McKinney Police Video - Did anybody see that roll?

Apparently there was a DJ set up outside the pool area and tweeting about the pool party and a $15 cover to get in. He should face penalties too. It's a private HOA pool so that's not allowed. Tweeting the location of this party and inviting everyone on Twitter is what caused it to get out of hand really fast. How irresponsible.

The homeowners (of all ethnicities, Black, White, Hispanic, Indian, Asian) were upset about the loud music and kids climbing the fence to get into the pool, reports of alcohol and smoking weed and their refusal to leave so the police were called by a number of residents and security guards.

I read where the ladies were telling the kids to go back to section 8 housing. Smh again. Why does it have to get to that? I really hate it when a stupidity issue gets turned into a race issue. These kids were being stupid for not controlling themselves. That dj was being stupid for tweeting invites. The adults were stupid for spouting racial slurs and aggravating an already tense situation and the cop was the most stupid for escalating the situation to the point he did. Throwing a mouthy teenager to the ground is completely unacceptable. Would he have done it if she was blond haired and blue eyed? No.

Yes race played a part after the fact, but stupidity was the primary problem here. All the way around. Now the neighborhood residents are getting death threats for being a racist community. Ugh.

Check out the WFAA Facebook page and read the posts from those that saw what happened. There's a lot that's not being reported. The cop was WRONG. No question. He should be charged with assault of a minor. But the things that lead up to them being called were wrong too. That DJ should be held responsible for causing so many people to come in the first place. He didn't break the law, but the city of McKinney should send him the bill for all this bullshit.
champr199's Avatar
I would like to know all the facts first. Most of the posts ive read here are going off of one video. If your an officer and nobody is listening you have alot going through your head trying to get the situation under control. Add in Drinking and people that are high and already breaking rules. Things are going to escalate. The office drew his gun when someone came from behind him. I would have probably too . Fuck anyone that says they wouldn't. he put it right back in his holster when the guy backed off. Hardly anyone was listening or doing what was asked. Stop blaming the cops . maybe the other cops that showed up weren't doing shit to help and he knew he needed to control the situation. All in all nobody is dead or has any major injuries.
Frique-Me's Avatar
Apparently there was a DJ set up outside the pool area and tweeting about the pool party and a $15 cover to get in. He should face penalties too. It's a private HOA pool so that's not allowed. Tweeting the location of this party and inviting everyone on Twitter is what caused it to get out of hand really fast. How irresponsible.

The homeowners (of all ethnicities, Black, White, Hispanic, Indian, Asian) were upset about the loud music and kids climbing the fence to get into the pool, reports of alcohol and smoking weed and their refusal to leave so the police were called by a number of residents and security guards.

I read where the ladies were telling the kids to go back to section 8 housing. Smh again. Why does it have to get to that? I really hate it when a stupidity issue gets turned into a race issue. These kids were being stupid for not controlling themselves. That dj was being stupid for tweeting invites. The adults were stupid for spouting racial slurs and aggravating an already tense situation and the cop was the most stupid for escalating the situation to the point he did. Throwing a mouthy teenager to the ground is completely unacceptable. Would he have done it if she was blond haired and blue eyed? No.

Yes race played a part after the fact, but stupidity was the primary problem here. All the way around. Now the neighborhood residents are getting death threats for being a racist community. Ugh.

Check out the WFAA Facebook page and read the posts from those that saw what happened. There's a lot that's not being reported. The cop was WRONG. No question. He should be charged with assault of a minor. But the things that lead up to them being called were wrong too. That DJ should be held responsible for causing so many people to come in the first place. He didn't break the law, but the city of McKinney should send him the bill for all this bullshit. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
+1... all of that.
But I dont think the DJ (aka Dick Jockey) will be held responsible. Proving his irresponsibility caused subsequent events up to and including the melt down by the officer is damn-near impossible IMO.
bojulay's Avatar
I would like to know all the facts first. Most of the posts ive read here are going off of one video. If your an officer and nobody is listening you have alot going through your head trying to get the situation under control. Add in Drinking and people that are high and already breaking rules. Things are going to escalate. The office drew his gun when someone came from behind him. I would have probably too . Fuck anyone that says they wouldn't. he put it right back in his holster when the guy backed off. Hardly anyone was listening or doing what was asked. Stop blaming the cops . maybe the other cops that showed up weren't doing shit to help and he knew he needed to control the situation. All in all nobody is dead or has any major injuries. Originally Posted by champr199

Cop didn't know what he was doing, or he wasn't doing it correctly.

With a crowed like that you disperse the crowed and tell them to leave and
if they do not, then arrests are going to be made.

If there are ones who want to still defy your orders you then begin to deal
with the individuals, arresting them one at a time if necessary, as a group of
officers, a show of force.

Not one officer running around helter skelter like he is one of the avengers
that can take them all on. That guy wasn't in control of anything.

There never seems to be any cop that is in charge in these kind of videos
where things go south, just a bunch of cops show up and start doing
their own thing.

It's a reactive world and society, not a proactive one.
Why people would rather just complain about their problems instead
of being proactive and searching for solutions.

You see the same thing on here all the time.
OK. The cop needs some anger management training. But are there any parents anywhere that tell there kids to just do what the cop says and shut up till the lawyer gets there? Arguing, even explaining, to a cop only escalates as they are always out numbered and MUST take control of the situation.

