What would you do?

pyramider's Avatar
Holy Hell . . . replacing IDs and credit cards is a bitch even under the best of circumstances . . .
Funny how I mentioned in my last story that I lost my wallet do to a loose/baggy pair of shorts. Fortunately, I got that one back. I couple of years ago, I was preparing to leave the next day for a few days in Panama City. I ran to Walmart to pick up a few things, and realized I was wearing gym shorts with no pockets. I got tired of holding my wallet in my hand, so I kept it in the bread area of the grocery cart, careful not to take my eye off of it while I picked up a few things.
Left Walmart and drove about twenty minutes to my favorite Asian Buffet, only to discover I had left my wallet in the grocery cart. Naturally, the cart was still where I placed it, but no wallet, and no one turned it in. Instead of taking a trip to Panama City, I spent most of the rest of that week trying to replace a driver's license, SS card, credit and debit cards, and all sorts of keyless entry pads for work.