Sexual addiction & the hobby

It's easy to give up sex.

I've done it a thousand times.

(It was the worst 24 hours of my life!)

Seriously, though, Does anyone ever feel "depressed" after a sexual encounter, and what does that mean?
It's easy to give up sex.

I've done it a thousand times.

(It was the worst 24 hours of my life!)

Seriously, though, Does anyone ever feel "depressed" after a sexual encounter, and what does that mean? Originally Posted by Garland_Bone
Depressed? No...even if I am not physically attracted to a man, I try to build some repore with him, so I still enjoy myself. If he is married, I don't feel as though him or I are doing something wrong, but more so his spouse is by not being open enough to allow him some of life's joys.

Perhaps you are longing for something more long term then an hour by hour lady? Are you a lonely man?
Or is it that you overspend?
Or you are feeling guilty?
Feel as though you have sinned??
Feel dirty?

I really don't know...I don't ever feel depressed afterwards....I always feel 'HIGH' which is why I think it is an addiction for me. But...I don't steal, beg, or borrow for it...then again, I am the one with the pussy!
I can see both sides of this argument: sex is an addiction or sex is not an addiction.

Part of me leans towards TTH's rationale: that it is not.

OTOH, people lately have written about addiction to the internet (surfing), addiction to porn, addiction to some kinds of other things.

For my own part, I'm not addicted to sex. I do occasionally play, but I don't sacrifice other things to do so (it would be the end of my current way of life). However, I am kind of addicted to this board. I think about it at work, I think about it on the way home, I think about it at night, I wake up thinking about it. I can't wait to get on the net and read the new threads and posts.

Pretty sad, huh. But you folks here are my outlet for the thoughts that I have that I can't share in my protected environment. So, in a way, it is freedom, also.
pyramider's Avatar
I cannot be addicted to the hobby. I do not make or have enough money.
Maybe I am in denial. I think I manage my sexual behavior. Without it I would be like the scrooge all year and everyday. I like to use the term Nymphomaniac.

Sexual addiction
refers to the phenomenon in which individuals report being unable to manage their sexual behavior.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Have you ever read Choke? Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
Oh yeah. I know that everyone knows Palahniuk from the book and film, "Fight Club" but "Choke" was just something. The film wasn't half bad, either.

Irony was something. But it's hardly surprising that a guy would find it easy to get laid at the sexual addiction twelve step meetings.

Although I could be arguably considered a sex addict, once in a previous discussion about the same thing, I made the remark that it was an occupational hazard for some of us.

Sex, and most components of it, is our life and livelihood.

TheDogger's Avatar
I look at it this way....

who fucking cares......

I think my work ethos of work hard play hard will have more impact on my life than worrying about my addictions. Everyone has their focus points of pleasure - ours is pleasure of sex for both (or all) parites involved.

Its built into our jeans!! (pun intended)
whereaminow's Avatar
lol whereaminow...not till we meet babe!!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I'm going out with a bang...or two.......three(wishful thinking).
DallasRain's Avatar
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Originally Posted by DallasRain
Darlin' you need to put your picture in there somewhere (the "party", "play", and "f**k" clauses definitely apply to you).


bcg (who still hasn't caught his breath from meeting DR a week ago... )
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---you were pretty awesomely wild yourself sweet thang!!!
I wasn't till I watched that vid at the bottom of Lexy Layn post .
Now don't the Saints play in Big D this year
Oh yeah. I know that everyone knows Palahniuk from the book and film, "Fight Club" but "Choke" was just something. The film wasn't half bad, either. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Yeah, the film was not disappointing in that it was just like the book. The explosive defecation caused from being backed up by an errant anal bead is the best part of that book.

Survivor is my all time favorite closely followed Haunted. Invisible Monsters is like a twisted version of AbFab in drag.
Seriously, though, Does anyone ever feel "depressed" after a sexual encounter, and what does that mean?
Just wondering are you Married? It could be guilt

Sex Addiction is like drug Addiction....
Find the root Of your Guilt and then Work on it...
do you feel the same way if you pick a gurl up at a bar thats not in the hobby.
I love sex but if it did that to me then I would have to stop...
its not worth the guilt...
Good luck with your Problem...
thats a tough One....
serotonin fountain