Connecticut Elementary School.

AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
The problem is there are so many guns in circulation now, both legally and illegally, that it is unrealistic to think guns can be controlled.
jokacz's Avatar
If only John Hinkley Jr. was a better shot!
He could have excised the tumor that is at the root of the malignancy that will eventually destroy this nation - Ronald Reagan and his progeny.
Now you're being ridiculous. I could have just as easily used a parking lot at a Friday night high school football game as an example.

All well and good, but this will do nothing but prevent the accidental shootings from kids bringing guns to schools. Or the shooting where some kid gets in a fight with another student and shoots him simply because he has a gun in his pocket.

I find it more than a little ironic that you'll suggest that, no matter the level of gun control, if someone wants to get a gun they'll get it, while at the same time ignoring the fact that if someone wants to shoot up 20 kids in an elementary school, they'll find a way to do it.

I heard this kid entered the school through a window. Even ignoring that fact of how he could evade the metal detector, there's no doubt he would have simply killed the guard standing at the metal detector if he had to go through one.

Gun control may or may not be the answer....but i'm quite sure that putting metal detectors everywhere a danger exists ain't gonna accomplish squat.

You can "don't believe" all you want. Right now, that's based on little more than your faith that you think you're right. All i know is that relatively easy access to guns allowed a bugged out maniac to kill 20 kids in an elementary school. I'm just glad my side isn't in the position of having to defend the system that allowed that to happen. Originally Posted by Doove
i dont know why you want to argue...its just senseless...i have seen the security work in the schools..
there was no security in place at this school to prevent this terrible thing from happening..he walked right in..there was no metal detector in place to detect the guns...
your argument is really just you wanting to argue...have you been to school where they have implemented the security in their schools..detectors and security where they do go over every child and check every book bag? I have...and im telling you not because i believe it or my faith has anything to do with it....but because i have witness it...

if someone wants to shoot someone in a parking lot its gonna happen...but its not gonna happen inside the schools that have amped up the security on every level....

jeez doove..sometimes you argue to hear yourself argue..

if you stand on the corner in the inner city and think you cant get a gun..your seriously mistaken and you have a very dim view of whats goin on out there right now...
very dim...yea..hear of any schools with this amped up security have issues with shootings in school after they instituted the security and devices...i havent..
only those places that havent anything in place has been the subject of these acts..

you heard this kid went through a window..sure doove just like they mixed him up with his brother..and accused his brother of being the shooter and his brother wasnt even in the same heard we heard the world heard several diff stories..we wont know till it all comes together..

the schools im reffing to ..they have security as you walk through a door way..not a guy standing there with these things in their hands like at a concert..the second someone brings in metal the doors lock down..and there is security on both sides of the door witnessed 2 gaurds on each side.. unless this kid has guns in both hands raised already he aint got a chance in hell of killing the security..
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Would we rather have maniacs that can't get guns or well adjusted people that can? The minute we give up on teaching responsibility and instead regulate what needs to be handled responsibly we are already on the wrong path.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Reagan? Shit was fucked long before Reagan. Kennedy, Roosevelt, had their part, as well as countless crooked cocksuckers before them.

Baby Boomers, there's someone to blame. Let's fuck like bunnies without any follow up parenting.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
America, don't repeat Australia's gun control mistake | The Daily Caller
Jan 19, 2011 – Fifteen years ago, in the wake a mass shooting, Australia passed restrictive gun control laws. The laws backfired.

its sad
I wish the news would only cut in when they have new facts and not makeup news. As Anita pointed out when I said I heard he got his father also, she came back could not find the father. Now I not be hearing anything about the father.

Possession: for NYS not part of NYC
Rifles and Shotguns: There is no state licensing requirement for the possession of a rifle or shotgun, although any person convicted of a felony or other serious offense and any person who "has been certified not suitable to possess a rifle or shotgun" (mentally incompetent) is prohibited from possession. A person who has been convicted of a felony or other serious offense may obtain a certificate of good conduct which will then permit him to possess rifles and shotguns. Generally, it is unlawful for anyone under the age of 16 to possess any firearm; however, a rifle or shotgun may be possessed by a person between the ages of 12 and 16 who is engaged in supervised target shooting on a range. A minor at least 14 years of age may hunt with any rifle or shotgun, provided he has a valid hunting license and is accompanied by his parent, guardian or other parentally-designated adult who also holds a valid hunting license.

