Senator Joni Ernst's "Simple" Upbringing!

gfejunkie's Avatar
Pure windbagish gibberish. Originally Posted by Old-T
All that just to say you like to make shit up?

It doesn't concern you Shit Eater... go eat some more shit Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

BTW, Shit Eater (forbidden person), even though it's my birthday I'm still younger than you so go fuck yourself!
it's my birthday Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Happy Birthday!
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  • Old-T
  • 01-24-2015, 07:37 AM
All that just to say you like to make shit up?


BTW, Shit Eater (forbidden person), even though it's my birthday I'm still younger than you so go fuck yourself! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Well, since you seem to be happy in your personal happy place why don't you skip my posts. Your logic filter seems to be "if I don't want to hear something it must be fictional". Are you her brother? You are definitely closedminded on this one.

As to your birthday, I would like to congratulate you, but first can you provide a link? I'm sorry but it seems some on here insist on a link for everything.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Happy birthday, you old queen. You know I know what a dried up old shell of a man you are. And you know that I know you are old enough to have died years ago. We've shared libations and pussy socials before... Several times.

So cut the bullshit, Medicare leech.

And, like I said, happy birthday.

that said, FUCK OFF.
gfejunkie's Avatar
As to your birthday, I would like to congratulate you, but first can you provide a link? I'm sorry but it seems some on here insist on a link for everything. Originally Posted by Old-T
Your wish is my command, prevaricator emeritus...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-24-2015, 08:52 AM
Jody should have just substituted a black man for the pig in her famous Iowa commercial....that would be a more accurate representation of the GOP response!

"I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm, so when I come to Washington, I'll know how to cut pork," Ernst says in the video, released on Tuesday. "Washington's full of big spenders, let's make 'em squeal."
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-24-2015, 08:57 AM
Your wish is my command, prevaricator emeritus... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Really now? After your comments about my honesty, why should I believe anything just because you post it on your profile? Are profiles somehow more honest than posts?

I have no reason to doubt you, so happy birthday. But your claim still has no stronger validation of what you say than my post did.
$460,000 in 14 years divided among many members of her family but not her you asshole. Should I take exception to you because you come from a family of horse thieves and hookers? Maybe you should do the math before you cut and paste like a loser. About $32,000 a year divided between at least two different households or $16,000 AT THE MOST. Ever hear of something that was called the land bank? Farms were paid to not grow crops. This goes back to FDR. My family were farmers but we didn't get to play with the big boys. Guess we didn't own enough land to count. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I find it quite humorous that JDIdiot fails to see the irony of Republican elected officials who regularly campaign against government assistance programs by claiming such programs are shameful and morally debilitating. But that is only when it benefits others. When the 'gubment' programs benefits their personal family, they are all in. The more 'gubment' programs the merrrier!

Joni's campaign rhetoric about wearing plastic bread bags on her feet as a child to safeguard her pair of shoes, is little more than red meat to her faithful, knuckle dragging followers.

And JDIdiot happens to be one of the knuckle draggers leading the charge.

Drag on, Idiot!
Really now? After your comments about my honesty, why should I believe anything just because you post it on your profile? Are profiles somehow more honest than posts?

I have no reason to doubt you, so happy birthday. But your claim still has no stronger validation of what you say than my post did. Originally Posted by Old-T
You should go over the last week or two of your posts and count the times you state "I didn't say that" or "let me restate" or "your misrepresenting".

Other than that...

The Democratic War On Women Continues!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-24-2015, 11:46 AM
Yes, frequently have to reiterate in different/simpler terms because some folks here seem "reading challenged", either intentionally or otherwise. My error is over estimating the intellectual level of some posters. By the way, I do not put you in that category. I disagree with much of what you say but you are far from stupid.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You should go over the last week or two of your posts and count the times you state "I didn't say that" or "let me restate" or "your misrepresenting".

Other than that...

The Democratic War On Women Continues! Originally Posted by gnadfly
LMAO! The entire "Democratic War on Women" schtick is the most laughable thing since the "Democrats are the Real Racists" schtick.

Those evil bastards are all laughing at you and the other dipshits who eagerly swallow their bullshit spin.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You should go over the last week or two of your posts and count the times you state "I didn't say that" or "let me restate" or "your misrepresenting".

Other than that...

The Democratic War On Women Continues! Originally Posted by gnadfly
LMAO! The entire "Democratic War on Women" schtick is the most laughable thing since the "Democrats are the Real Racists" schtick.

Those evil bastards are all laughing at the likes of you and the other dipshits who swallow their bullshit spin.
LMAO! The entire "Democratic War on Women" schtick is the most laughable thing since the "Democrats are the Real Racists" schtick.

Those evil bastards are all laughing at the likes of you and the other dipshits who swallow their bullshit spin. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Twice the fun!
Chaco20's Avatar
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  • Old-T
  • 01-24-2015, 12:28 PM
Now THERE is a non-sequitur post.

Are you implying Ukrainians are Muslims? Or Russians? Hijacking your own thread is not typically considered good form.