Name one thing the right wing has done to help society

I B Hankering's Avatar
I did not write that "Fast and Furious started when Bush was in office. I wrote that the concept of running guns to catch the Mexican Drug Cartel started with Bush43 and was called Operation Wide Receiver.

The connection between Operation Wide Receiver and "Fast and Furious" was that the ATF field agents in the Arizona field office ran both programs. The Arizona ATF agents took more risks with "Fast and Furious because Operation Wide Receiver failed its objective to catch the bad guys. YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by flghtr65
You'd be the bald-faced, lying idiot, flighty, because the emails that have been released show that "Fast and Furious" was orchestrated by the DOJ, flighty, and it was orchestrated to justify Odumbo's agenda to impinge on the Second Amendment rights of American citizens, flighty. For that reason, flighty, "Fast and Furious" wasn't like previous operations; plus, the guns were not tracked and the guns were transferred to the drug cartels without the knowledge or cooperation of the Mexican government, flighty. So, you're a liar when you claim it started with Bush43, and you're a liar when you deny Holder's DOJ's direct involvement in the operation.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The concept of "gun running" started with Bush43. It was called operation "wide receiver" The program failed to catch the drug dealers from Mexico. The ATF agents in the Arizona field office started another "gun running program" on their own without communicating to Holder. They made the program more aggressive by, letting more guns "walk" and not putting tracking devices on the guns. The ATF agents thought the Mexican cartel had contacts inside the Mexican government that were leaking information. So the agents did not inform the Mexican government about what became known as operation "Fast and Furious". This name came from the Vin Disel movie, when the ATF agents observed that Mexican gun buyers raced cars at night. Fast and Furious became political because one U.S. agent was murdered by the guns that walked and the program (even though it was more aggressive) did not catch the Mexican drug dealers.

IBH left out all of these facts!!!!!

NSA was started by Bush43 and Dick Cheney. It strongly supported by both. IBH left that out as well. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have to be careful when you are dealing with IBH, he tends to leave out information. Originally Posted by flghtr65
are you actually claiming G H W Bush started the NSA? the National Security Agency?

gotdam you are stupid!

Formed November 4, 1952; 63 years ago

and you wonder why you lose any argument you try to make??

No one has answered my question. Where are the enlightened people? Originally Posted by Seeker

We don' to have to answer your question ShitSeeker... it's obvious

You people are severely distracted by nonsense. It doesn't matter any of the parties america you know is a fake for a very very long time. The whores in the media are liars to the highest degree and are own by the parasites who truly control most of the world. Call me conspiracy theorists all you want but the powers that suck ass like to boast of how they conquer america, you are just too blind to see as a result of too much entertainment. Well you are adults and if you all have the balls and the stomach to read here are the true facts you have missed.

The two party system is in place to give you the illusion of choice, slaves have no choice they have owners, is time to take the blinders off.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You people are severely distracted by nonsense. It doesn't matter any of the parties america you know is a fake for a very very long time. The whores in the media are liars to the highest degree and are own by the parasites who truly control most of the world. Call me conspiracy theorists all you want but the powers that suck ass like to boast of how they conquer america, you are just too blind to see as a result of too much entertainment. Well you are adults and if you all have the balls and the stomach to read here are the true facts you have missed.

The two party system is in place to give you the illusion of choice, slaves have no choice they have owners, is time to take the blinders off. Originally Posted by ilikeit09
tell me something that most of us, except the deluded libtard ClinTard supporters, don't already know??
I B Hankering's Avatar
You people are severely distracted by nonsense. It doesn't matter any of the parties america you know is a fake for a very very long time. The whores in the media are liars to the highest degree and are own by the parasites who truly control most of the world. Call me conspiracy theorists all you want but the powers that suck ass like to boast of how they conquer america, you are just too blind to see as a result of too much entertainment. Well you are adults and if you all have the balls and the stomach to read here are the true facts you have missed.

