Why must you NEVER write fake reviews?

eyecu2's Avatar
Tats- I got no problem with reading any review old or new; hell half of what has me choosing new places are based on the old news, But I also rely on PM's and more about ROS details etc. and more details which are shared privately. My one and only concern remains with what I've mentioned- private information being shared to non -PA access holders. CG doesn't have it, so someone shared details. Jinny's suggestion that some information could be surmised by the after comments, but I'm sure CG wanted to know what was said by the original poster since that is where this whole thing began. If it wasn't you, that person who did share the details, and further the posts by CG which you carried over here have implicated you. So at the end of the day, which is more damaging, old reviews or fake reviews? It seems like both serve little relevance to what the reality of what to expect today. A whore you fucked 60 days ago could be knocked up today. And if it was posted by someone who simply faked the details, it's even likely further from the situation of the day. I see them as being in the same boat. Not substantial, and for that sake, more like junk food....delicious but not too nutritious. Reading these reviews is really about that anyway since no body has the same experiences as the writer due to a matter of perspective and YMMV.
berryberry's Avatar
What I was stressing upon was NOT TO write fake reviews in order to gain access to read bullshit as that could endanger someone in an unpleasant way. Originally Posted by tatasddd
And yet you have been busted for writing fake reviews, for posting out of date reviews and for white knighting

And yet you persist
I thought you hated charlie, why is this even a concern to you. If you are looking to make this site better, stop acting like an ass.
In the words of Trump. "Someone is a Leaker here". And not just down their trouser leg either. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Not just here but on every site.

There will be leakers on all sites. they think it gains them leverage or friends and gets them in on the inside info.
AKA Whiteknights, or leaky cunts who think the guys appreciate them for telling secrets.

But still eccie is set up in a way and you gents are descriptive enough in your posts for anyone to tell basically what is and isn't positive in a review thread.