The politicians, MSM and Fox News are using COVID to divide the country. Don't listen to them.

... The main stream media is STUNNED - they can't believe
they will have to report this... Some of 'em actually WON
Pulitzer Prizes for their reportings of "Trump/Russia collusion"
- and all their lies told there.

Will the Pulitzer people ask for the awards back?
Now that we not-onley KNOW the Russia story was a hoax,
but that Hillary's spying surely continued once Trump
became President.

#### Salty
Y'all are at least entertaining. Slow, but entertaining. We will see if Durham indicts anyone for any kind of "spying".
matchingmole's Avatar
... The main stream media is STUNNED - they can't believe
they will have to report this... Some of 'em actually WON
Pulitzer Prizes for their reportings of "Trump/Russia collusion"
- and all their lies told there.

Will the Pulitzer people ask for the awards back?
Now that we not-onley KNOW the Russia story was a hoax,
but that Hillary's spying surely continued once Trump
became President.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
HedonistForever's Avatar
Youngkin just signed into law and will take effect March 1st, that any child in Virginia will have the option to wear a mask in school or not. So on March first, it will not matter what any school board says, it will be the law and we'll get to see what happens in schools when masks are optional. Oh, and at least 3 Democrats voted with the Republican Governor.

Science or Politics?

science up

politics down