Outrageous! Federal Prosecutors Recommend 7-9 Years For Roger Stone

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-13-2020, 10:30 AM
Taxi company nonsense you DA.... Originally Posted by Marshall2.0
He got 3 years for lying to Congress trying to cover up Trump Moscow.

You do understand I'm not a Trump koolaid drinker that believes everything you koolaiders re parrot

gfejunkie's Avatar

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rog...ngXibEardVs-qQ Originally Posted by gfejunkie
  • oeb11
  • 02-13-2020, 02:03 PM
How - the prosecution and judge loved her, and her influence on the jury pool and jury.

defense screwed up in not excluding her.

fascist DPST area courts and a pre-determined verdict by the same folks that used SWAT to arrest Stone.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ahem... Originally Posted by gfejunkie

so what's the penalty for lying on a jury form? very little probably. however it doesn't automatically rule out a mistrial as the trial judge claims. seems the .. wait for it .. jury is out on that.

at the least it is grounds to appeal the conviction, it will be heard. now what the ruling on it is .. we'll have to see. the article below does note that certain courts have different views.

what is in favor of Roger Stone is that the judge denied motions to strike jurors during voir dire when concerns were raised about bias. i'm not a lawyer but i recall hearing in the past that each side had a certain number of "automatic" strikes they can use. and it appears there is. it's called a Peremptory challenge but even that is disputed in various courts.



regardless, Stone's legal team can appeal in general and in specific about the jury selection during voir dire so he has at least two potential grounds to challenge the verdict.
  • oeb11
  • 02-13-2020, 02:24 PM
Stories indicate that Stone has sold his house and is bankrupt.

Hard to appeal when one cannot pay the leech lawyers.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Stories indicate that Stone has sold his house and is bankrupt.

Hard to appeal when one cannot pay the leech lawyers. Originally Posted by oeb11

then he should set up a gofundme page .. like the FBI jerkwads did. what did Strzok get? 500,000?


close enough.


and it's still open and taking money.

and there are big bucks Republican donors who might be inclined to help Stone. nothing illegal at all if they want to give Stone some money, despite what the howler monkeys on the left will say.
  • oeb11
  • 02-13-2020, 02:36 PM
Howler monkeys - one of the better descriptors of the Fascist DPST's
Howling now about Trump obstruction regarding the Stone case.

Fine - Howler monkeys - Impeach Trump.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

If comey had been tried and convicted, and given a sentence far outside the guidelinies for no justified reason, and Trump complained - he would be idolized by the howler Monkeys and their LSM press as a bastion of courage in doing the right thing.

Fascist DPST's set up a political prosecution - that is what is behind Stone's sentence.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Stories indicate that Stone has sold his house and is bankrupt.

Hard to appeal when one cannot pay the leech lawyers. Originally Posted by oeb11
Isn’t this the wankers who has a tattoo of Nixon on his pasty white back?

The same degen who promoted Russia interference with your elections?

Maybe yous can help him lawyer up, oebsy!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Isn’t this the wankers who has a tattoo of Nixon on his pasty white back?

The same degen who promoted Russia interference with your elections?

Maybe yous can help him lawyer up, oebsy! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

hows about yous tattoo of "blackie trudeau"?


lustylad's Avatar
Isn’t this the wankers who has a tattoo of Nixon on his pasty white back? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Jealous, aintcha?

HoeHummer's Avatar
Pretty fucking pink, eh?

Isn’t Trump meddling in this things as well?
How - the prosecution and judge loved her, and her influence on the jury pool and jury.

defense screwed up in not excluding her.

fascist DPST area courts and a pre-determined verdict by the same folks that used SWAT to arrest Stone. Originally Posted by oeb11
My guess is Amy Bergman is in on it also. That she knew this woman and what she was about. It also strange that Judge Bergman happened to be selected "by draw" to another Russian collusion case, the Manafort case, by the Mueller crew.

I wouldn't even be surprised if the forewoman and many of the jurors were preselected by the Mueller team to find their way to this voir dire.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Stories indicate that Stone has sold his house and is bankrupt.

Hard to appeal when one cannot pay the leech lawyers. Originally Posted by oeb11
This is America , you get the justice you can afford. He shouldn’t have devoted his life to the fat lying bastard and he wouldn’t be broke and homeless.
  • oeb11
  • 02-13-2020, 03:27 PM
This is America - where the noted economist Bernie owns three houses and has multimillionaire status selling Communism to foolish liberals like j666.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
My guess is Amy Bergman is in on it also. That she knew this woman and what she was about. It also strange that Judge Bergman happened to be selected "by draw" to another Russian collusion case, the Manafort case, by the Mueller crew.

I wouldn't even be surprised if the forewoman and many of the jurors were preselected by the Mueller team to find their way to this voir dire. Originally Posted by gnadfly

are you suggesting a ... conspiracy?