Which QB should the Texans Draft with the 1st Pick

Ur_1_only's Avatar
Ok I'm sure you guys are way more savy than myself. I will express my opinion though. Two options really, draft Bridgewater or trade down for more picks. IMHO there is no way I would draft JFF #1, yes he's talented but he's going to get hurt!
Bridgewater seems to be talent wise and smart wise the logical choice! Realize there are other opinions but again really only two options. IJS
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Let's get this out of the way so there is no misconceptions and you can stop saying trade down. There is ZERO CHANCE of them trading down. There is no one so desirable to trade you and grab for anyone. If "he" was there, no need to trade down because the Texans would want/need him. If they did trade down this year, you would get Shit for value in return. So set it in stone. Texans will keep, and make, the #1 overall.

If they fall into the same mindset as year one in saying "We NEED our franchise QB" then It's either Bridgewater or Bortles. JFF will not be considered, so by proxy you can take him off the list too. Bortles has the higher upside by a fair marine, but is PROJECT what you want out of a #1 overall pick when you are a year removed from Back to Back Division titles and an aging, highly talented team? Probably not. Bridgewater is solid, but not sexy. He'll most likely be "just a guy" for the next 6-10yrs. Which may be enuf of a QB band aid to do something in the short term but it will cost you, and you'll have to make great choices after that (which... who has faith they'll do that?) I say none of the above. you can get a much lower risk for nearly equal reward in later rounds.

Sean Jones can say whatever he wants, but Clowney has serious chops... the art of "getting after the QB" is a rare thing to naturally have in you. He has it. argue he takes okays off, or hell, this year, and I'll buy that. Julius Peppers, and Terrell Suggs were said to be the same way. Mario Williams too. Interviews and maybe JJ and Antonio may bring able to help break him.

Otherwise if you want the safest, "blah" kinda pick.... go OT and lock up you book ends for the next 6-8yrs and be done with it. Matthews, Robinson, or Kouandijo depending on the type of offense/run scheme O'Brien wants. Safe. Low risk. Overall pussy pick, but solid on the long run and short term.

So I say if Clowney blows your hair back in the interview and you think you can make him fall in line take him. otherwise go OT and shore up your core. Get your "just a guy" QB in the 2nd-3rd round (its all damn near a crap shoot anyway) and start collecting depth where you need it (everywhere) and Hope you can keep from getting hurt just enuf to where you don't get overly exposed.
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Good thoughts Justanotherdude...
I could live with OT as #1 and draft QB later...

Just not sure the fan base would be happy...
You know???
jstone420's Avatar
Yeah the texans need help on the line too
I like JAD's thinking.

But, consider this..........They don't necessarily have to trade down. they can trade the pick for as many as 3/4 future pics........besides, in the later round picks they could pick up some gems. This draft don't have an Andrew Luck in it..........Bridgewater is highly touted in college and played in a pro style offense. But, IMHO isn't ready for the pressure of leading a team, that has just come off one of the most disappointing seasons in their history to the playoffs. The pressure would be too much.

Hell, they had people actually making death threats on Schaub. Can you imagine a rookie coming in here at QB dealing with that kind of pressure and the "Franchise" tag on him. He would be a target for day one.

I think they should shore up that O-line and pick up some special team gems and defensive gems. Get someone at QB that could be a project., but not someone they have to mortgage the team to pick up. I am thinking they could get someone in the later round that they can develop...........Other than A. Luck........every QB that plays right now was not a #1 pick nor a high draft pick. That means, they develped into the player they are today.

At Michigan.......Bledsoe was the star and starting QB and Brady was on the Bench...........No one knew Brady would turn out the be the star he has become and the Patriots got him for cheap. They paid him after he proved himself.

We don't need to use that draft pick on an unproven quarterback and pay him star potential money.........That's all I am saying.

THIS IS THE NFL...................It ain't college
jstone420's Avatar
The death threats won't happen the people want a change at qb I disagree saying Bridgewater wouldn't handle the pressure . He is more nfl ready .what decent Qbs will be in 2nd an 3rd rounds worth drafting
Solemate62's Avatar
OK, I'll bite: Who the Fuck is JFF??
TheDon's Avatar
OK, I'll bite: Who the Fuck is JFF?? Originally Posted by Solemate62
Solemate62's Avatar
Thanks, Don, and 'good morning'
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Johnny Fucking Football
I love football statistics, here's a great article about the current top QB's coming out. I hope Bortles and his hot ass girlfriend come to Houston.


BigLouie's Avatar
It's going to be Bortles with the first pick. Everyone should start getting use to the idea. No way they trade down. If you don't think there is anyone worthy of a #1 pick what makes you think another team will want to trade up to get someone not worthy? And just because they did questionable stuff under previous GMs is no reason to assume they will do it again. No way it is an OT. BOB is not about to go into his first year with some retread or lower round QB with issues, it's going to be a QB. Bortles fits the profile of the type of QB that BOB likes so what's so hard to understand.
jstone420's Avatar
How do you know what qbs this coach like no one knows dont even know what kind of offense he's going to run .its a big risk taking bortles. He didn't have that kind of Qb at pen st
I voted for Mario Williams.

You guys who would pick Manziel are hysterical. He's not even close to NFL ready. Name the last running/option QB that has been worthy of a 1st round pick. At best he's a project. More likely he's a slot receiver with some wildcat possibilities.

He's Tebow without all the Jesus stuff. What a joke. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Exactly. However if he stayed at A&M another year he wouldn't improve his draft stock and would've cost Sumlin NCAA sanctions. He had to come out.

Pick JFF and go get Vick......you might get 2 years out of Vick with JJF finishing half the season for him..........or take Bortle and be done with it.

JFF does not have Tebow's accuracy problems. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Are you being sarcastic or were you high when you wrote this? Vick was washed up 6 years ago. ESPN and a couple of fired coaches are just figuring this out.

... I don't think it's really worth worrying over for 4 months. Texans GM Rick Smith will do what he wants to do so I'll just let him and McNair worry about it. How's that for an honest answer Daddio? lol Originally Posted by Satin
Sadly, this is the correct answer. Do they still run that "And its another Houston Texans" Crowd: "First Down!" bullshit during the game?
dearhunter's Avatar
I thought the sarcasm was self evident........I need to work on that.