ASPD or this board, well I haven't bothered with the proper screening. I'll give you an example of someone right here within this topic.

With someone like Tony Patella, who I had probably PM'd with for (literally) a few years before I saw him that one delightful time, I didn't really screen him. I didn't. Why? Well, heck, I felt like he was a friend before we even met. I was just jumping up and down and NERVOUS about meeting him! He wasn't the police. Or some sort of creep. I didn't feel the need to check out his P411. Although I actually did afterwards and am glad that I didn't look at it before. Gosh, the gorgeous women that he's seen! I would have been more nervous to have met him!!!

So I have gone in a little bit of a different direction. Shrug. And I have met, honestly, the exact same type of men that I have by using just ECCIE or at that time, EROS.

I LOVE ECCIE. It's my home. But I'm inherently aware that I'm not like a lot of the ladies here who see mostly men from ECCIE. I do not. Not sure why, a lot of my client base participates here but hardly the majority.

There are men who would be appalled to have to screen like many of these ladies say that they do. Frankly, with the exception of a few of these ladies that I know screen the way that they say that they do, I don't believe that everyone is screening like this.

So Lana, I apologize for the long written piece of drivel of mine. I don't wish to derail your thread, which was well written and nice. But I also wish to show ladies that there are some of us who might go in a slightly different direction, because they HAVE to, then some of the ladies who will spout from the mountain tops that they just won't see a man unless they screen in the fashion that has been discussed previously.

A few might. The majority of the ladies don't screen that way but say that they do because it sounds good and men like to hear it. I don't believe most who state that and beat their chests about it. Go tell that tripe to Tarzan. He might believe it.


Edit to add one more thought: For the record, everyone SHOULD thoroughly screen in whatever fashion works for them. Taking a call and just telling a stranger your address is very fool hardy. I know that I have taken a few chances that perhaps I shouldn't have. And I'm more than willing to fall on my sword if something were to awfully happen. But I get VERY tired of reading about ladies who do this and that and who really do not. That's generally the jest of this note. Plus, there ARE alternative ways to screen that don't include real life info. And yes, P411 is absolutely great. But it isn't the Holy Grail of screening. Nothing is.
Elizabeth, very good post and part of it might describe a gentleman like me, let me explain. I probably won't pass a majority of the ladies screening here but, i am a good person. I have been around for many years, I am a Lifetime Member here on Eccie and a Lifetime Member on P411 as well. I have been to socials and met a bunch of Members. I go into Chat frequently and I am NOT a Handle changer. I haven't hobbied much as you can see, i only got 3 reviews in 2 years since, all my dollars are tied up in other places and hobbying is not high on my priority list at this time. i recently moved to a new place and trying to save to start hobbying a lot more aggressively soon. I come here alot because i call Eccie my home and love chatting with all ya'll friendly people. I said all that, to say this: Will i pass your screening since i have no recent reviews/ok's ? Probably not but, i love all ya'll just the same. no recent reviews = newbie status woohoo, lol

Just think about that senerio, a provider can come in here NEW, get verified and have more creditablity than someone thats been here for years. lol


PS: LazurusLong, becareful what you say about FWOG, he's trying to get laid, lol
I love you, Elisabeth.
I love you, Elisabeth. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