Pandemic sucks Who is gonna take care of us sex workers now

I actually booked a trip to Dallas for next week, just to play. I know that's reckless and irresponsible on my part, but hey. Im gonna spend my money before it evaporates. Originally Posted by fred_flinstone
Some providers do have spouses some don't

Some providers are in good situations some aren't

Everyone just have compassion for each other

I know for me personally the only reason I started providing is because I was in a terrible situation living and relationship-wise..

The only thing that is getting me through this time is the hobbyists I've met that I've actually become friends with that are checking on me

It is true we do make a lot of money per hour but it boils down to how many hours do you actually workbecause if there's not enough hours as said previously then you're basically in the same boat as everybody else which is a fast sinking one
And what really makes me sad is remember there are some providers that are really not in this in their own free will and probably don't have contact with their families I can just imagine how they are feeling right now
That arithmetic is correct of course. But the assumptions are just that--assumptions. I do not know Alyssa's business, and those numbers may be accurate for her, and some others, but it is not accurate for many ladies--most, I would guess but I don't have vast data.

Most ladies do not work that volume consistently, and for many the expenses are significantly more than men want to understand.

I think we would all agree that in an ideal world every lady--every person--would have financial reserves. But that is not reality for many reasons.

I think almost all would also agree that people here have no obligation to help others in need.

But if some here do choose to help people in a bad situation, I find nothing wrong with that either. Originally Posted by Old-T

Basically what you just said
no one's obligated but if you can help each other

And getting back to the numbers everyone is not going to have that amount in savings if they're not high volume unless they've been doing it a long time
DallasRain's Avatar
Hey Fred come see me .. I'm home lol

All good points!

Like the cage the elephant song says
Money don't grow on trees,I got bills to pay,mouths to feed

Goes for everybody!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Dallas has a very loyal following as she Always goes out of her way to put a smile on someone's face.Whether its a long time client that she remembers his favorite candy and has it for him, to Us other providers that she just out of the blue sends a cute text to make you smile....So if anyone wants to put a smile on her face please do....Its called paying it forward and being kind
Some providers do have spouses some don't

Some providers are in good situations some aren't

Everyone just have compassion for each other

I know for me personally the only reason I started providing is because I was in a terrible situation living and relationship-wise..

The only thing that is getting me through this time is the hobbyists I've met that I've actually become friends with that are checking on me

It is true we do make a lot of money per hour but it boils down to how many hours do you actually workbecause if there's not enough hours as said previously then you're basically in the same boat as everybody else which is a fast sinking one Originally Posted by Sienna91
See, this is where I'm coming from.

A relationship is a choice. There's the square-type, unattractive guys in abundance who's willing to be prince charming but in general don't get chose (may or may not be your case). Most men are very familiar with this occurrence and have natural reservations about said situations (no sympathy).

A messed up living situation. With respect to not knowing your situation, I apologize if I over step - but again, frugality is an option for most. Living with parents is an option. Squatting with a trusted roommate while you grind at whatever low level job as you go to school or whatever to get by is an option.

You chose a profession that comes with a lot of pre-conceived notions and complications that are both advantageous and disadvantageous. You chose the profession where men pay you for your time being a "companion". Because your "companion" skills are so great you have clients that check up on you in rough times - kudos to the work you put in. I can't deny you of that.

That however does not mean or warrant general attention being called to think about a sex workers in this time of difficulty. It's just disturbing AF to me. Someone's parents might die and leave a young adult in charge of younger siblings who need special medical attention and they could be in need of $1200 to hold off car loan payments for a couple of months while he/she continues to grind in grad school and hold the family afloat. To be in a situation where someone with proximity to assist in that matter couldn't because right off the bat they gave it away, I don't know. None of my business it's their money.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I actually booked a trip to Dallas for next week, just to play. I know that's reckless and irresponsible on my part, but hey. Im gonna spend my money before it evaporates. Originally Posted by fred_flinstone


Your money evaporates because you spend it.

Think about it.
DallasRain's Avatar
Aww thanks sexy miss Athena...luv ya baby girl!
DallasRain's Avatar
Yeah I am the sweetest provider on here..always being helpful and welcoming to everyone..

This suckssssss

Guess it's Feast or famine times
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
If you have a car apply at a couple pizza delivery places, it’s essential services and may keep you from going hungry. I’m not being a smartass, but with stores being panic bought out, it’ll be one of the last things to go.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-24-2020, 08:10 AM
Yeah I am the sweetest provider on here..always being helpful and welcoming to matter if I know you or not....I've given gifts to my special guys..given references to whoever needed them...given discounts...created special environments for special occasions...went out f my way to get doubles for my guys
Now I'm gonna be hurting and the people I've helped don't care to return the favor...So now I guess i am gonna just be like everyone else on eat dog....survival of the fittest...

Its just frustrating! Originally Posted by DallasRain
You know better than to depend on these tricks, I got some TP for you baby....
DallasRain's Avatar
I'm 56 ain't nobody gonna hire me lol

Thanks BLM baby

I'm sorry...I'm just venting
This stuff just sucks right now..I hate uncertainties

I had a great tour scheduled and now I'm stuck at home wondering how long this will last

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-24-2020, 04:32 PM
About taking care of providers, I don't recall any free pussy offers in the past, you didn't scratch my back then, I'm not scratching back now's not too late to start scratching my back now ladies.
DallasRain's Avatar
i am feeling a tad better..I've had couple repeat friends come visit

i am just so ready to get back To normal

Lol Blm baby I think I luv ya!

much luv to all