Ray Epps update on conspiracy theory

VitaMan's Avatar
To sum it up again:

The rioters are fortunate they live in the USA.

If they had done this in Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, China, etc., etc. ........you get the idea.
  • Tiny
  • 12-08-2023, 11:25 AM
Wackadoo bullshit. Fuck those people. If they were stupid enough to attack the capitol they deserve whatever happens. Personally believe the police failed by even allowing breach at all. They should have opened fire and dispersed the crowd, killing a few of these idiots would at least raise the IQ of the Republican Party Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Fortunately this is the United States of America, not some police state or banana republic.

The Capitol police did an excellent job. They only killed one person, and that was perhaps unavoidable.

Yes, you could argue that they had reason to open fire on the crowd, but why would you want another Kent State? What would be next? Maybe politicians ordering the military and police to kill peaceful protestors?

As it is now, the Republicans want to put the Democrats in jail, and the Democrats want to put the Republicans in jail. Maybe they should just start killing each other? Maybe like the Colombian Civil War, between the Conservative Party and Liberal Party, which went on for 100 years? Well, just remember, members of both parties may have a lot of handguns. But Republicans have far more long guns and semi-automatic weapons, which are better suited for paramilitary activities.

P.S. I was not trying to get under your skin before. But I am now, lol. The preceding paragraph in particular is drivel intended to get under your skin.
VitaMan's Avatar
That would have cured it.

But sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.
Precious_b's Avatar
Ray Epps (Washington Post link below) whispering in Ryan Samsel’s ear to pull down barricades:


Additional Epps video:

http://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=689879088873497 Originally Posted by Michael8219
... Too right, mate.

Revolver News did not just one, but two Features
on Ray Epps. Even implored the lads here to
go there and read the information and view the videos.

And - ... So much for that.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Ohhhh! FB as a source for hard core, factual information. How come I didn't think of that.

But this thread is about an Epps guy and conspiracy.

The WAPO video, I didn't see anyone anyone waving an FBI badge to get in. Didn't see them hold up a federal pay stub saying they are suppose to be on the other side of the fence with the Capital Police. Didn't hear one word that they are working undercover.

Maybe your POV is skewed.
Your eyes are your most failable sense.
So, don't find a parallex view that fits your narrative. Wait for them to release ALL the January 6 videos unredacted.

To sum it up again:

The rioters are fortunate they live in the USA.

If they had done this in Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, China, etc., etc. ........you get the idea. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Amen. We still have a Constitution. Don't believe that, than see where we will go if we follow donny&co. Mediazona will show you.
eyecu2's Avatar
I say release all the video, and don't blur one single thing, because that seems to show preference and prejudice. If you're guilty of something you have to pay the piper, and if you're innocent your action should speak equally the same. I would say however if your face is showing up as being inside the building you likely are guilty of trespass at the minimum. But since I'm not the person pressing charges I'll leave that to other entities. But I think they should show 100% of all the video.
I proved your claims wrong and provided proof of that. Why would I look for proof your new story is true. Why not add the links you read that established your new facts. You'll just change your story again.
BTW. It took less than 5 minutes to find your "direct quote". Instead of misrepresenting the info and not trying to add your bullshit, you could have added the truth. Or not posted at all.
You chose to misrepresent instead.
How funny for you to say you lie because you don't have as much time as I do. That's a great excuse...for lying.
Video had nothing to do with his early release.

I would think if you have limited time you wouldn't be wasting it by ignoring proof you were incorrect in the first place.
I'll tell you what. I'll help you by pointing out your factual mistakes.
And who knows.
You might even learn something.
+1 ICU. There are videos of Epps meeting the night before and encouraging, inciting to riot.

TB. Since your such a sleuth you can find reports of those held for significant time prior to bond or arraignment. And yes, you’re correct that shaman was released at 50% to 60% of a 41 months charge but he was let go for good behavior and the fact the video was released showing him being guided by Capitol police. How long was he in jail prior to arraignment as you seem to have a lot more time than I.

There were folks charged with misdemeanors and jailed for more than the normal 1 night or 24 hours for walking around taking photos inside the Capitol.

