It’s official, the Left are mass murderers.

Thanks bb . You make my heart go pitter patter with all the love you send my way. Were these wrongly convicted men as innocent as the unborn?

Do I think Trump and his kids should have been aborted? Let me think about that. Hum........ YES. But since they weren't they should at least be sterilized. ( Under safe conditions of course) Originally Posted by themystic
Were those wrongly convicted men as innocent as the unborn - I doubt it!
themystic's Avatar
No. Where was Satan born anyways? Who was his mother? Originally Posted by bambino
The Devils Mother is named Mary Anne MacLeod Trump. How ironic is that. Jesus mother was named Mary!

The Devil- Please see link
Satan? Judas? Hitler? Stalin? Am I getting close? Originally Posted by themystic
What does that has to do with you wishing death on people you disagree can I wish death on people that are ALREADY DEAD...GOOD TRY THOUGH!!
I'm not for that law...i am pro choice up to a point. Originally Posted by WTF
What about your comment on juries...talking about things you know nothing about again??
themystic's Avatar
What does that has to do with you wishing death on people you disagree can I wish death on people that are ALREADY DEAD...GOOD TRY THOUGH!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Do you know anyone who voted for this Killer?
Do you know anyone who voted for this Killer? Originally Posted by themystic
Again people you disagree have a case of foot in mouth disease and selective memory!!
You will not find one post were I ever wished death ON ANYONE...but you...A SHIT LOAD!!
themystic's Avatar
Again people you disagree have a case of foot in mouth disease and selective memory!!
You will not find one post were I ever wished death ON ANYONE...but you...A SHIT LOAD!! Originally Posted by bb1961
You don't support the death penalty?
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2019, 07:50 AM
DF -OEB, you need to terminate the bold and underline format . you do that by clicking on the AA with red X button (first icon in the editor, before the font and size buttons).

Thank You - the appearance is how it copied from the NY web site.
I had hoped folks would look at the law as written
This thread seems to have devolved to a death penalty name-calling match.
Anyway- the hysterical lies about the law are put to rest for anyone who chooses to read the law.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2019, 07:53 AM
What about your comment on juries...talking about things you know nothing about again?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Wtf are you talking about? Please provide me a link so I can see in context wtf you're blabbering about.
I agree with all written.

Although I'm kinda for the death penalty although if you were on the jury and it was later proven that they were innocent you'd get fried too....i'd probably go for that.

I feel the same way about war....if you are for a certain war, you and your children should go along with upping your taxes!

I like people to have skin in the game. Originally Posted by WTF
Does that work for you!!
What does the jury have to do with the prosecution of the is the over zealot DA's and their minions that subvert the law and get in prosecutorial misconduct situations.
The jury only adjudicates on the evidence presented them!!
Do your homework before making such a ridiculous comment about executing jurors... Originally Posted by bb1961
This was my response to your lack of knowledge about what you speak!!
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  • WTF
  • 01-25-2019, 08:17 AM
Does that work for you!!
Yes, thank you.
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  • WTF
  • 01-25-2019, 08:21 AM
This was my response to your lack of knowledge about what you speak!! Originally Posted by bb1961
My opinion was that as a jurist, you better be damn sure that the defendant is guilty. You better not rely on some crooked DA...but science based verifiable evidence.

Now settle the fuck down before you pop a blood vessel.

That is my view on the death view basically is that you better be able to bey your life, that the defendant is guilty.

Was that to hard to figure out for you?
My opinion was that as a jurist, you better be damn sure that the defendant is guilty. You better not rely on some crooked DA...but science based verifiable evidence.

Now settle the fuck down before you pop a blood vessel.

That is my view on the death view basically is that you better be able to bey your life, that the defendant is guilty.

Was that to hard to figure out for you? Originally Posted by WTF
If you have ever been on a rule on the evidence presented to you...the jury doesn't know if the prosecution is crooked!!
Next time I'm on a jury I'll be sure to ask the prosecution if they are crooked...Gotcha!!
There is a LOT of criteria that has to be meet in order for a death sentence to be imposed!!
Is that hard for you to figure out...
P.S. It is beyond a reasonable doubt...maybe they should give each juror a crystal they can bet their life!!
themystic's Avatar
Again people you disagree have a case of foot in mouth disease and selective memory!!
You will not find one post were I ever wished death ON ANYONE...but you...A SHIT LOAD!! Originally Posted by bb1961
You wished the death penalty on people. So i guess your post isn't accurate.I know that Trump has set a bad example for you but you really should be more honest bb.