You will not find a young, hot latina who wants to hang out with you and enjoy you for fun at your age. Sorry. But it won't happen.
They have nothing to add because there are none.
You got played. They got played. All yall got played. The chicks you're describing don't hang out with older white dudes because they want to. They do it because they see money. And when the money ain't there then neither are they.
How can you not understand how this works?
Originally Posted by THN
That pretty much nails it.
No matter how cool your were in your twenties, if you are over fifty, nobody gives a shit about you unless they are paid to do so. You made it this far in life dealing with reality, so deal with that.
Ugly girls will hang out with you for free because everyone wants a human connection. Pretty, young latinas get all the human connections they could ever want. In the immortal words of Marty Robbins:
Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a Mexican girl
Night-time would find me in Rosa's cantina
Music would play and Felina would whirl
Blacker than night were the eyes of Felina
Wicked and evil while casting a spell
My love was deep for this Mexican maiden
I was in love but in vain, I could tell...
Back to my words. The only way I have ever been able to light up the eyes of a young girl since I hit 50 was to pay the fuck up. I don't blame them, I wouldn't want to hang out with some older member of the opposite sex for free, either - unless she was cooking for me, cleaning my house, massaging me, or sucking my dick.
(Maybe if she was telling me how smart I am, and agreeing with all of my political opinions.)