Is it time to go back to being me?.. Never Mind... Ivory answered the question..... Guess I'm Back in Black....

Whispers's Avatar
She can't call you Whimpers but you can call Ivory a cunt? Logic-as well as common human decency-is obviously not your forte.

I am absolutely appalled. Originally Posted by Austin Liv
I'll take my points when they are earned darlin... I just expect others to get theirs as well.....

I'm actually a pretty decent person about 99.9% of the time and have been known to do a thing or two out of character but a couple around here deserve the shit that comes their way.....
  • Vyt
  • 12-16-2010, 09:11 PM
I'm going to assume this is all a joke I'm not privy to. It reads better that way.
+ 1

I'm going to assume this is all a joke I'm not privy to. It reads better that way. Originally Posted by Vyt
rrrabbit's Avatar
I'm willing to bet that he was being sarcastic, and at the same time, disspel the accusation that mods grant him more than his share.

But who knows. Maybe he really is grumpy from playing Santa Nice.

I say fook-him. He'll be fine. Let's go find a stripper to molest.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I'm actually a pretty decent person about 99.9% of the time and have been known to do a thing or two out of character but a couple around here deserve the shit that comes their way..... Originally Posted by Whispers

Let it be known! Whimpers is the Judge, the Jury, and the Executioner of the Hooker Board!

Hail Whimpers!

(I got your back on this, I do, really. I'm using Jedi Mind Control on the board now. You will have no adversaries. They will bow to you.)
Whispers's Avatar
Let it be known! Whispers is the Judge, the Jury, and the Executioner of the Hooker Board!

Not at all..... More of one of those Investigative Reporters..... Your peers will be your Judge and Jury.... as to executioner..... I think your doing a pretty good job on yourself...

Hail Whispers!

That should be ALL Hail Whispers shouldn't it?

(I got your back on this, I do, really. I'm using Jedi Mind Control on the board now. You will have no adversaries. They will bow to you.) Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
But you promised to do that yourself..... remember... Kneel and kiss my ring when I came for the freebie?...... Then ya decided to go back to yer old ways......

I really don't think anyone is gonna give ya much of a chance for that mind control stuff to work on them anymore....

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
But you promised to do that yourself..... remember... Kneel and kiss my ring when I came for the freebie?...... Then ya decided to go back to yer old ways......

I really don't think anyone is gonna give ya much of a chance for that mind control stuff to work on them anymore....

Originally Posted by Whispers
You didn't pass screening! Bwahahahahahaha
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 12-17-2010, 09:00 AM
As for fucking myself? I love to! Originally Posted by Ivory
And you are damned hot doing it!
nuglet's Avatar
Well, one thing is to be learned here. I thought it was pretty easy to get out of line and get tossed. Now, after reading Whispers rants, I realize I can say just about anything that crosses my mind without fear of getting banned. You folks can now obviously say anything you want, about anyone, use whatever gutter language ya leaned in grade school, without worry of retribution. I wonder how many will just throw manners to the wind now that we see there is apparently no boundaries. What a shame, it WAS a fun place.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sigh. I realize it is a little bit early but . . .

Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope to meet more of you in the coming year. Many thanks to Whispers for his organizing the party at P10 for the benefit of the kids. Time for everyone to lighten up and enjoy the best time of the year.
Whispers's Avatar
Well, one thing is to be learned here. I thought it was pretty easy to get out of line and get tossed. Now, after reading Whispers rants, I realize I can say just about anything that crosses my mind without fear of getting banned. You folks can now obviously say anything you want, about anyone, use whatever gutter language ya leaned in grade school, without worry of retribution. I wonder how many will just throw manners to the wind now that we see there is apparently no boundaries. What a shame, it WAS a fun place. Originally Posted by nuglet

Take a look around Nuglet.....

For most people.....

It is a fun place.....

But Ivory hasn't known how to be fun or light in a long time and the only attention she gets is by starting shit with me....

I oblige her.....

You are right though..... It does take a lot to actually get banned.... ECCIE is VERY tolerant....

That's why more people here are finding themselves welcome.....

More people are coming forward......

That little clique is not what it is all about anymore......

Recent events have shown who is around her for themselves and themselves alone .....

There is fresh blood in the mix..... Some seasoned ones that reinvented themselves as well as some new ones that are willing to express themselves.....

