Yep, you know it's Christmas when....

ramblinman69's Avatar
People who go on a website to discuss a girl's dick sucking abilities and whether or not they're worth $200/hr - bitching because there just ain't enough God in the world around the holidays.

How beautiful is that? Originally Posted by Doove

Sorry to bump, but since you don't have PA, how in the fuck would you know what our reviews say? I suggest you buy a membership, because I'm pretty sure your Yankee ass can't afford to hobby about once every 6 months. You've got some healthcare to pay for champ.
Well done, Gonad. You have reconfirmed my faith that there are some immutable things in the universe--and some exceedingly predictable people. No one on this board is more consistently focused on anger and hate than you are. No one I know has said evil things don't happen. But most folks aren't so bitter that they ridicule tolerance as you do.

In your little, angry, ugly corner of the world I am sure you believe we should nuke the rest of the world before they do it to us. Then I'm sure you would advocate we start on ethnic cleansing at home without any outside interference--and when you are installed as dictator I'm sure that would start with Hispanics and move out from there. Retry the Civil War and nuke those vile northerners. I'm just wondering: after we do all that, what stereotype would you use for your avatar? Since even you seem to acknowledge the trail of tears was a less-than-honorable part of our history I'm sure you would eventually get around to gassing all Whites as well since there can be no redeeming social qualities to any white man. In the end we'd finally have your view of the perfect world: Gonad and a lot of crickets.

PS: Why don't you try out the Indian story on your local Thumpers first. Too many of them can't comprehending helping others without the need to aggressively convert them as well. It got so bad that one rez informed a certain Thumper congregation that the rez didn't need their help because it came with too many aggressive conversion strings. Originally Posted by Old-T
Limousine liberal...Gnad called you... awesomeness!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How about this little tidbit. School BANS the use or mention of the colors red and green. You can't refer to Christmas, christmas trees are banned, and of course you can't wish anyone a Merry Christmas.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-06-2013, 04:21 AM
Sorry to bump, but since you don't have PA, how in the fuck would you know what our reviews say? I suggest you buy a membership, because I'm pretty sure your Yankee ass can't afford to hobby about once every 6 months. You've got some healthcare to pay for champ. Originally Posted by ramblinman69
Your 7 reviews to my 5 said what?

How about this little tidbit. School BANS the use or mention of the colors red and green. You can't refer to Christmas, christmas trees are banned, and of course you can't wish anyone a Merry Christmas.

War??? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Ah yes the incremental destruction of society..
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-06-2013, 09:43 AM
Trick of the left #3: Tell the other person "what they said." Then accuse them of being bitter or angry instead of addressing the issue.

Sorry, you are engaging in "pre-911" thinking again. Some people do want to destroy us. Not all. Not most. And its idiots like you who want to turn over the Captain's chair to them again. For the sake of some perceived benefits of "diversity" or "tolerance."

Apologies if my realism upsets you.

Do you work with Muslims? Do you know any white people who converted to Islam and sorry they did? I do. You should really listen to them to find out what the Muslims think of non-Muslims. Me a Bible thumper? That's rich. That's tolerant.

No, its your fake "political correctness" that's going to lead to ethnic cleansing. That's how it always works. Tolerance is a two way street and limousine liberals such as yourself wonder why people are passing you going the other direction.

I believe in the first Amendment but some Muslims don't and would have you and me put on a "rez" or worse in a heartbeat. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Oh, I get your point. Very well. For the last 4+ decades I have been working for or with DoD, DNI, and DoS on national defense issues.

Yes, there are some muslims who are out to destroy us, and much of my job is to offensively deter that and defend against that. And there are obviously some non-muslim venezuelans who feel the same way. And some non-muslim north koreans. And some home grown nuts who believe murdering doctors and blowing up clinics is god’s work. Numerous others as well. Without knowing what you do I can feel exceedingly safe in saying I have probably been far, far more involved in that area of national defense than you have been since 1970, mostly on the military related end. I've been part of the kill chain a lot more often than you, I'm sure.

The point you constantly seem to miss—and you did again on this thread—is that in each case it is “some”, and far from “all”. Your “realism” is a slice of realism, far from the whole. Specifically let’s look at your argument in post #17: “Trick of the left #3: Tell the other person "what they said." Then accuse them of being bitter or angry instead of addressing the issue.” That is exactly what you did on this thread.

My first post on this thread I was primarily disagreeing with the OP. My whole point there, and again on post #7, was that understanding different points of view is good, and the right to display cultural beliefs should be more protected than hidden. Yes, there are some truly evil people and ideologies out there but there have been many more wars fought over unwillingness to accept people who are different than have been fought to stop true evil. It is only by exposure to light and actually trying to understand the other point of view that the difference can be told. Only hear the view that blacks are inherently inferior and it becomes easy to accept slavery as a god endorsed goodness. Only hear that Indians are savages and the trail of tears and Navajo exiles become easy to accept as good.

