Your people are losing GUY Fawkes......
Did you even know that your "cause" hacked paypal due to the Assange account?
GF: REPLY. Yes enjoyed PAYPAL VISA and Sony getting a taste. Mission was accomplished account was unfrozen. BTW Texas police got theirs also for the racist emails and profiling of Africans, Mexicans and Arabs.
Do you know what they are doing in Mexico city?
GF: REPLYYes an ANON member has been released after blogging about the cartel. Their info about the payoffs to politicians and LE being released was more important. BTW the be headings are because bloggers released their personal info along with their blogs
You are just talking out of your ass and hoping your crap can pass as facts...
NO most people in the military DID NOT join for college funds........
GF: REPLY Like to see your statics and where you have pulled your facts. BTW I said minorities. Sorry I speak from being in 8 years and you
You don't have a patriotic bone in your body do you......?
GF: REPLY Nope I was in to pay for my college. i will only fight to protect my family
I'm not a citizen. I travel to the USA on a VISA and I love it......when I don't, I leave it.....
GF: REPLY Yippy Kay Yah
.So why the hell are you still here. You are'nt going to change anything.....
GF: REPLY BTW part of the movement that lead 650,000 peopleto leave banks
On my tele on CNN and FOX and bbc Oakland police are taking your people own......and guess what some of the occupying people now have Tuberculosis.........How blind can you be?
GF: REPLY All movements are not perfect but the people are making changes
Don't try and change it, just pack your shit and move.........Go to some country you do like and stop with the crap your posting...You do not speak for the majority.
GF: REPLYAnd neither do you. And speak as a person not hear on a Visa, but one who has lived here most of my life. To see and hear from my grand parents on the drinking from separate water fountains. My mum marching with Malcolm in Harlem. Sorry I can speak for my life experiences and my family. No land is perfect , This is far from it.
Enjoy life