With the amount of crying and lying coming from the left, what happens when the IG's report comes out next month? Complete meltdowns may be possible. This memo is just the tip of the iceberg.
Originally Posted by Lantern2814
One would think by now their tear ducts would be swollen shut and not longer functional. The coloring book reserves are certainly depleted and all the comfort pets have been collected by the local animal control shelters.
They have run out of "new" issues and are now working on retreads. I used to believe they started repeating their negative bullshit because they thought the conservatives ("the Deplorables") would forget it had been discussed and beaten to death before, but recently I've began to conclude that they have forgotten they had brought it up and gotten beaten down for it.
This bad habit of throwing slop off the windy ("windward") side of the boat is really messy for them.