clock watching and time management

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Here is a clock thread for ya....
I think this is the best option....

Audrina.... what about when you turn your phone off lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
LOL when I had seen you my phone was not working properly. It seems that I had viruses from watching to much porn. I just got a new phone and it is working great. I can turn the ringer off and turn the media volume up. I love it.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
LOL when I had seen you my phone was not working properly. It seems that I had viruses from watching to much porn. I just got a new phone and it is working great. I can turn the ringer off and turn the media volume up. I love it. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
That was funny. I had never had a provider ask me to turn my phone off and her turn her's off I was like "damn this is gonna be good", and it was


(response to another post in this thread)

I wonder how many providers have a problem with how other providers run their business when it comes to time......
Poppa Joe's Avatar
I don't mind her watching the clock as long as she stay focus on my rod . So ladies just make sure you can do 2 things at the same time . Maybe we should call them Cock Watchers also .....
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Eccie audience,

I've often wondered about this so why not ask. Clock watching in not appropriate in my humble opinion. But yet, at the same time, how is a lady supposed to truly know when her time is up?

If there is a visible clock in the room, that would take care of the dilemma I suppose to a degree. But I don't think a lady should depend on others for her time management needs. Is it appropriate to have a cell phone alarm on? What do you ladies do? What do the fellas consider appropriate vs. rude? Sometimes, I do check my cell for the time. But I feel that puts a damper on the date. It ruins the mood and some of you fellas can be very sensitive emotionally. Yet, we providers are being paid for our time. I personally, never leave early. But I've noticed that without time management/clock watching I've gone over and donated 30 minutes to an entire hour! So now I have clients who book 1 hour and expect 90 minutes of my time because in the past I was trying to be polite and never checked the time and ended up staying way past the alloted time. Unfortunitely, once you give something for free, people don't want to pay for it. So where is the happy medium? I have used the cell phone alarm and I have had clients get offended by that! I would love to hear what the proper protocols are! Do you get offended by alarms on the cell? Clock watching? Originally Posted by incognito isis
I always have a clock at my place. I think it's only courteous.

I think the lady's cell phone should be powered off during the appointment. That is only courteous also.

@II I would love for you to "accidentally" go over by 1/2 hour to an hour. However, I can assure you that I would not be desirable enough to engender that kind of play.
burner2157's Avatar
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Eccie audience,

I've often wondered about this so why not ask. Clock watching in not appropriate in my humble opinion. But yet, at the same time, how is a lady supposed to truly know when her time is up?

If there is a visible clock in the room, that would take care of the dilemma I suppose to a degree. But I don't think a lady should depend on others for her time management needs. Is it appropriate to have a cell phone alarm on? What do you ladies do? What do the fellas consider appropriate vs. rude? Sometimes, I do check my cell for the time. But I feel that puts a damper on the date. It ruins the mood and some of you fellas can be very sensitive emotionally. Yet, we providers are being paid for our time. I personally, never leave early. But I've noticed that without time management/clock watching I've gone over and donated 30 minutes to an entire hour! So now I have clients who book 1 hour and expect 90 minutes of my time because in the past I was trying to be polite and never checked the time and ended up staying way past the alloted time. Unfortunitely, once you give something for free, people don't want to pay for it. So where is the happy medium? I have used the cell phone alarm and I have had clients get offended by that! I would love to hear what the proper protocols are! Do you get offended by alarms on the cell? Clock watching? Originally Posted by incognito isis
I think they key is knowing what type of client you have coming to visit you.Some guys need to be put on a clock if they constantly take advantage of a ladies time while others who show more and are willing to compensate for a ladies time along with a tip if the session goes over should not be scrutinized near as much in my humble opinion.
I keep my watch on and while most ladies I've been with are by no means clock watchers, I respect their time and they do mine.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I actually rely on the provider to let me know when the time is up. It's unlikely that I will be paying much attention to the time while in the middle of fun with a beautiful woman. However she does it doesn't matter to me. Cell phone, alarm, clock or music are all options. The beauty of being hearing impaired is none of those will bother me either way lol.

Now on the subject of guys expecting 90 or more minutes for the hour rate because you did it once out of courtesy, are just being flat disrespectful and greedy. They should be treated as such as they clearly don't respect your business and time.
sweetshane's Avatar
Now on the subject of guys expecting 90 or more minutes for the hour rate because you did it once out of courtesy, are just being flat disrespectful and greedy. They should be treated as such as they clearly don't respect your business and time. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I completely agree well said, i would not see him again...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Good lord!!!!!! Holy crap!!!! Damn my add!!! Seriosly novels on this shit??? To fucking funny!!
I adore U Isis & love your posts but what's up with the novels ? no disrespect Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
No disrespect taken. As far as novels, I'm just into details I guess. When I tell a story, I'm always very discriptive. I can't help it. I try to give a clear picture of what I'm trying to say. So that may result in long posts.

