lustylad's Avatar
You have not used my own words against me. You have though made a fool of yourself trying to distort wtf I have said.

Btw...If I cum in your mouth who is the fag? Originally Posted by WTF

Do you always blame someone else when you can't 'splain yourself, fagboy?

Btw, you're the one wiping his chin, WTFudgepacker.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A Hillary/Jeb match provides COIdiot with yet another (wet) dream Presidential election. The matchup provides him with an opportunity (for at least the 10th consecutive time) to bitch and moan endlessly, no matter who wins.

It is just a matter of time before COIdiot will boldly announce his support for another off the wall (bottom tier), Presidential candidate.

The only two things consistent about COIdiot would be that he consistently pick losers and he consistently bitches and moans endlessly about whoever wins!

Other than he loves to bitch and moan, COIdiot has no core values! Originally Posted by bigtex
Both of them want to grow government and restrict freedom. Damn right I will vocally oppose either one, because unlike you, I want America to be free.
gfejunkie's Avatar
It's always entertaining when the lefties around here think they know all the inner workings of the GOP.

Clueless, but entertaining.
It's always entertaining when the lefties around here think they know all the inner workings of the GOP.

Clueless, but entertaining. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
boardman's Avatar
Along with the OP, this is exactly the attitude that will result in another democrat living in the White House for the next four years. They truly believe that nuts like Cruz and Carson are electable. Jeb Bush has instant credibility with the middle, center right and probably a fair amount of center left folks. He's pragmatic, experienced and he's not a drooling, bomb-throwing lunatic like Ted Cruz and, to a lesser extent, Dr. Carson. Isn't Carson the creationist who denies evolution? Loonie.

And, yet another acknowledgment that the GOP icon Reagan would be considered a liberal democrat by today's whackadoos....... Originally Posted by timpage
Carson is a creationist...
46% of Americans are creationists
78% of Americans believe God had a hand in the development of humans in some way.
What's your point? That because he is a creationist he can't be a good leader? Obama claims to be Christian and therefore a creationist. Does that make him a bad leader or do his politics make him a bad leader?
Both of them want to grow government and restrict freedom. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There you have it folks, COIdiot has already begun the November 2016 ranting/raving/bitching/moaning process.

He is as regular as clockwork!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-04-2014, 09:03 PM
Do you always blame someone else when you can't 'splain yourself, fagboy?
Originally Posted by lustylad
Just a Reagan bung hole licker like yourself. You silly fuckers never understand how far Reagan shoved his dick up your ass.

You silly fuckers never understand how far Reagan shoved his dick up your ass. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes he did and he made them like it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-04-2014, 11:39 PM

Relying on OMB data, the public debt grew under Reagan – who promised as a candidate to balance the federal budget – by 186%. He is, by any fair measure, the Father of the Modern Deficit – among modern presidents, Reagan fundamentally changed the way in which federal officials approached the nation’s finances. When it comes to deficits as a percentage of GDP, Reagan also ranks last among all modern presidents.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There you have it folks, COIdiot has already begun the November 2016 ranting/raving/bitching/moaning process.

He is as regular as clockwork! Originally Posted by bigtex
When freedom is under attack, I will speak out, unlike you who supports more state control of everything. You sound stupid because you ARE stupid!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Just a Reagan bung hole licker like yourself. You silly fuckers never understand how far Reagan shoved his dick up your ass. Originally Posted by WTF
Yet another...

Busted again!

Explain this one..

Really? MSNBC?
When freedom is under attack, I will speak out Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You might speak out (ad nauseum) in a half-hearted attempt to support your bullshit rhetoric but you (admittedly) have done nothing whatsoever, to defend it. You prefer to leave that daunting task to someone better equipped to handle the difficult assignment.

It should be noted that it is not all COIdiot's fault that he has failed to previously defend freedom. He has told us before that his Mommy would not allow him to play with the big boys and girls, probably because her oversized Idiot might get a bobo on his itty, bitty, trigger finger.

Poor baby!
LexusLover's Avatar
Relying on OMB data, the public debt grew under Reagan – who promised as a candidate to balance the federal budget – by 186%. Originally Posted by WTF
Do you have a chart in dollars?

"Reagan : Added $1.86 trillion"

"Obama : added $6.103 trillion" with 2 more years to go, plus one*

*the next President has to live with the budget "passed" his last year.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Do you have a chart in dollars? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Of course not.

The fallacy is... budgets (Projected spending) don't add to the debt.

Continuing resolutions (The actual spending of money we don't have) does.

CRs are all we've had for six years.

That's why we're 18 trillion+ in debt.
Do you have a chart in dollars?

"Reagan : Added $1.86 trillion"

"Obama : added $6.103 trillion" with 2 more years to go, plus one* Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, apparently you did not read the apples and oranges comparison you provided very closely. Then again, you probably read only what you wanted to read!

According to the article you provided, the two highest percentage increases (since WW II to the debt level of the predecessor) were done by Reagan and the Incompetent Shrub, (186% and (101%) respectively.

Obama is currently at 52%, with two years remaining. It should be noted that both Obama and Clinton were significantly less than Reagan and both Bushes. GHWB was only a 54% increase but he only served one term, the rest were two term Presidents.