Trump Backs Down to Nancy Pelosi

themystic's Avatar
The top 1% PAY MORE than the BOTTOM 90% combined...who pays most of the taxes!!?!?!
You're one class warfare clown!! Originally Posted by bb1961
That's comical bb. Based on your posting history Im guessing I probably pay more tax than you make in income. That may make me a clown ,but to one who much is given much is expected. That's a concept that your failed President hasn't ever grasped. He finds a way to fuck people out of money, I find a way to share my money. With your ilk that probably does seem foolish. Btw get back on Topic. Nancy punked Trump LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
themystic's Avatar
this guy doesn't know his stuff
Little Monster's Avatar
Trump backed down like the loudmouth bitch that he is. This shutdown just made his sorry ass look like the weak chump that he is. No "Wall Money", no nothing. And Nancy walked away smiling. How does it feel to lose yet again. Republicans: Party of loudmouth, weak , ignorant fucks!!

Just got their asses handed to them again.
LexusLover's Avatar
People did vote for Trump because he said he would get a wall and Mexico would pay for it. Originally Posted by themystic
How do you know that? Is that what you did?
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump backed down like the loudmouth bitch that he is. Originally Posted by Little Monster
That is typical of he LameStreamMedia crowd ....

... they call him a "bitch" when he "allows" a shutdown and they call him a "bitch" when he opens it up ....

... in three weeks we'll figure out who the real bitch is.


Smuchler and Pissosi said: stop the shutdown and well talk!

Of course that's what they've been doing all their political careers ... "talking" .... while they are talking he's building his border barrier ...
I for one was hoping it would stay shutdown and see how the mess would have played out for the Super Bowl in Atlanta next week. I was hoping that TSA and ATC would call in sick.
LexusLover's Avatar
I was hoping that TSA and ATC would call in sick. Originally Posted by Stockinglover
They do ... anyway!

Transportation Security Officer (TSO)
Transportation Security Administration
San Antonio, TX
$15.63 an hour
themystic's Avatar
They do ... anyway! Originally Posted by LexusLover
How do you know that? Is that what you did?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-26-2019, 07:14 AM
Something needs to be done about illegals killing United States citizens. Most folks don't care unless its one of their family members and then its bloody hell. Maybe a wall is not the best idea. But something needs to be done. Or explain to one hundred and twenty four families that every thing is fabulous.
themystic's Avatar
Something needs to be done about illegals killing United States citizens. Most folks don't care unless its one of their family members and then its bloody hell. Maybe a wall is not the best idea. But something needs to be done. Or explain to one hundred and twenty four families that every thing is fabulous. Originally Posted by R.M.
Wow that's .00001127 percent of illegals who kill someone. Or if you prefer .00000141 percent per year. With the the limited wall funding Trump asked for that translates to $ 45,967,741.90 per killing. Facts are pesky things.

Do blacks killed by the po-po matter. Do we tell them everything is fabulous A black is far more likely to be killed by the po-po than a person being killed by an illegal immigrant.
Fun year that we finally have a Nancy (nick name for Nancy lol) that will stand up to the lier in chief. The GOP (party of old white men) hate having a woman in charge
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-26-2019, 08:30 AM
Wow that's .00001127 percent of illegals who kill someone. Or if you prefer .00000141 percent per year. With the the limited wall funding Trump asked for that translates to $ 45,967,741.90 per killing. Facts are pesky things.

Do blacks killed by the po-po matter. Do we tell them everything is fabulous A black is far more likely to be killed by the po-po than a person being killed by an illegal immigrant. Originally Posted by themystic
So you will volunteer to have illegals come and stay in your home?
rexdutchman's Avatar
"Trump showed he is willing to reach across the aisle and work with others! Trump opened the govt. not Pussolinni! She does not care about anything except her childish behavior and agenda"

I'm disappointed in BOTH sides of this issue allowing the political atmosphere control what needs to be addressed ( In case you forgot ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION)
themystic's Avatar
"Trump showed he is willing to reach across the aisle and work with others! Trump opened the govt. not Pussolinni! She does not care about anything except her childish behavior and agenda"

More like Trump crawled across the aisle because Nancy really is a master negotiator. Hes a fraud and when confronted he cowers. Look at Helsinki. Trump has fucked around the very people who attend his rallies. A lot of them are to stupid to know it
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-26-2019, 09:28 AM
This will go down as the biggest waste of time shutdown ever. Trump got nothing. In the end if the only give him five billion it's about a 5th the cost of a wall. If you got a leak covering a 1/5 ain't getting the job done. We ain't shutting down each time he wants to invest more in it. So its all or nothing in the next 3 weeks.