Helping The Transition From ASPD (1950) to Eccie (2019)

  • pxmcc
  • 03-11-2019, 08:38 AM
I don’t know KMLWA?
Lots of people call out whoever they idolize I guess huh?
Wouldn’t exactly take the word of a BSC provider, Nubian Princess, or loonies in ATX.
You people need to take a look at yourselves.
Since you researched post you can see they were mistaken eh?
Your shandle is permabanned correct?
Not an assumption, fact.
GTFO Originally Posted by submarineracer
ya but at least i so stipulated. so your story is that this is your only handle, do i have that right? put it on the record before i conduct my due diligence and find out exactly what's real, and what's Memorex..

it's interesting, but Natalia is pretty good at spotting fake handles. Nu Prince is also respectable at that game. maybe they can weigh in.

as for me, i look for similarities in writing styles. i was known as the prof you did not want for cases of suspected plagiarism; my success rate for prosecution never dropped below 100% lol. better to just take the F...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You must have liked my reference to the fag in the dick tree.
I guess I nailed it. Originally Posted by tbone2u
I can appreciate good humor nothing more nothing less...and for the record its 2019 using gay themed jokes are only insulting to conservatives lol
ya but at least i so stipulated. so your story is that this is your only handle, do i have that right? put it on the record before i conduct my due diligence and find out exactly what's real, and what's Memorex.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Conduct away you proven troll!
What the fuck is it you think you can do?
Been a member 3 + years.
How many for you KMLWA?
That’s right your troll is permabanned.
Have fun spinning your wheels dummy.
You think your the first to claim I’m a multi?
GTFO again
A bunch of paranoid dumbasses on this site.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-11-2019, 09:04 AM
^^you might be right. we'll know soon enough..
btw, i'm not a troll. while i have no problem calling bs on a post, a troll doth it maketh me not..
No? KMLWA proved it troll.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Yall get back on topic. I gave some leeway for diversion but I've had enough...get back on that yellow brick road.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Best post in this thread. By far. Originally Posted by R.M.
This one for you. Beautiful memories eh?

boardman's Avatar

I will make this plain as day, as long as he posts something and you respond, he will keep creating threads. Some of you jump on his thread to "straighten him out" or "give my 2 cents". That's the worse thing that you can do. I thought this was a "hobby board"?? Originally Posted by DarthMaul

So the advice is to ignore it and it will go away...
Glad you're not an oncologist...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Yall get back on topic. I gave some leeway for diversion but I've had enough...get back on that yellow brick road. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

You don't tell us what to do. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So the advice is to ignore it and it will go away...
Glad you're not an oncologist... Originally Posted by boardman

Have you ever asked yourself why you dont like SC? The secret to liking me is to simply accept that you're not always right and that the world don't move to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some. It takes Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You don't tell us what to do. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Dont end up like our dear friend Lester. Lol
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I will make this plain as day, as long as he posts something and you respond, he will keep creating threads. Some of you jump on his thread to "straighten him out" or "give my 2 cents". That's the worse thing that you can do. I thought this was a "hobby board"?? Originally Posted by DarthMaul

In all due respect, if you know there is an issue with a member, then it's up to the board staff to solve the problem. But I see where you're coming from, however we have no power outside of the power to ignore.

Is there an option for board staff to take away a persons thread starting privileges? This would be a good place to start.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Dont end up like our dear friend Lester. Lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Or yourself. How many times have you been banned?
Oralist's Avatar
Trollalalalalalalala. Some things never change here, regardless of what Handle they are currently using. As ShineProTroll says, Toodelz.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
In all due respect, if you know there is an issue with a member, then it's up to the board staff to solve the problem. But I see where you're coming from, however we have no power outside of the power to ignore.

Is there an option for board staff to take away a persons thread starting privileges? This would be a good place to start. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
You must work for Kim Jung Il or the Grand Ayatollah Sistani of Iran, the Taliban, the Dictator Trump, Imperlist China or the Uganda rebels, Because those are the only ones that want to stifle free speech against those wih whom they disagree. The only people consistently violating the rules of this board by being obnoxious and engaging in constant naming calling, harrassment, and thread hi-jacking are you and your friends. You guys should have been banned along. You whine and cry, kick and scream like a baby because someone doewnt agree with you. Shameful pitiful and classless behavior