OMG i was not arrested

... Best of luck. I' an atheist, but I'll make an exception and send out a prayer for you. Originally Posted by Diomidis
I can assure you, there are no atheists after seeing Max. Trust me, they all end up saying. "God. Oh God. God, you are so good ..." I'll make a hymn out of that any day.

Dear Hunter, the big catch was he ask them all to repent, which in all likely hood ment for the whores to stop whoreing, the thieves to stop stealing, and for the bums to get a job. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wow - threw a few stones there. Yes, at the end of the well known "Let him who has no sin throw the first stone", Jesus tells her to "leave her life of sin", but the whole point was also not to judge someone unless you were perfect. And what you wrote sure came across harsh.

Is this an ECCIE first, linking to a Bible passage in defense of a provider?
DarthMaul's Avatar
I will say a prayer for you young one. Christ always stopped to pray for those who believed...So if you believe.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Christ hung out with whores, thieves and bums.........lucky for us, he didn't hold it against them.

Any solice that Max can receive is worth while....why judge the source in her time of need......I'm just saying. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Dear Hunter, the big catch was he ask them all to repent, which in all likely hood ment for the whores to stop whoreing, the thieves to stop stealing, and for the bums to get a job. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If Christ signs up for icky, Max can go straight to him and cut out the middle man.......until then, how about I give her a little support in her time of need. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I can assure you, there are no atheists after seeing Max. Trust me, they all end up saying. "God. Oh God. God, you are so good ..." I'll make a hymn out of that any day.

Wow - threw a few stones there. Yes, at the end of the well known "Let him who has no sin throw the first stone", Jesus tells her to "leave her life of sin", but the whole point was also not to judge someone unless you were perfect. And what you wrote sure came across harsh.

Is this an ECCIE first, linking to a Bible passage in defense of a provider? Originally Posted by MountainHiker
Maybe the first...but not necessarily the last....

Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Dierhunter left out tax collectors...unless that's who he meant by "bums"...

Max sounds a little lost right now. If she takes solace...and perhaps a little direction out of all this...seems ok in the overall scheme of things...

Keep your head up, girl! You will find your path in the fullness of time. If your path crosses mine...well....lucky me!!
loverman's Avatar
Max i know me and you might not hit it off or see eye to eye and thats ok ,I wish you the best at what ever decision you make thanks
I hope things get better for you, if they haven't already.
She can post what she likes I'm just letting her know it makes me feel uncomfortable reading on this board[/quote]

Then stop reading it.
Mr Willy's Avatar
Just keep an open mind and open heart and you will find the right answer for your problems. I will say a prayer for you as well. Whatever decision you make will be the right one for you. Good luck.