We don't have to put up with or tolerate the same senseless worship of a handful of people too into themselves.....
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Well, one thing is to be learned here. I thought it was pretty easy to get out of line and get tossed. Now, after reading Whispers rants, I realize I can say just about anything that crosses my mind without fear of getting banned. You folks can now obviously say anything you want, about anyone, use whatever gutter language ya leaned in grade school, without worry of retribution. I wonder how many will just throw manners to the wind now that we see there is apparently no boundaries. What a shame, it WAS a fun place. Originally Posted by nuglet
I've seen a few people on here throw around banning people for a post or two. Usually, it gets brought up when a particular post is offensive to the person talking about someone getting banned. While banning or giving vacation is a disciplinary option available, it should be used with care and consideration.

This is why, in most places, you will see a point system and a threshold needs to be reached before the harshest punishment is doled out. Calling names, however offensive, is not the same point infraction as divulging private, personal information. Divulging personal information is not the same as outright outing someone.

If you have read the thread, there has obviously been some consequences, even if it wasn't the banning that you expected or hoped for. This works the same as most systems that work to keep some order. We don't hand out a year long jail sentences for intoxication. Though here, a series if minor offenses can end up in a term banning from the site.

Handing out vacations too easily can be a detriment to participation and the site business. Sure, a clear cut case of name calling is easy to spot, but where do you draw the line on insults? If everyone thinks that they can get banned for a perceived insult, then that severely restricts the flow of information for fear of retribution.

It would be a shame if people were banned for one mistake or a passionate exchange.
eglrdr's Avatar
Hmmmm..I wonder if putting BANNED under your handle is a pointable offense, as it might be considered the same as crying wolf, and therefore dilutes all impact of the word..
  • Ivory
  • 12-17-2010, 10:54 AM
As for fucking myself? I love to! Originally Posted by Ivory
And you are damned hot doing it! Originally Posted by PSD
Well, thank you very much darlin!

See Whispers? It isn't too much of a chore to be nice!

But Ivory hasn't known how to be fun or light in a long time and the only attention she gets is by starting shit with me.... Originally Posted by Whispers
And you call your actions here "fun" and "light"?

Go Fuck yourself..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Your not a passing thought until you decide to drag your fat ass into one of these threads and get a little attention...... Originally Posted by Whispers
What a total Cunt you are Ivory.......totally worthless to this board and a joke to many in this community...... Originally Posted by Whispers
When it comes to Cunts..... Your picture should be posted with the definition ...... Originally Posted by Whispers
Yeah... I used it and said..... Ivory is a Cunt.... Originally Posted by Whispers
What's ironic here, is that you started this self-serving narcissistic thread letting us all know that "being nice is too much of a chore" for you and that you asking if it were time to go back your usual ways of "being me"...and all I said is that is a sad existence to sit around like a grumpy old man and being mean all day. I told you that being MEAN is a much harder chore as well as being bad for your health as well as having many other unpleasant side effects. You asked. I answered. I didn't "start it" as you claim. You did.

What's comical is that you are admitting to being a mean person just by the very subject of this thread that YOU started and then YOU get mad when I say being mean is more of a chore than being nice? WOW.

You're telling Nuglet to take a look around? You should take a look around yourself as well and you would see that my initial comments to you were spot on and good advice....just take a look at much much work you have to put into being mean...if you were not being mean, then you wouldn't have had to post this thread, you wouldn't have had to get reprimanded for your blatant insults, you wouldn't have had to be so embarrassed by the commotion you have now caused for the sake of being mean, and you wouldn't be here right now doing "damage control" to the rep you tarnish almost daily by being so mean.

If you were being nice and fun and light...this thread wouldn't even be in existence, now would it?

Also, I am quite curious...since this is the Co-Ed section and should be "hobby related", what does this thread have to do with the "hobby"? Even remotely?

We don't have to put up with or tolerate the same senseless worship of a handful of people too into themselves..... Originally Posted by Whispers
It certainly DOES seem that we DO have to put up with people too into themselves.

I'm out for the day guys, I have a long shift at the Landing Strip, but I am sure this thread will provide for some laughs for me during the lulls, as it did for me last night!
Whispers's Avatar
I'm out for the day guys, I have a long shift at the Landing Strip, but I am sure this thread will provide for some laughs for me during the lulls, as it did for me last night! Originally Posted by Ivory