Cleaning up my contact list

a well organized provider.... next thing you know she will have a SQL database with her clients in it....

or worse.. she uses Microsoft's One note app on her phone, tablet and pc with the data files stored in Microsoft's SKyDrive (cloud storage) so all can reach it there...

I would applaud any lady who did all that Originally Posted by Spirit13
I'm not sure what all you are talking about is or whether you're being smart. What I can tell you is that if no one organized their data, clients would spend more time re-screening and re-re-screaning than having a good time.
LexusLover's Avatar
What I can tell you is that if no one organized their data, clients would spend more time ..... Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
... not to mention the provider.

I have created my own data base of ALL clients over the years and use a numbering system with which I can code all information related to that client with specific coding for each contact with that client ... that data bank DOES NOT get uploaded and/or "saved" in any commercially acquired system, most particularly any "on line" back up service ... such as AT&T recently is marketing ... and it is NOT stored on any of the computers related to my business or personal life.

We have different motivations, but the goal is the same. Privacy.
Whew! I'm glad to have made the VIP list!
Whew! I'm glad to have made the VIP list! Originally Posted by samiam68
Update: one of my ATFs read this thread and has gifted me his previous cellphone, a droid incredible. Just gotta get it flashed before I can use it with my carrier. Been wanting an upgrade for a while but just couldn't justify the expense. Regardless, a contact list cleanup was long overdue, and I got some valuable information here on this thread. Thanks everyone!
dearhunter's Avatar
See, threADs aren't necessarily bad form