CEO cuts own pay, raises workers' salaries

I B Hankering's Avatar
That's still not an answer you cocktard. What is YOUR solution? If you don't have one, shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's one of those false dichotomies you are so fond of ridiculing, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, because knowing which avenue not to follow is a step in the right direction.
That's one of those false dichotomies you are so fond of ridiculing, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, because knowing which avenue not to follow is a step in the right direction. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No it's not, you fucking inbred.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No it's not, you fucking inbred. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're the "#Grubered" loser who has already admitted that the political pablum you peddle contributes to inflation which works to the detriment of those you claim you champion, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
  • shanm
  • 04-16-2015, 10:58 AM
So now you're accusing George Bush of plotting murder, the murder of his wife??? You have arrived at the low life piece of shit train station. Please get off with the others pieces of shit and try not to fall on the tracks. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think George Bush plotting the murder of Laura is slightly less outlandish than a Malaysian airliner being hijacked and placed on a deserted remote island under the cover of thousands upon thousands of wilted shrubs. In other words:

lustylad's Avatar
She was also quite the racist. She spit on Indians, Arabs and just about anyone else that wasn't white. Originally Posted by WombRaider
What a fucking racist that woman was! Thanks for the heads-up, undercunt. By the way, who is John Galt?

Was Ayn Rand also a raving, hate-filled anti-Semite like the jackass who posted this on another thread:

If ever you were looking for a stereotypical jew with a big nose sitting atop a pile of coins and counting them,'ve found him. Originally Posted by shanm
What a fucking racist that woman was! Thanks for the heads-up, undercunt. By the way, who is John Galt?

Was Ayn Rand also a raving, hate-filled anti-Semite like the jackass who posted this on another thread: Originally Posted by lustylad
We are.
lustylad's Avatar
You see, unlike your typical liberal, I'm not a hypocrite. I don't demand that the gov't make charitable contributions on my behalf....But my point is that charity begins at home....Stop asking the government to do for you what you are not willing to do yourself. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

You hit the nail on the head! Liberals are cheap bastards who want to use other people's money to relieve their own liberal guilt. If the government takes care of everyone, it lets them off the hook. They don't have to open their own pocketbooks and donate their own money or time to helping the less fortunate.

Ever notice when libtard candidates release their tax returns how puny the charitable deductions are? Before he became VP, Joe Biden gave an average of $369 a year to charity over a decade! Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity in 2011 alone!
  • shanm
  • 04-16-2015, 11:57 AM
What a fucking racist that woman was! Thanks for the heads-up, undercunt. By the way, who is John Galt?

Was Ayn Rand also a raving, hate-filled anti-Semite like the jackass who posted this on another thread: Originally Posted by lustylad
Why do you ask him you ignorant cunt-nugget? Me and WR aren't each others dick-daddy's like you and LexusDipshit.

Yes, I said it. So the fuck what? You guys are allowed to bash on blacks and Muslims 24/7 and I'm not allowed to a bash a nasty fucking jew (who himself was an anti-semite btw) for his genocidal actions? Why do they get a free pass here? Does it have something to do with your love for your homeland of Israel?
I do what I want, when the fuck I want. I'll even say it again; "Kissinger was a nasty fucking jew and was an amalgamation of all nasty jew stereotypes; with his big fucking nose, his contempt for humanity, his disloyalty to his own creed and his love for power and money. He was a fucking war-monger and a mass murderer. Fuck him and may he burn in the lowest gulags of hell"
lustylad's Avatar
The people who are awarded mandatory wage increases will soon find their economic boon negated by the compensatory increase in prices. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And that's only part of the story. The employers forced to pay more for unskilled labor will not only raise their prices, they will also hire fewer workers in the future. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour (as Obama proposed last year) would mean 500,000 fewer jobs over the next 12 months.

Minimum wage jobs should be a stepping stone, not a career. I bet nearly everyone on this board worked at such a job at one time in their working lives before moving on to bigger and better things.

  • shanm
  • 04-16-2015, 12:28 PM
And that's only part of the story. The employers forced to pay more for unskilled labor will not only raise their prices, they will also hire fewer workers in the future. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour (as Obama proposed last year) would mean 500,000 fewer jobs over the next 12 months.

Minimum wage jobs should be a stepping stone, not a career. I bet nearly everyone on this board worked at such a job at one time in their working lives before moving on to bigger and better things.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
yes, but here's the simple economics of it. When you raise the minimum wage, not every commodity goes up by the same amount. For example, the engineers making your car don't earn minimum wage, nor do the majority of workers making your car in the factory, therefore the prices of you car won't go up, at least by as much. That means that the people with higher minimum wage would better be able to afford the car without raising the price of the car. Raised standards of living, raised spending; helps the economy out overall. This is just an abstract example, you can apply it to most everyday items that you buy.
Secondly, think about it like this. Five workers work at a fast food restaurant making minimum wage. In about an hour, they serve 20 customers. Raising the min wage for those 5 workers will mean the rising cost is spread between the 20 customers, and so, if the prices should rise, it would be much less than the increase in costs caused by minimum wage.

