Mask Up - Where to get one?

USAsoldier's Avatar
You should be more concerned about getting fragged. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
1.) Proper grip
2.) Thumb to clip
3.) Twist pull pin
4.) Prepare to throw
5.) FRAG OUT!!
TryWeakly's Avatar
^^^^^ Or....hypothetically speaking again of course.....what if someone gets raped or assaulted at gun point and asked to describe the alleged attacker in detail who was wearing a mask? I know it could never happen of course since even criminals are committed to social distancing in this day and age....but what if? Originally Posted by Russ38

It DOES beg the question, doesn't it ....
TryWeakly's Avatar
1.) Proper grip
2.) Thumb to clip
3.) Twist pull pin
4.) Prepare to throw
5.) FRAG OUT!!
Originally Posted by USAsoldier

frag out

Anannouncement made after you fart. Used as a warning or to claim the fart.
Yesterday I noticed that grocery store workers and some customers were starting to sloppy wearing their masks. They had them pulled over their nose or removed the mask to talk or had it dangling by one ear. I don't really blame them as these masks weren't designed to be worn for more than an hour much less an 8 hour shift. Wait until the 90+ degree weather hits.

I guess MLB and the NBA are cancelled
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^^ I’ve noticed the same thing in grocery stores recently with the masks pulled down exposing their nose....kinda defeats the purpose imo.....
boardman's Avatar
Yesterday I noticed that grocery store workers and some customers were starting to sloppy wearing their masks. They had them pulled over their nose or removed the mask to talk or had it dangling by one ear. I don't really blame them as these masks weren't designed to be worn for more than an hour much less an 8 hour shift. Wait until the 90+ degree weather hits.

I guess MLB and the NBA are cancelled Originally Posted by gnadfly
^^^^^ I’ve noticed the same thing in grocery stores recently with the masks pulled down exposing their nose....kinda defeats the purpose imo..... Originally Posted by Russ38

I've seen the same thing this week.
I just had a negative antibody test. I suspected I had it in February after a trip to the NW. I guess not.
Here's what's strange to me. I don't know anyone who has had the virus and I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has had it. I run across new people almost every day either in person or on the phone and the topic invariably comes up.

Several studies(Stanford and LA County for instance) have shown that many more people have had it than have actually been tested positive. This is based on antibody testing. The Stanford study has been heavily scrutinized by medical experts and statisticians. Even after all the scrutiny and "weighting" far more people are estimated to have had the virus and gotten over it without ever being tested than the confirmed cases through testing. That's in Santa Clara County CA.

Labcorp is doing the test for 10 bucks. You can order it on their website and schedule an appointment. They are doing it very efficiently. The more people who get that test and come back positive the better.
boardman's Avatar
I'm getting to the point that I don't trust Fauci any farther than I can throw him. Just recently he contradicted the scarf queen. She says deaths are being over reported by CDC. There have been a lot of doctors coming out and saying that they are under pressure by hospital admin to list cause of death as Covid because of funding. That supports the over reporting that Birx was talking about and that makes a hell of a lot of sense. Hospitals are actually hurting because people aren't going tot hem out of fear. People are waiting days for instance with chest pains and making things worse for themselves. I've seen where several doctors have said that. Google Dr. Daniel Erickson and watch some of his videos. He's from Bakersfield, CA. Some of the videos were pulled from YouTube because he was contradicting the CDC. The YouTube CEO defended that position but she sounded like an idiot doing it. Some of the medical institutions like AMA I think have disputed him but other individual doctors are backing him up. He makes a hell of a lot more sense than Fauci does but they keep dragging this guy though the wringer because he is giving his opinion based on what he is seeing on the front lines.. Fortunately he isn't backing down.

Now Fauci is saying he thinks it's under reported because "alot of people died at home in New York that didn't get counted as Covid" WTF? This is a guy who constantly wants to only consider the hard, scrutinized data and he's telling the Senate this bullshit. Based on what? How many people died at home? Millions? That's what he is suggesting. That's an opinion based on what isn't even anecdotal evidence that he so despises. That guy needs to go IMO.

*edit to add a link
Cat Daddy.....if California, New Jersey, New York and a few other states hadn't thrown infected people in among the old people....the numbers we see now would be dramatically reduced in my opinion.
The Governors of those states will have to live with the decisions they made. If it was up to me I would stand them up against a wall and shoot them.
Skittlez's Avatar
Masks have been hard to come by,

butt there are entrepreneurs and creative artisans that will attempt to meet the demand...

Virus filtration coefficient may not be high for this design, butt...

It scores an A+ for "promotes social distancing"

Russ38's Avatar
I've seen the same thing this week.
I just had a negative antibody test. I suspected I had it in February after a trip to the NW. I guess not.
Here's what's strange to me. I don't know anyone who has had the virus and I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has had it. I run across new people almost every day either in person or on the phone and the topic invariably comes up. Originally Posted by boardman
My employer was able to procure quite a few of the antibody tests and sent medical reps out to all their facilities to administer them to anyone who wanted one. Strictly voluntary.....I took it last week and tested negative for all antibodies. My understanding is this particular test checks for several types of antibodies that can determine an approximate timeframe when you may have contracted it if tested positive. We had one employee test positive for the type of antibody saying he’d already had it and recovered fully so he wasn’t required to quarantine....maybe it was a false positive but it’s a person we all work in close proximity to and everyone else tested negative and no one has been sick....including the person who tested positive for the antibodies....
Russ38's Avatar
That guy needs to go IMO. Originally Posted by boardman
Couldn’t agree more Catman......
USAsoldier's Avatar
Cat Daddy.....if California, New Jersey, New York and a few other states hadn't thrown infected people in among the old people....the numbers we see now would be dramatically reduced in my opinion.
The Governors of those states will have to live with the decisions they made. If it was up to me I would stand them up against a wall and shoot them. Originally Posted by tbone2u
"...I would stand them up against the wall and shoot them."

Wow TBoneSteak, spoken like a true domestic terrorist.

Can't be true soldier boy....I'm not like you

Labcorp is doing the test for 10 bucks. You can order it on their website and schedule an appointment. They are doing it very efficiently. The more people who get that test and come back positive the better. Originally Posted by boardman
The testing place I went to charged $400 but they guarantee a negative result.
boardman's Avatar
How much for a guaranteed positive result?