Muslim Opens Fire On Philly Cop In Car

I B Hankering's Avatar
You mean the experts like you who weren't there! ..

Did you or Nobles put a speed on their patrol unit into the "slide"?

Just how fast in your expert opinion was the patrol unit going ...

..... when you claim it was "charging"?

You just make up shit in your lameass attempt to look "correct"!

But like most armchair pundits their shit don't float!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Since you were not there either, an expert with some thirty years of experience trumps your lame ass every day of the week, you supercilious jackass.
LexusLover's Avatar
Stolen from the police, wasn't it? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The initial report was that it was "reported stolen" in 2013 .... Some of the "gaps" were being filled into the "story," but for some reason it was reported that there was going to be an "investigation" into how this weapon got into the hands of the shooter.

Although some of this street information is too often incorrect factually, it was reported the weapon was stolen from the officer's residence and the officer was "disciplined" ..... if this weapon was "issued" to the officer by the department, then the weapon is the property of the department and the "discipline" might be for being "careless" or "negligent" with departmental property, e.g. leaving the weapon "unsecured" and/or "alone at home.

The general public may never find out the actual facts surrounding the disappearance of the weapon, but there was mention of a Federal investigation into the background of the shooter, which probably will include how this shooter got his grimmies on this service/duty weapon.
LexusLover's Avatar
Since you were not there either, ...... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You keep trying to shift the burden to me ...

.... you are the one criticizing what the two officers in the Rice case did!

Not me!

Of course, if some knit-wit like you comes along and reads your stupid posts they might actually believe that I was claiming some of dumbass shit you post!


WTF does that ... and now you are emulating him!!!! Good luck with that!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-09-2016, 07:17 AM
... "explain"????

Deeper hole DUMBASS!

You have now surpassed WTF ....

..... who spent hours of bandwidth proclaiming he was "schooling" me on the difference between an "audio recording" and a "video recording"!!!!

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You tried to distort what was said. I had said that it was legal to audio record the conversation in Texas as long as one party gave consent. You tried to convolute that into video recording....


WTF does that ... and now you are emulating him!!!! Good luck with that!
Originally Posted by LexusLover

You do not have to be an expert to counter a lie or distortion put forth on your part. You distorted what was said and I disproved it. You then ran off and months later , now you again are lying about the facts.

LexusLover's Avatar
You tried to distort what was said. I had said that it was legal to audio record the conversation in Texas as long as one party gave consent. You tried to convolute that into video recording.... Originally Posted by WTF
Nope! And you know it!

.... And a number of others posters knew it also!

Contrary to QuickPistols remark ... video was brought up BEFORE I POSTED!

... and folks were discussing .... "recordings" without specifying audio or video ..... and YOU KNOW IT!!!!!

Your posting history in that regard is well know!!! Fabricating what people post in order for you to "appear" correct!!!!

And this knit-wit IBH ... is doing the same shit .... about the Rice thread ... AND TRYING TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN THE TWO EVENTS IN THEIR BEGINNINGS....

... unfortunately the Philadelphia shooting PROVES MY POINT!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-09-2016, 08:18 AM
Nope! And you know it!

.... And a number of others posters knew it also!

Contrary to QuickPistols remark ... video was brought up BEFORE I POSTED!

... and folks were discussing .... "recordings" without specifying audio or video ..... and YOU KNOW IT!!!!!

Your posting history in that regard is well know!!! Fabricating what people post in order for you to "appear" correct!!!!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes others convoluted audio with video, I was not one of them.....but you never distinguished between the two when asked to do so. You gave your good friend Dorothy Monroe the impression that audio recording was illegal and when I pressed you to correct. You would not. You argued the straw man argument of me not being an expert when clearly what I was saying was true. You were trying to make it seem if what I was saying was not true by clouding the fact that I was not an expert....Jesus LL, you were making a fool of yourself then as now.

You tried to leave the impression that both were illegal. It is in the thread in black and white. For some reason you are now posting in color. IB is handing you your ass and instead of saying thank you...all you are doing is trying to chit on him.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You keep trying to shift the burden to me ...

.... you are the one criticizing what the two officers in the Rice case did!

Not me!

Of course, if some knit-wit like you comes along and reads your stupid posts they might actually believe that I was claiming some of dumbass shit you post!


WTF does that ... and now you are emulating him!!!! Good luck with that!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
The burden IS on you to support your POV with substantive facts in the face of an expert's detailed explanation of how the cops actions were tactically incorrect, you supercilious jackass. To date, all you have shown is your ass, you supercilious jackass.
LexusLover's Avatar
You do not have to be an expert to counter a lie or distortion put forth Originally Posted by WTF
Must be nice living in the internet world where one can "call their own game"!

You didn't "prove shit"!

You did manage to confirm to the ladies that you recorded sessions though!
LexusLover's Avatar
The burden IS on you to support your POV with substantive facts ..... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No. The burden is on the accuser. That would be YOU!

You must have learned your "burdens" and "proofs" in "Squad Leader School" while you were learning how to avoid ambushes .....

.. since you've been ambushed numerous times!!!!

I told you that you are getting a lot like WTF ... he ...

makes the facts
makes the opposition's posts
makes the rules
makes the calls
and declares himself the "winner"!!!!
moonshiner's Avatar
Don't know which is worse? A Muslim or a Cop?
The only thing that would have made it a righteous situation is if a red blooded American shot the Muslim after his service to our country.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't ya' just love it when ... LL The Cowardly Idiot ... is getting his ass handed to him ...



LexusLover's Avatar
Yes others convoluted audio with video, I was not one of them.....but you never distinguished between the two when asked to do so. Originally Posted by WTF
You are still struggling! #1 ... who the fuck cares what someone is "asked" to do.... you ask dumb, irrelevant questions all the time. Who gives a fuck?

So now your new trick is to ask someone a question and when they ignore it or don't answer it (for what ever reason) you feel free to assign the answer YOU WISH TO THE ALLEGED UNANSWERED QUESTION.

How many pages of bullshit did you whine about recording sessions?

If you actually read a paper a day you must never sleep!
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks like BigTitsIdiot2016 ....
........ is already campaigning for 2017!!!!
Looks like Originally Posted by LexusLover

LL The Cowardly Idiot is in a position to win the 2016 Dipshit of the Year.

And he's also tied for 2nd place!

LLIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
LLIdiot ... 9 ... 90.00%
JDIdiot ... 8 ... 80.00%
TurdyIdiot 7 ... 70.00%
GayReyIdiot 7 . 70.00%