Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-23-2013, 02:14 PM
So what if he heard about it on a scanner. Originally Posted by acp5762
The point is, if he would have done this same thing 2 years ago, then good on him. Otherwise he's simply trying to pander to the people who are currently judging him on his violent history.

I wonder how many people drove right by that accident and never even batted an eye or even called the police..
It would seem, pretty much all of 'em who don't have a public reputation to restore.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The point is, if he would have done this same thing 2 years ago, then good on him.

How do you know he didn't?

It would seem, pretty much all of 'em who don't have a public reputation to restore. Originally Posted by Doove

nope, just pretty much all of 'em.

Uh, the point is not in knocking him, it is that the Whirlytard tries to use this event to bolster the assertion that Zimmerman killing a 17 year old boy is a wonderful and decent thing to have done....because that 17 year old boy was not decent, and according to some of the knuckledraggers on here, was already a criminal and on his way to prison....so, he apparently deserved to be shot. Unreal. Just as an aside, and based on what I've seen, Zimmerman had more past arrests than Martin. Including one for assaulting a police officer.

Just when you think the idiocy of the right cannot exceed past behavior, they do or say something even more stupid and unbelievable. Originally Posted by timpage
I am not buying that bullshit for one minute. What I think is the bleeding heart liberals on here want to continue their campaign to protect Trayvon and destroy George.
I am not buying that bullshit for one minute. What I think is the bleeding heart liberals on here want to continue their campaign to protect Trayvon and destroy George. Originally Posted by acp5762
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that almost everybody is incapable of a reasonable thought when it comes to this topic. Truly bizarre.
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that almost everybody is incapable of a reasonable thought when it comes to this topic. Truly bizarre. Originally Posted by timpage
Just include yourself on that thought ok.
JCM800's Avatar
according to LL ...the Zim saved us all from what potentially could have been the next Ted Bundy.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-23-2013, 03:45 PM
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that THE FUCKING TRIAL IS OVER.
The point is, if he would have done this same thing 2 years ago, then good on him. Otherwise he's simply trying to pander to the people who are currently judging him on his violent history.

It would seem, pretty much all of 'em who don't have a public reputation to restore. Originally Posted by Doove
Are you implying George Zimmerman had an ulterior motive to helping these people? That's assuming a lot that he set out to do something to specifically change his public image. I prefer at this point to take his actions at face value. He did what he did cause he wanted to.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that almost everybody is incapable of a reasonable thought when it comes to this topic. Truly bizarre. Originally Posted by timpage
Just include yourself on that thought ok. Originally Posted by acp5762
timmy doesn't roll that way, he's an "intellectual racist" hahahaha

he can't understand why every hooktard on ECC doesn't agree with him.
timmy doesn't roll that way, he's an "intellectual racist" hahahaha

he can't understand why every hooktard on ECC doesn't agree with him. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah I gotch ya they have to win arguments on race and someone's intentions. If Zimmerman and Martin were of the same race nobody would hear a peep out of any of them.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess this question is for Doove. Are you telling me that no one will stop to help unless they have a PR job going on to restore their reputation? How many times you have stopped to help a stranger? How many times have you gotten between a woman and her attacker?
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm so sick of a certain segment of the black community that wants to play the victim. Hell, our so-called fearless leader walked right into that trap when he said he had been profiled b/c he was black. Black people need to get the fuck over it. The trial is OVER. The law was followed precisely as it should have been. Hell, if it weren't for some chicken shit, weak ass GOP governor who felt some idiotic need to placate the black community, THERE SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN A TRIAL. The police rightly determined no crime had been committed. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass for Zimmerman-- other than the fact he was rail-roaded. What pisses me off are politicians who VIOLATE the law to placate a certain segment of the community. What Rick Scott did was immoral while wasting tax dollars to put on a show trial that would have made Uncle Joe Stalin proud. Only difference, the outcome was NOT rigged. Rick Scott lost my vote for his re-election. As for Obama and Holder, Obama is worse than Carter, and Holder could give Barney Fife a few lessons on ineptitude.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm so sick of a certain segment of the black community that wants to play the victim. Hell, our so-called fearless leader walked right into that trap when he said he had been profiled b/c he was black. Black people need to get the fuck over it. The trial is OVER. The law was followed precisely as it should have been. Hell, if it weren't for some chicken shit, weak ass GOP governor who felt some idiotic need to placate the black community, THERE SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN A TRIAL. The police rightly determined no crime had been committed. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass for Zimmerman-- other than the fact he was rail-roaded. What pisses me off are politicians who VIOLATE the law to placate a certain segment of the community. What Rick Scott did was immoral while wasting tax dollars to put on a show trial that would have made Uncle Joe Stalin proud. Only difference, the outcome was NOT rigged. Rick Scott lost my vote for his re-election. As for Obama and Holder, Obama is worse than Carter, and Holder could give Barney Fife a few lessons on ineptitude. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
+1 . . . but with the addition of lib-retards of all colors in the MSM, etc, who enable the race baiters.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-24-2013, 05:39 AM
Are you implying George Zimmerman had an ulterior motive to helping these people? Originally Posted by acp5762
A little slow on the up-take, but yeah, that's what i'm implying very well may be the case.

That's assuming a lot that he set out to do something to specifically change his public image. I prefer at this point to take his actions at face value. He did what he did cause he wanted to.
Sorry, with all the twisting, contorting, obfuscating and outright lying in here to make Obama sound like the Anti-Christ, i can't help but find that funny.

I guess this question is for Doove. Are you telling me that no one will stop to help unless they have a PR job going on to restore their reputation? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Didn't say that. Now perhaps you can answer any of the 3 or 4 questions i have in various threads that address the "innocence" of George Zimmerman.

I won't hold my breath.
LexusLover's Avatar
according to LL ...the Zim saved us all from what potentially could have been the next Ted Bundy. Originally Posted by JCM800
Do you have a link to that post?

Or is that more bullshit to play to the "audience"?