The two party system is in place to give you the illusion of choice, slaves have no choice they have owners, is time to take the blinders off.
Originally Posted by ilikeit09
So, you actually believe there never was a difference between Justice Sotomayor and Justice Scalia?
lustylad's Avatar
....YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by flghtr65
flghtr65's Avatar
You'd be the bald-faced, lying idiot, flighty, because the emails that have been released show that "Fast and Furious" was orchestrated by the DOJ, flighty, and it was orchestrated to justify Odumbo's agenda to impinge on the Second Amendment rights of American citizens, flighty. For that reason, flighty, "Fast and Furious" wasn't like previous operations; plus, the guns were not tracked and the guns were transferred to the drug cartels without the knowledge or cooperation of the Mexican government, flighty. So, you're a liar when you claim it started with Bush43, and you're a liar when you deny Holder's DOJ's direct involvement in the operation. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No, you are the bald-faced lying idiot. From the link in Post #20. The Arizona ATF agents decided to use "gun walking" on their own in Operation Fast and Furious. Everything that I said in post #20 is true. You are a FUCKING MORON. The link backs up what I wrote in Post #20.

2009–2011: Operation Fast and Furious[edit]

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. strategy for combating Mexican drug cartels. Participating in the meeting were Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden, Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, acting ATF Director Kenneth E. Melson, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrator Michele Leonhart, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Robert Mueller and the top federal prosecutors in the Southwestern border states. They decided on a strategy to identify and eliminate entire arms trafficking networks rather than low-level buyers.[3][38][39] Those at the meeting apparently did not suggest using the "gunwalking" tactic, but Phoenix ATF supervisors would soon use it in an attempt to achieve the desired goals

lustylad's Avatar
So, you actually believe there never was a difference between Justice Sotomayor and Justice Scalia? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sounds like ilikeit09 and COG drink the same koolaid.
LexusLover's Avatar
YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by flghtr65
Were you looking in the mirror when you wrote that?
LexusLover's Avatar
No, you are the bald-faced lying idiot. From the link in Post #20. The Arizona ATF agents decided to use "gun walking" on their own in Operation Fast and Furious. Everything that I said in post #20 is true. You are a FUCKING MORON. The link backs up what I wrote in Post #20. Originally Posted by flghtr65
In your lame-ass effort to tie "Bush43" to "Fast and Furious" you have cited and quoted material that disputes what you were attempting when you were suggesting that the delivery of firearms to cartel members in Latin American countries was a "Bush43" plan .... It wasn't.

Since you have no personal knowledge of any of the unauthorized activities of "ATF" agents, you have no clue about what you are are just regurgitating crap from "Wiki"..... that proves you were wrong in the first place. The materials you reference clearly distinguish the focus, methodology, and purpose of the two programs ....

.. and you can scream all you want with ALL CAPS .... it does no good.
LexusLover's Avatar
The concept of "gun running" started with Bush43.

NSA was started by Bush43 and Dick Cheney. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I was talking about the programs that the Arizona ATF field agents ran, which were operation wide receiver and fast and furious, ...... Originally Posted by flghtr65
I did not write that "Fast and Furious started when Bush was in office. I wrote that the concept of running guns to catch the Mexican Drug Cartel started with Bush43 and was called Operation Wide Receiver. Originally Posted by flghtr65
[SIZE=3] Everything that I said in post #20 is true. The link backs up what I wrote in Post #20.

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held ..... Originally Posted by flghtr65
The concept of "gun running" started with Bush43.

The concept of "gun running" started with Bush43.

The concept of "gun running" started with Bush43.

The concept of "gun running" started with Bush43. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Please find another subject to rant about .... it's painful to watch you flounder.
LexusLover's Avatar
:Originally Posted by flghtr65

NSA was started by Bush43 and Dick Cheney.

"When NSA was established in 1952 it had no emblem; the new organization simply used the Department of Defense emblem. William F. Friedman, the father of modern American cryptology, suggested to the Director, LTG Ralph Canine, in 1955 that there be a design competition for an NSA emblem, but the idea was not accepted."

When I asked you if you had a "law degree" it was a rhetorical question, because I actually knew from observing your posts you are too fucking stupid to have one.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No one has answered my question. Where are the enlightened people? Originally Posted by Seeker
there aren't any.

most of the enlightened people lived in the 1700 - 1800's
LexusLover's Avatar
there aren't any.

most of the enlightened people lived in the 1700 - 1800's Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I take it then you do not believe in "re-incarnation."