Gifts from Providers

I laughingly told my, then, ATF about having dropped my favorite coffee mug at work that day. The next time I saw her a few weeks later, she gave me a nice new mug with her "name" autographed on the bottom. That mug still sits on my desk.

Another lady bought my dinner after a session near my birthday.

Nice topic, BSB.
I would say the gift of time. How nice would it be that at the end of a secession the provider say let's go get something to eat or lets have a glass of wine before you go. Besides time, just a small gift that would have meaning for me...knowing that she was thinking of me and took time to pick out something that would put a smile on my face or remember the great times together.
randall flagg's Avatar
I have been fortunate enough to receive gifts from a few providers. Several years ago I saw a provider for the first time. During the get to know each other chat at the beginning of the session, she had asked about my day, for which I provided a few details. After the session, I was getting ready to leave - and she said wait a minute--- she went to her kitchen and brought me a container with cooked chicken breasts , some veggies and a dinner roll. She said... I know you came straight from work and didnt have time to eat so I wanted you to have this. SOOOOO thoughtful. I had another ATF - since retired --- who would often have a mixed CD - of some of my favorite songs and artists, labeled for me and presented to me as I was leaving.

The most amazing gift, which happened on a first time visit, was a framed photo related to one of my real time hobbies, which was listed on my P411 profile, and we had talked briefly about during our time together, and an accessory related to that same real world hobby. On a recent visit, right before Halloween, she presented me with a large bag of candy to place on my desk for my co-workers to enjoy.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-27-2013, 09:11 AM
A mixed tape. Originally Posted by L.A.
Ok...I was kidding with this post but nobody found it funny....most likely because it wasn't

I agree the best gift would be something that actually means something to the client.
It certainly doesn't have to be around a holiday or birthday either.
Somebody I see gets a manicure and pedicure right before I see her. She knows that's my thing and makes sure it's done. She might do it anyway but she makes sure the timing for me visiting her is right. I'll take thoughtfulness like that over a $10 starbucks card any day.
Just be you.... that's gift enough!

A couple years ago an ATF gave me a beautiful, ornate hand-made birthday card...and it matched her outfit. She wrote the sweetest, most personal note inside. I was stunned.

Still have it; I'll never throw it out.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
A no perfume encounter is always nice
Thank-you guys for the responses and input! This information is very useful and the ladies who have taken their time to show their appreciation and gratitude are awesome!