Chris Christi Wants To Take My Social Security Away

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm too lazy to do the math. I contributed the maximum to Social Security for 45 years approximately. Something like $400 the first full year I worked and over $7,000 the last full year I worked. Over $93,000 from 2000-2013. And my company matched that sum so the total for those 14 years alone is around $186,000. Now what if all that money from Day 1 had been invested in the stock market, bonds, mutual funds, or CDs at the average ROI?

My expectation is that I should receive at a minimum my contributions + my company's contributions plus the ROI. Not my fault if the government did not invest
wisely. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Could say it's partially your fault. George W. Bush tried to get 2% of that money invested in the market as part of an experiment. Guess who shut him down with the claim that he was trying to end SS? You support democrats, you're partially to blame.

Womb Raider = Baby Killer<<<<too stupid to live outside the womb.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Could say it's partially your fault. George W. Bush tried to get 2% of that money invested in the market as part of an experiment. Guess who shut him down with the claim that he was trying to end SS? You support democrats, you're partially to blame.

Womb Raider = Baby Killer<<<<too stupid to live outside the womb. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"MY FAULT"???? I voted for George W. Bush twice. So please tell me how it is "MY FAULT"!!!

I have voted for one Democrat for President since I started voting, for reasons stated several times.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did you inform your senator or congress person to get on board with the Bush proposal?
Could say it's partially your fault. George W. Bush tried to get 2% of that money invested in the market as part of an experiment. Guess who shut him down with the claim that he was trying to end SS? You support democrats, you're partially to blame.

Womb Raider = Baby Killer<<<<too stupid to live outside the womb. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What in the fuck are you talking about?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Speaking of means testing...does anyone know if Bill and Hillary are taking Social Security checks?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Did you inform your senator or congress person to get on board with the Bush proposal? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Both my senators were Republican in 2005 when Bush proposed his changes to Social Security. Didn't really matter as the proposal died very quickly.


Having invested so much political capital in this issue, President Bush embarked on the first of what proved to be a long series of tours crammed with events at which he pitched his plan to the people. It soon became apparent that it would be a tough sell. Within weeks, observers noticed that the more the President talked about Social Security, the more support for his plan declined. According to the Gallup organization, public disapproval of President Bush's handling of Social Security rose by 16 points from 48 to 64 percent--between his State of the Union address and June.

By early summer the initiative was on life support, with congressional Democrats uniformly opposed and Republicans in disarray.After Hurricane Katrina inundated what remained of the President's support, congressional leaders quietly pulled the plug. By October, even the President had to acknowledge that his effort had failed.
I think I should get back what ever amount is prescribed by law.

We can only hope that the law would be fair.

That is what this discussion is about, the fairness of The Government taking all of that money out of someone's paycheck for 50+ years and then changing the rules, more ore less saying......." Too bad, fuck you". Originally Posted by Jackie S
Also, as the babyboomers retire they will not even get 100% of what they are entitled to, according to the social security website. I don't remember the percentages, but it's more now.

I still believe that most of the deficit is due to waste in the military industrial complex, such as national security. I posted a website that has an interactive program, where you can check the numbers. It seems like the only jobs a young man can get without college or rich parents is in the military, which I think is really sad.