As far as I am concerned LBJ was guilty of mass murder. His management of the war was completely incompetent. You could make pro or con arguments about the others but to me LBJ is an easy conclusion. I do believe that Obama like LBJ is more interested in politics than military effectiveness. That attitude costs the lives of troops. Men and women far better than him.
Originally Posted by Laz
The mission was fucked in Vietnam, same as Afghanistan. Sorry, but Obama was right to be skeptical about what we're doing there and right to be pessimistic about our chances to accomplish whatever the fuck it is we are trying to accomplish. The thing he was wrong about was not to pull every single American out of that shithole the day he was sworn in.
Don't you get it yet? Afghanistan is a black hole that we can pour treasure and blood into for the next 20 years and nothing is going to change. Read your fucking history books. Ask the Russians, ask the British, we're just the latest in a long line. We should have been out of that god-forsaken place 12 months after American boots first hit the ground there.