Why not just wear a nice looking watch? My watch is the one thing I almost never take off (except when I'm getting a massage, and even then I forget sometimes until they start massaging my arms ...) and I wouldn't think twice about a lady not taking it off as long as it doesn't look out of place. Wearing a watch is certainly less conspicuous than using an hour glass ... Originally Posted by Alex73
VERY good suggestion....

I don't watch the clock, but I have playlists on my Ipod that are as close to 1hr/90 mins/2hrs, etc., as they can get. Once I don't hear anymore music, time's up darlin'.

I will allow my clients 10-15 mins to finish up, clean up, etc. If you want anymore time after that, you need to pay for it. Originally Posted by MsElena
That is fair, and reasonable. A good provider should always give a few minutes for clean up. It's just common courtesy.

A good client will always be mindful of the agreed to amount of time. I know from my experiences, I look at the clock when we start a session. I will then periodically look at the clock just to see where we stand on time. While cognizant of the time, I'll take my cues from the lady. Never once have I had a gal try to seriously short change me on time. I've had a few end things maybe 5 minutes early. I've also had several who went over by 5 minutes or so. There have been times when I know I'm done and have actually brought things to an end (usually right on time ). I've found that I can pace myself based on the length of date.

When it comes to providers, the good ones will never put themselves in a position where clock watching becomes an issue. Quality providers allow adequate time between appointments or simply book just one appointment a day. For them, time management is an art mastered. I've been with several high quality providers who really don't mind if things go past the scheduled time. They have told me as such. They've told me that the only time clock watching or time management becomes an issue is when they really don't like the guy that they are with. The providers who have the biggest hangups with clock watching are the low end; high volume BP type providers. Also agency girls are notorious for clock watching. That is one reason I avoid agencies if at all possible.

As for the original post, I really don't care what a lady uses to manage time (if she even does manage time) with the 2 exceptions. First, I don't like a provider who has someone call them in order to indicate a date is close to being over. I have had several of these experiences and it has always been the same. The phone call comes with 15 minutes (or more) left to go in the date. This is usually right when things are getting hot and heavy. The phone going off just ruins it. Personally, I think providers who do this do it intentionally to get a date over sooner rather than staying for the full time. I think that it should be common courtesy for a provider to turn her phone OFF during the date. Second, provider who use the countdown method. Usually starting with 15 minutes to go, they will mention the time. Then again at 10 minutes and finally at 5 minutes. I'm not the damn Space Shuttle. I don't need a countdown to blastoff. It actually puts more pressure on me to perform while ruining the moment. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Wow you are right. I don't mind going over the time as long as I actually like the guy.
I actually rely on the provider to let me know when the time is up. It's unlikely that I will be paying much attention to the time while in the middle of fun with a beautiful woman. However she does it doesn't matter to me. Cell phone, alarm, clock or music are all options. The beauty of being hearing impaired is none of those will bother me either way lol.

Now on the subject of guys expecting 90 or more minutes for the hour rate because you did it once out of courtesy, are just being flat disrespectful and greedy. They should be treated as such as they clearly don't respect your business and time. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

Eccie Addict, you think thats greedy? WOW what about the clients who pay for 2 hours and ask me to stay the night "if I want" ?? Those men are big mac extra large super sized greedy.
I think they key is knowing what type of client you have coming to visit you.Some guys need to be put on a clock if they constantly take advantage of a ladies time while others who show more and are willing to compensate for a ladies time along with a tip if the session goes over should not be scrutinized near as much in my humble opinion. Originally Posted by burner2157
I hear what your saying, but in this business there are alot of "what ifs" even with references. Which brings me up to a thread I started 2 months ago about giving clear details during reference checks on clients. Many women simply say "he's fine" with no additional details. So many times when meeting with clients, you truely do not know what the character of that client is. Is he respectful? Will he give you a tip if you give additional time? Sometimes you just don't know before hand how the date will turn out. You hope he will be mindful and respectful. But there are never guarantees, again, even with those reference checks.
JoanJet's Avatar
I do sessions , if your a clock watcher you will end up with low scale clients.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Don't know if this is true or just great marketing but it got my attention! LOL

Back on subject - there are several professions that are run by the hour. Counselors, for example, meet with their clients for typically 50 minutes. They will often simply put a clock on the wall behind where the client sits. Peripheral vision is all that is needed. Of course if the professional's head is bobbing up and down perhaps ... oh, never mind.

I will agree with many others, alarms totally turn me off. I'd never go back. Originally Posted by Traveler64
Fuck a bunch of marketing u fuck me good , u stay