Yet from what I hearing about the killer. I not sure he could buy legally in NY.

as to NRA not caring mmmmm Eddie Eagle come to mind. Also NRA shooting program where I took a shooting class at the age of 12 from the town LE paid for by NRA that still can be had. yet not where I took it now, they dropped out when the gave up one of its outside range's. Then NRA will pay the cost of prosecution if ya go for the max with a gun crime. Rochester was part of that program under Mayor Johnson till a relative got bagged for a gun crime. That is when all sings in Rochester for "gun + crime = time" went down put up by NRA cash that the city payed to take down, ahhhhhh sweet. If Maggie was smart, she would have at that time got Monroe county under the program. hehehe

mmmmin this case. gee I did not know the mother also worked at toys-are-us and chucky cheese also. Thanks Doove
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-15-2012, 10:08 AM
i dont know why you want to argue...its just senseless...

jeez doove..sometimes you argue to hear yourself argue.. Originally Posted by anita germane
Whatever. The larger point is you want to prevent it from happening in schools. I want to prevent it from happening.

All you're going to accomplish is to change the location where 20 kids get massacred. Have at it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Whatever. The larger point is you want to prevent it from happening in schools. I want to prevent it from happening.

All you're going to accomplish is to change the location where 20 kids get massacred. Have at it. Originally Posted by Doove
Gee doove its errr use to be a free country. Its up to a company as to security at its locations. As to schools every school should have armed personnel. imo, Teachers at where this went down.

Anita knows of what she sayin as to schools in Rochester. I'm thinkin every jrHS and every HS should have also a few on duty cops armed. Not beholding to the school district. in Monroe county. Every school metal detectors at the door. In Rochester, does have cops at the schools. But are beholding to the school and school district. So illegal guns have been taken from students. Yet no one has been charged with a crime, or removed from said school. That Per the school and district. Oh ya sweet teaching the kids there are no repercussions for breaking rules of the school and laws of the land. Well they do have to see a shrink a few times. heh shrinks I see as part of the problem.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-15-2012, 10:35 AM
hear of any schools with this amped up security have issues with shootings in school after they instituted the security and devices...i havent.. Originally Posted by anita germane
Not for nothing, but a story about the school's principal.

She also dove into her work, quickly asserting her leadership and implementing a number of initiatives affecting the school's nearly 700 students from about 500 families

One of them was overseeing the installation of a new security system requiring every visitor to ring the front entrance's doorbell after the doors locked at 9:30 a.m. If they were buzzed into the front office, parents would be asked for photo identification.

Make of it what you will.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-15-2012, 10:39 AM
Gee doove its errr use to be a free country. Its up to a company as to security at its locations. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Exactly my point. And unless you wanna have every public zone on 24 hr lock-down, putting metal detectors in schools isn't an acceptable answer to preventing this sort of thing from happening.

As to schools every school should have armed personnel. imo, Teachers at where this went down.
And for a guy who pisses and moans at every turn about how much he has to pay in taxes... cannot prevent it from happening at all...its gonna happen..because
some people are off their rocker's and just plain nutts...they have serious psychotic issues and feel they are righting a wrong that has been done to them..

at least when you drop you children off at school you should have the peace of mind that you know your children will be a place of order to have that.. strict guidelines of security and security devices should be implemented to make sure these kids are safe in a place of learning..these kids are in school at least 8 hours a year the hours will be extended to at least 10 to 11 hours a day..parents need to know their kids are safe from this type of situation..of course your gonna have fights in school that are of they physical nature..but at least they arent going to be shooting's or stabbing with knives...

once you step into a parking lot... a grocery store .. take your life into your own hands by that of your own choice....

the schools here in rochester are locked...unless you get buzzed in your not getting in..
and then you make your way to the office on your can wander all over the school if you one chaperoning you.
Im sorry but thats not a security system that i am speaking of...n0t even close..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well I am paying for cops at school now. yes sir. I am now. But they are unarmed as per school rules. arm the cops, its useless with the gun in the trunk. also let S.U.N.Y. campus security carry, what good is a gun in a safe. WTF I'm paying for unarmed. If I be a payin and bitching about payin. PUT A FUCKING GUN IN THERE HANDS. And make what I be payin worth something.

most of what I be payin is worthless and wasted.

Anita, bussed in is it. dang I know in the 80's in a Rochester city school you where chaperoned every where you went.
How's about you tell us exactly what the President said yesterday that got your panties in such a bunch.

Go ahead. Originally Posted by Doove
do you ever venture out into a city?

out of your house?
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  • Doove
  • 12-15-2012, 11:27 AM cannot prevent it from happening at all...its gonna happen..because
some people are off their rocker's and just plain nutts...they have serious psychotic issues and feel they are righting a wrong that has been done to them.. Originally Posted by anita germane
No argument there. But while we don't have a monopoly on nuts and whack-jobs, these sorts of shootings seem to occur with a much greater regularity here than they do in other countries.

Other countries have dozens of gun murders a year. We have thousands. Sorry, but you're not going to convince me that our comparative access to guns isn't complicit in that fact.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-15-2012, 11:29 AM
do you ever venture out into a city?

out of your house? Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Oops. I think you meant to tell us what the President said yesterday regarding gun control that offended you so much.

Go ahead.