If I ever win the Lottery, I would.......

Lets say for story sake that I win the 3 million dollar jackpot.

Thats about 1.2 mil after the govt. gets their share, give or take a few thousand.

1.) I'd pay off my bills, car, and home (-approx 85K)
2.) I'd start college funds for my 2 kids (-approx 100K)
3.) I'd pay off my tuition for the next 4 years (-approx 50K with books)
4.) The remaining amount would be split in half. Half to savings. The other half would go to the women's shelter that saved my life 4 years ago. (350K to savings, the rest to the shelter)
Precision45's Avatar
I'd probably just buy a house in the Keys somewhere and walk around nekked all day. Maybe even open up a Tiki Lounge and SCUBA dive every day as well. Nothing too complicated.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Have sex with my ATF until neither of us could walk. Then do it again the next night.
  • Rebel
  • 03-16-2010, 07:10 PM
If the "Take" was good enough call those I care about from the Islands! then of course make a nice deposit in their bank accts and have no forwarding address!
  • loco
  • 03-16-2010, 10:42 PM
A husband says to his wife, "what would you do if I won the lottery?" She says, " I would take half and leave you." "Excellent", he replies "I won $12 today. Here's your $6, now get the hell out." I thought it was funny.
I would pay VH1 to quit making shitty love competition shows like flavor of love, daisy of love, rock of love, real chance of love, and any other of those shit shows to never be produced again.

then hopefully whatever made "I love new york" the highest rated vh1 tv show in history would've never existed and i could open my own "how to have a life" school for all of the would've been followers of shows like these to attend.

yes, please. Originally Posted by <xxxbrazilxxx>
Depending on the amount, and after taking care of friends and family....I would subsidize Brazil's "how to have a life school!"