As to your second point, you're right. Minimum wage jobs are usually jobs for people to gain experience and possibly go to college and earn a degree. But they can't do that when they are spending every waking minute of their lives working their ass off to support their families. They need time to maybe eat with their families, need time to attend classes, study and gain other skills that might get them OUT of earning minimum wage

A lot (and increasing number) of people work multiple jobs to support themselves on minimum wage. People who work at Mcdonalds, walmart etc, are more often than not working more than one shift. As such, the minimum wage is not raised year by year to reflect rising costs of inflation. Let's say that you live on chocolate bars costing $10, and your yearly wage is also $10. Next year, that chocolate bar will cost $11, while your wage might still be the same if you are on minimum wage. If not you, then the next person just entering the job market on minimum wage will not be able to afford the same chocolate bar that you lived on. Lower standards of living. Why is it, that someone who was making minimum wage 20 years ago has a better standard of living than someone working on minimum wage now. Doesn't seem like equal opportunity to me
lustylad's Avatar
Two people on here like your ass and I'm pretty sure one of them is you under a different name. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Hey IB, see how Wombhater, the Freelance Faggot from Arkansas ("FFA"), is accusing YOU of having multiple handles - after he was caught red-handed as a liar, a fraud and a poseur using multiple handles here!

Undercunt's chutzpah and hypocrisy know no bounds!
lustylad's Avatar
You guys are allowed to bash on blacks and Muslims 24/7 and I'm not allowed to a bash a nasty fucking jew... Why do they get a free pass here? Does it have something to do with your love for your homeland of Israel? Originally Posted by shanm
I'm a Christian, you dipshit. Nobody gets a free pass here. WTF is wrong with you? Your level of hatred and intolerance of Jews (I won't even quote your entire post because it is so offensive) is far more disturbing than anything I have seen here from anyone else. And you boast and wallow in it too! You lack the comprehension skills to get through the first 50 pages of Atlas Shrugged. You're too busy trying to memorize Mein Kampf!

So much for libtards professing to believe in diversity and tolerance. Shammytard lets the mask slip and we see the true ugly face of liberals! Take a good hard look, folks. What you see are the most bigoted, close-minded and INTOLERANT shitheads on the planet!

  • shanm
  • 04-16-2015, 04:18 PM
I'm a Christian, you dipshit. Nobody gets a free pass here. WTF is wrong with you? Your level of hatred and intolerance of Jews (I won't even quote your entire post because it is so offensive) is far more disturbing than anything I have seen here from anyone else. And you boast and wallow in it too! You lack the comprehension skills to get through the first 50 pages of Atlas Shrugged. You're too busy trying to memorize Mein Kampf!

So much for libtards professing to believe in diversity and tolerance. Shammytard lets the mask slip and we see the true ugly face of liberals! Take a good hard look, folks. What you see are the most bigoted, close-minded and INTOLERANT shitheads on the planet!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Boo-hoo motherfucker. You should be the last person to comment on what's "offensive and racist". You and your gaggle of dick suckers are the biggest bigots/racists/chauvinists/xenophobes/white-supremacists to exist not only on this board, but anywhere. Don't act like such a prissy little bitch now, you hypocritical worm. Whatever I said pales in comparison to the shit you and your white-hooded sidekick, IBMoron, come up with on a daily basis.
I have nothing against jews. Kissinger is a genocidal maniac and on him the stereotype of power-hungry jew is 100% accurate. I would take a shit on his face if I had the chance to.
I'm a Christian, you dipshit. Nobody gets a free pass here. WTF is wrong with you? Your level of hatred and intolerance of Jews (I won't even quote your entire post because it is so offensive) is far more disturbing than anything I have seen here from anyone else. And you boast and wallow in it too! You lack the comprehension skills to get through the first 50 pages of Atlas Shrugged. You're too busy trying to memorize Mein Kampf!

So much for libtards professing to believe in diversity and tolerance. Shammytard lets the mask slip and we see the true ugly face of liberals! Take a good hard look, folks. What you see are the most bigoted, close-minded and INTOLERANT shitheads on the planet!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
That's not entirely true. Go look at any teabagger post on FB or Yahoo and you'll see some really nasty christians and religious republican types on there. No one party has the market cornered on bigotry. And although I don't respect Kissinger, I would never say anything even remotely like what he said. That's taking it too far. I'm beginning to think that Shammy might have been better off if his daddy pulled out and shot him on the floor of that Burger King bathroom, if that's the way he thinks.

And LL, you have no room to talk. You've said plenty of racist shit on here.
  • shanm
  • 04-16-2015, 04:36 PM
That's not entirely true. Go look at any teabagger post on FB or Yahoo and you'll see some really nasty christians and religious republican types on there. No one party has the market cornered on bigotry. And although I don't respect Kissinger, I would never say anything even remotely like what he said. That's taking it too far. I'm beginning to think that Shammy might have been better off if his daddy pulled out and shot him on the floor of that Burger King bathroom, if that's the way he thinks.

And LL, you have no room to talk. You've said plenty of racist shit on here. Originally Posted by WombRaider
When you've been here for as long as I have (and that's only about 5 short months) you'll understand why I talk the way I do. When you talk to a child, you get down on one knee, look him in the eye and then talk to him. That's the only way you make him understand. That's exactly what I'm doing here. You're right, that's not the way I think. I was raised eating dinner with three forks. I would get smacked if I said anything offensive. The only reason I use these words here is because this is the only language these motherfuckers understand. These people literally make me sick sometimes with the stuff they post on here. Stick around for a couple months, you'll see what I'm talking about.