Even in your vision of the world through charcoal gray lenses, by exposure to light they will be seen to be wrong or not applicable or warped or evil. In either case, shining light on them is good. In those cases where your extreme end of the spectrum is true, if I want to destroy an enemy the first thing I need is to understand him. Why are spies the second oldest profession? If I want to mobilize the country for war, I need the general populous to understand that the enemy really IS evil—compare the US reaction to WW-II vs Viet Nam. No matter how you look at it the only people who should be scared by greater understanding of all religions are those who believe their religion (or their politics, or their economic theory) can’t withstand scrutiny.

THAT was also the context of my post in #7:
Originally Posted by Old-T
You reinforce my point. In most of America each ideology--the religious and the non-religious--are far more interested in attacks and "winning" than in coexistence and understanding. I never said there weren't atheist Thumpers too--there are.

Anyone remember "Love Thy Neighbor?"

I didn't say "Islam", I said "ideology". I was actually thinking mostly of two specific cases I was aware of. A Hindu temple in Ohio when I lived there that was threatened by members of a local Christian church for wanting to put up a Hindu display exactly where a Christmas display had been a few months earlier. And a native american similar experience when they wanted to provide an opposing view to the dedication of a Juan de Oņate statue/memorial. Read up on that "fine upstanding human" being some day (sarcasm dripping on every word). To the pueblos of the southwest that is the equivalent of a statue to Joseph Goebels. I am not hindu, but in both cases I definitely supported the right for the hindus and the pueblos to give their side of the stories.

YOU are the one who then jumped in with a string of atrocities and missed the whole point of the thread and my posts rather than a discussion of expression of religious beliefs.

I prefer to accept that beliefs different than my own are just that, different, until proven evil. I certainly acknowledge both exist.

You seem to prefer to accept they are evil until proven otherwise. You say "Some people do want to destroy us. Not all. Not most." but it seems every post you make is focused on only the one end of the spectrum.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-06-2013, 10:08 AM
So many things to comment on, so little time....

Sorry to bump, but since you don't have PA, how in the fuck would you know what our reviews say? I suggest you buy a membership, because I'm pretty sure your Yankee ass can't afford to hobby about once every 6 months. You've got some healthcare to pay for champ. Originally Posted by ramblinman69
That is a truly dumb comment. Let's see--someone had full access at one time, they read what kinds of things are in reviews, and then when the access ends that knowledge is erased from their brain? What world do you live in?

And let's not even go to the issue of how someone without access can still find out what is in reviews--that's a whole different topic.

Limousine liberal...Gnad called you... awesomeness! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
More of your typical pointless comments. I am not a liberal, I'm just not out on the far Wacko fringe as you and many here are. To you, 97.34% of the US are "liberals". As to who is passing by in what direction, look at the demographics. Issues come and go, demographics always win out in the end. You don't like it, but the people are sure not headed in your direction. I'm not saying that is good or bad, it's just the demographics.

And for your info, I haven't been in a limo since my father's funeral.

How about this little tidbit. School BANS the use or mention of the colors red and green. You can't refer to Christmas, christmas trees are banned, and of course you can't wish anyone a Merry Christmas.

War??? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, that is extreme stupidity on the part of the school board (or whoever made such an absurd decision). Whoever it was should be removed from office and publicly ridiculed by having their single digit IQ worn as the equivalent of the scarlet letter.

Seems just as with much of politics, the Wackos of both ends are flooding to fill school board positions--just as COG thinks they should. We either have nuts who want to erase all of our culture and teach kids that we are a homogeneous blank society, OR we have nuts who want to brainwash everyone with creationism and THEIR version of the bible (of course we'll change the name to "Intelligent Design" and call it "Comparative Religions" but make it clear that anything other than Christianity is flawed and inferior). I guess that's just a different form of homogeneity, isn't it?

I would love to see a school board that tried to teach an objective, balanced, real version of US history and the melting pot we really are instead of one fantasy world or another. Make kids aware of WHY this is the best government form ever devised, acknowledge what has happened to evolve--much good but some bad--and talk about the PROCESS of how to get better without shoving a specific solution into their heads. Teach them how to question, synthesize, research, and form their own opinions. I'd love to see it, but don't expect I'll live that long.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Seems just as with much of politics, the Wackos of both ends are flooding to fill school board positions--just as COG thinks they should. Originally Posted by Old-T
Where in the hell did you get that idea?!?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JCM800's Avatar
People who go on a website to discuss a girl's dick sucking abilities and whether or not they're worth $200/hr - bitching because there just ain't enough God in the world around the holidays.

How beautiful is that? Originally Posted by Doove
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Exactly what happens when the government works to eliminate the culture of the majority of the people within that country?
AmishGangster's Avatar
Obama signs an executive order or a piece of legislation
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How about this little tidbit. School BANS the use or mention of the colors red and green. You can't refer to Christmas, christmas trees are banned, and of course you can't wish anyone a Merry Christmas.

War??? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What does your union say?
What does your union say? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You know what, sausage ninja? Get fucked in the eye socket.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what does this have to do with JDIdiot's teachers union?

Swing and a miss by the retard. Again.