But back on topic, something fishy about the Epps case. Originally Posted by Michael8219
You're right. Stop lying off topic about actions taken by others who aren't Epps. The only things fishy are the lack of facts and your false claims about Epps footage showing him inciting people.
We know because when Epps saw his name on the FBI list. Epps told the FBI about his conversation with the guy. When the FBI talked to Samsel, he told them about what said between them. The stories matched each other. The 2 spoke only at the rally. Never after.
Once again you go on about the NYTs with a bunch of claims you can't back up. You babble about percentages of being right.
20% correct "decades ago"
Since it's worse now, you should have no problem posting a couple of examples proving your point.
You use reports from 2011 as proof there is bias now.
And BTW, the deaths of civilians in Garza is 16,000+. Israeli deaths are less than 2000.
It's hardly "overdramatic" to point that out. It's a complicated situation. There is no easy answer.
Since we know you're pressed for time, we'll just ignore all your unprovable and biased bias misinformation. No times for links? No biggie. Your credibility is rapidly fading.

It's been almost 3 years. There is no real new information. This has all been covered before.

Yep we don’t know what was said and is NYT version any different or correct? But I admit the single guy on YouTube might not be any different or correct on what was said between Epps and Samsel.

As far as sources @69, decades ago the NYT may have been 80% truth. Now they are just about as doubtful. Think about NYT coverage of Israel over the years: early years up to 2000s fairly objective, in fact in the 70s the NYT chief was purposefully not Jewish in order to be objective according to the editor in chief. Lately there is a bias to the Palestinian viewpoint and some “overdramatization” of Palestinian deaths as expressed by the Shorenstein center in 2011.

The Shorenstein author concludes that comparing suffering and objectively writing and reporting on both sides of the Israel/Palestinian conflict is beyond mere mortals. I’m only getting slightly off topic in that reporting on Jan 6 is similar and the bias shows. Hopefully we’re not devolved into that same bitterness but sadly we might.

Hearing Louie Gohmert, he acknowledged that many folks that day deserve their sentences. And that does reflect some measure of objectivity. Originally Posted by Michael8219
Michael8219's Avatar
You’re right it’s been covered - carefully look at the video from a year ago. Don’t go apoplectic but about 0:30 into the Tucker Carson video you see Ray Epps on January 5th, the day before the protest, urging folks to GO INTO THE CAPITOL! Original video from the NYT.

Ray’s only going to get a misdemeanor with most likely no jail time on December 20th - “sentencing guidelines” 0 to 6 months? WTF? Wake up.


TB - you didn’t click or purposely ignore the truth from my posting of the DC federal court case of one kid who went inside the Capitol for 36 seconds and was later arrested and held for 21 days before arraignment. Then takes a bad plea deal just to get it over with.

Louis Gohmert, a respected congressman (retired) whom I believe over some random eccie guy, relays the facts of another individual who was held at least 117 days before being arraigned (lack of due process).

And you completely missed the point of comparison to the Middle East conflict.

I acknowledge there are several hundred most likely prosecuted fairly but probably held without bond. Others not so much. But not to be aware of or acknowledge the failures of the Justice Department in a few hundred cases is nuts.

As VitaMan said, thank goodness we live in the USA. There were some folks that were led either through their blind following, a few encouragers like Epps, or a lack of judgement.

For the most part Capitol police did an above average job (there were a few bad ones) but they should have had the guard mobilized or ready to within minutes. But leadership was average: see former US Capitol Police officer Tarik "T.K." Johnson interviews and the one who wrote a book and lied through his teeth.

Saddest thing of all is that it happened and we’re still far away from respectful dialogue or trust among fellow citizens. Don’t know if we’ll ever get back.
Michael8219's Avatar
You’re right it’s been covered - carefully look at the video from a year ago. Don’t go apoplectic but about 0:30 into the Tucker Carson video you see Ray Epps on January 5th, the day before the protest, urging folks to GO INTO THE CAPITOL! Original video from the NYT.

Ray’s only going to get a misdemeanor with most likely no jail time on December 20th - “sentencing guidelines” 0 to 6 months? WTF? Wake up.


Did you click on or just ignore the truth from my posting of the DC federal court case of one kid who went inside the Capitol for 36 seconds and was later arrested and held for 21 days before arraignment. Then takes a bad plea deal just to get it over with.

Louis Gohmert, a respected congressman (retired) whom I believe over some random eccie guy, relays the facts of another individual who was held at least 117 days before being arraigned (lack of due process).

Comparison to the Middle East conflict as reported by the NYT over the years shows the shift in bias. That was the point that I was trying to convey.