Interesting that there is a pic of this girl "beating that ass". Seems to show a bit before the party.
I would like to know all the facts first. Most of the posts ive read here are going off of one video. If your an officer and nobody is listening you have alot going through your head trying to get the situation under control. Add in Drinking and people that are high and already breaking rules. Things are going to escalate. The office drew his gun when someone came from behind him. I would have probably too . Fuck anyone that says they wouldn't. he put it right back in his holster when the guy backed off. Hardly anyone was listening or doing what was asked. Stop blaming the cops . maybe the other cops that showed up weren't doing shit to help and he knew he needed to control the situation. All in all nobody is dead or has any major injuries. Originally Posted by champr199
He could've pulled out the mace, baton, or some nunchucks.

A gun though?

I thought that was inappropriate.

This guy shows a video of original assault

Interesting that there is a pic of this girl "beating that ass". Seems to show a bit before the party. Originally Posted by mediavolume
I'm guessing that the old white woman was the one who told them to go to back to Section 8?
Frique-Me's Avatar
I would like to know all the facts first. Most of the posts ive read here are going off of one video. If your an officer and nobody is listening you have alot going through your head trying to get the situation under control. Add in Drinking and people that are high and already breaking rules. Things are going to escalate. The office drew his gun when someone came from behind him. I would have probably too . Fuck anyone that says they wouldn't. he put it right back in his holster when the guy backed off. Hardly anyone was listening or doing what was asked. Stop blaming the cops . maybe the other cops that showed up weren't doing shit to help and he knew he needed to control the situation. All in all nobody is dead or has any major injuries. Originally Posted by champr199
Blame??? I'm making observations Bud... and the other cops on the scene gave chase for the 2 idiots that walked up behind him right???

In this instance I'm going to believe my lying eyes assessed the blame where where I think it should be
I'm guessing that the old white woman was the one who told them to go to back to Section 8? Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
Probably so. Is that a reason for assault?
If two people rush me I will arm myself and be ready to pull the trigger. My complaints where how he dealt with these children, yes they are still children. There's is a certain way one should handle themselves with volatile youth. Although I do not condone how he handled the situation with the girl in any shape form or fashion, some of you know damn well how you feel when the "sista" comes out! We as "brothas" may know how to handle a little better since a lot of us grew up in such environments. I can only imagine how this guy felt in that particular moment. I agree that he wouldn't have done that to a blondie, however, from my personal experiences, I am inclined to believe a blondie wouldn't have mouthed off like that either. I'm not saying that there aren't any who would have, but they just don't breed them like that. Just my unbiased opinion.
So i have been gathering facts by looking for evidence.

1. I still tear up when the girl gets thrown down.
2. She should have STFU and walked away. Or offered any info to help with the investigation.
3. The gun drawn was over the top a bit but there were two guys rushing up behind him about to do whatever. I would have preferred mace or tasor but they shouldnt be rushing him
4. I saw a white guy do the same thing as this girl by not laying down and resisiting. He got his face plowed into the pavement by 3 cops because he was strong. Blood everywhere. But that isnt police brutality is it?
Probably so. Is that a reason for assault? Originally Posted by mediavolume
I believe she deserved an ass beating. Why you say? Because she is the ADULT in the situation and she should have acted accordingly. Her remarks were racially charged, ill willed, malicious, and just flat out mean. So yes, she deserved an ass beating for being too stupid to act like an adult. Now I am from the old school and I believe those kids acted completely unruly. I was taught to respect adults and never, ever, raise a fist against one. These kids are very very stupid at this point in their lives and highly volatile. She should have known how to carry herself in such an environment. So, if the consequences are an ass whipping, yes, she deserved it.
Apparently there was a DJ set up outside the pool area and tweeting about the pool party and a $15 cover to get in. He should face penalties too. It's a private HOA pool so that's not allowed. Tweeting the location of this party and inviting everyone on Twitter is what caused it to get out of hand really fast. How irresponsible.

The homeowners (of all ethnicities, Black, White, Hispanic, Indian, Asian) were upset about the loud music and kids climbing the fence to get into the pool, reports of alcohol and smoking weed and their refusal to leave so the police were called by a number of residents and security guards.

I read where the ladies were telling the kids to go back to section 8 housing. Smh again. Why does it have to get to that? I really hate it when a stupidity issue gets turned into a race issue. These kids were being stupid for not controlling themselves. That dj was being stupid for tweeting invites. The adults were stupid for spouting racial slurs and aggravating an already tense situation and the cop was the most stupid for escalating the situation to the point he did. Throwing a mouthy teenager to the ground is completely unacceptable. Would he have done it if she was blond haired and blue eyed? No.

Yes race played a part after the fact, but stupidity was the primary problem here. All the way around. Now the neighborhood residents are getting death threats for being a racist community. Ugh.

Check out the WFAA Facebook page and read the posts from those that saw what happened. There's a lot that's not being reported. The cop was WRONG. No question. He should be charged with assault of a minor. But the things that lead up to them being called were wrong too. That DJ should be held responsible for causing so many people to come in the first place. He didn't break the law, but the city of McKinney should send him the bill for all this bullshit. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Thanks for posting that and pointing to the primary problem of stupidity that crosses all racial boundaries. Not sure of your source, but it apparently sheds some light on what preceded the incident captured on video. The problem is stupid people have their minds made up before the facts are brought to light

Edit: I see your reference to WFAA Facebook page.