I acknowledge there are several hundred most likely prosecuted fairly but probably held without bond for long periods before arraignment using the conspiracy rationale. Others not so much. But not to be aware of or acknowledge the failures of the Justice Department in a few hundred cases is nuts.

As VitaMan said, thank goodness we live in the USA. There were some folks that were led either through their blind following, a few encouragers like Epps, or a lack of judgement.

For the most part Capitol police did an above average job (there were a few bad ones) but they should have had the guard mobilized or ready to within minutes. But leadership was average: see former US Capitol Police officer Tarik "T.K." Johnson interviews (he was one of the good ones) and then the one who wrote a book and lied through his teeth (bad one, named escapes me).

Saddest thing of all is that it happened and we’re still far away from respectful dialogue or trust among fellow citizens. Don’t know if we’ll ever get back.
  • Tiny
  • 12-11-2023, 07:50 PM
You’re right it’s been covered - carefully look at the video from a year ago. Don’t go apoplectic but about 0:30 into the Tucker Carson video you see Ray Epps on January 5th, the day before the protest, urging folks to GO INTO THE CAPITOL! Original video from the NYT.

Ray’s only going to get a misdemeanor with most likely no jail time on December 20th - “sentencing guidelines” 0 to 6 months? WTF? Wake up.

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ylYF6-sZkgM Originally Posted by Michael8219
The third clip is enlightening, where Epps says "As soon as the President stops speaking, we go to the Capitol. The Capitol is this direction." He was just repeating what President Trump said. For some reason Carlson believes that incriminates Epps, while he believes the real instigators like Giuliani, Powell, and Trump are blameless. For goodness sake, Trump said the same thing! Carlson is so damn self righteous when he criticizes the justice department for not treating Epps the same way they handled active members of the Proud Boys who organized the mayhem at the Capitol.

Epps thought the election was rigged and stolen from Trump. But still he had the good judgement to tell people to go "peacefully". And to tell Ryan Samsel, "Dude, relax, the cops are doing their job."

Epps should be suing Carlson instead of Fox News. But I guess you sue whoever has the deepest pockets. Carlson used to be a good guy. It's sad what's happened to him. He's willing to sell his soul to sell advertisements.

I acknowledge there are several hundred most likely prosecuted fairly Originally Posted by Michael8219
I suspect you're wrong about that, if by "fairly" you mean several hundred got reasonable sentences. Certainly the poor, crazy QAnon Shaman didn't deserve what he got.
  • Tiny
  • 12-11-2023, 07:54 PM
Double post
Michael8219's Avatar
Tiny - agree on the shaman, he should have received time served up to 30 days maximum for walking around inside the capitol escorted by CP. Instead he served 27 months out of 41 months sentenced.

I’m up to 3 guess I’ve got to start a spreadsheet.
Tiny - agree on the shaman, he should have received time served up to 30 days maximum for walking around inside the capitol escorted by CP. Instead he served 27 months out of 41 months sentenced.

I’m up to 3 guess I’ve got to start a spreadsheet. Originally Posted by Michael8219
... And he served that because the Prosecution
would NOT provide the video evidence that would have
led to lesser charges - the VERY JUDGE WHO SENTENCED HIM
said the same thing - once the Judge viewed the Shaman
being led-about the Capitol by police.

... Again, not sure how Ray Epps' life has been "destroyed".
He should face charges like everyone else has.

Unless, of course, he's really a government informant.
He'll prolly get a promotion!

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 12-11-2023, 09:58 PM
Tiny - agree on the shaman, he should have received time served up to 30 days maximum for walking around inside the capitol escorted by CP. Instead he served 27 months out of 41 months sentenced.

I’m up to 3 guess I’ve got to start a spreadsheet. Originally Posted by Michael8219
I agree Michael, about 30 days might have made sense. Forty-one months or 27 months -- that's ridiculous.

... Again, not sure how Ray Epps' life has been "destroyed".
He should face charges like everyone else has. Originally Posted by Salty Again
He did Salty, he did. I believe we'll know his sentence on December 20. I believe he deserves about what the Shaman should have gotten -- maybe 30 days in the slammer.
... But then there are videos of Ray there on-site the day before.
And videos of him moving Capitol fencing.

Then there's Ray's own e-mail and internet posts and what-not.

... OR his he innocent as a newborn lamb and just mis-understood??

#### Salty