What is your main concern in 2024 election?

texassapper's Avatar
Main concern? Keeping trump off ballots and or from getting elected Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah... nothing is going to make 50% (or more) of your neighbors reject the outcome of an election than denying the right of their candidate from being on the ballot.

That'll probably be great for national stability.

I seem to recall some kerfuffle about taxation w/o representation being an issue in our past.

I hope you get what you wish for... because that will only accelerate the collapse.
lots of mail in votes are counted last, hence the late period rise and a lot of democrats vote by mail, especially during the pandemic. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Sure. But 98% in one reporting period for one candidate? That doesn't make you go what the hell?
Can't imagine Diaper Don and MTG on the ballot, just shoot me.
eyecu2's Avatar
Sure. But 98% in one reporting period for one candidate? That doesn't make you go what the hell? Originally Posted by buzzlghtyr401
Initially it does; but remember when 45 told ppl to vote in person- and then you had Fox news (the GOP network) telling ppl to vote in person, vs voting via mail? There was a ton of scare mongering that "that your vote won't count if you vote by mail", or "that is how lowly democrats vote", or a mail in vote is a cheating vote".

Lots of examples that would literally steer an entire voting community to not-vote by mail, and only in person. It's madness that they would tell ppl to go only in person, when every vote counts. Especially 11,780 votes in GA that would possibly create a different outcome.

If you really want to be upset with the process, how about being upset with the messengers who gave bad advice to an entire cohort of GOP minded folks?!!

The fact that the GOP has now tried to trim-down the voting roles by contesting the names of the registered voters in RED/ Blue states is very suspect. Instead of growing their own ranks, they are much more focused on legal tactics to limit Blue voters; Seems like the cheating is really more on trying to limit voters, vs encouraging citizens to vote.

or this:
there's an obscure and otherwise little-known position on the Michigan Board of State Canvassers which is composed of two Republicans and two Democrats. The last time, in 2020, Trump's strategy was to get both Republicans to refuse to certify the state election results, which was required as part of the procedure before electors could be appointed for the state of Michigan, which Biden won. He wanted to deadlock that panel to save time and to give time for the Michigan legislature to take other actions in his favor.

There was one Republican on that panel who refused Trump's entreaties to vote against certification. His name was Van Langevelde, you know, a 30-something Republican functionary. But he said the election results are valid. I'm going to vote for them, and he's now been hounded out of office and he's off the board of state canvassers. That's what the Trump allies have done all around the country. They've looked for everywhere that said no to Trump, and they have tried to remove those people, or they have changed the law so those people no longer have any authority to get in Trump's way.

or this.

Fourteen states have enacted 22 new laws making it harder to vote
In addition to the 22 new laws, an additional 61 bills were advancing through legislatures in 18 states. Advancing bills include those that have either passed in at least one chamber or have otherwise made progress at the committee level.

Don't you find it odd that the passage of voting limitations is all one sided so that the GOP backed states are the ones trying to limit thier voters?

Its literally a legal attack on the ability to vote!! I'm pretty sure the silent coup has already started!

and of course Fox even privately stated the election fraud was bogus, but that didn't play well with the kool-aid drinkers who haven't accepted the outcome>


Fox News anchors and producers privately acknowledged that former President Donald Trump and his allies' allegations of election fraud in the aftermath of the 2020 election were false despite their network's promotion of those claims, according to a new court filing by Dominion Voting Systems.

I would think that every AMERICAN would want every vote to count for their candidate. When the accusations of fraud and theft and cheating aren't substantiated by ANY proof, that's just more gaslighting.

Really the fear of what is happening quietly / privately in states and legislatures who are limiting access to voting or priming the seats of the electoral voters to vote as ONE particular party would like, are securing these seats w new ppl who will NOT vote as the states' voters wish but to align with a corrupt party, who is trying to create a win at any cost, is absolutely appalling.

But it won't be cheating, since it's done legally and through the legislature. It's the absolute perversion of justice by lawyers and a group who simply cannot stand losing.
Ramaswamy and DeSantis makes Trump look good. I can't see a way for Biden to win so I would take Trump any day over these two.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I'm starting to wonder when they are going to realize that the only way out of our debt problem is to both limit government spending and raise taxes. Both will be required over a considerable time frame to solve our national debt.

They need to fix our immigration system as well. We need to start training and putting to work all the migrants we have in our country now. Let's get these people paying fica so we can keep our social security network running. Everybody paying into the pool now will support all the baby boomers collecting into the future.

Our debt problem really ballooned after the bush tax cuts, two unfunded wars, the housing meltdown, the trump tax cuts and now the pandemic spending and inflation reduction act.

Simply cutting spending won't do the trick no matter how many conservatives tell you it will. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are going to have to bite the bullet, come together and pass some legislation that everyone will hate except the policy wonks on capital hill.

When will we stop worrying about transgenderism, racial politics, religious issues and abortion and start solving our actual economic problems?

All day everyday.
Cut spending (unless you're in power,fat chance) and more massive tax cuts to the wealthy is the gop way.

My election dream which will come true is putting and keeping the gop out of power

Give peace and the planet earth a chance.thats all I'm saying and that the future elections will be a slam dunk for all things blue and green.

Our children and grandchildren are not as stupid as old racist white men running the gop or their voters
  • Tiny
  • 09-15-2023, 01:13 PM
I'm starting to wonder when they are going to realize that the only way out of our debt problem is to both limit government spending and raise taxes. Both will be required over a considerable time frame to solve our national debt.

They need to fix our immigration system as well. We need to start training and putting to work all the migrants we have in our country now. Let's get these people paying fica so we can keep our social security network running. Everybody paying into the pool now will support all the baby boomers collecting into the future.

Our debt problem really ballooned after the bush tax cuts, two unfunded wars, the housing meltdown, the trump tax cuts and now the pandemic spending and inflation reduction act.

Simply cutting spending won't do the trick no matter how many conservatives tell you it will. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are going to have to bite the bullet, come together and pass some legislation that everyone will hate except the policy wonks on capital hill.

When will we stop worrying about transgenderism, racial politics, religious issues and abortion and start solving our actual economic problems? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Yeah, taxes and spending would be my top concern too. Government spending accounts for about 40% of our GDP. Of that, states and localities account for 16% of GDP and the federal government 24%.

I see the value we get from state and local government, proportionate to what we spend, at least where I live. The federal government on the other hand doesn't do jack for me, beyond funding the FAA and the interstate highway system. And passing on some money to my state and community, some part of which is spent on projects we wouldn't choose to fund ourselves if the money had to come out of our own pockets.

Social security and Medicare account for about 35% of federal government spending. That means other federal government spending accounts for 16% of GDP. That could be reduced substantially.

Yes, we absolutely need to cut deficits. No, we shouldn't do it by jacking up taxes on Americans sky high.

Do we really need bigger government, when its expenditures are forty percent of GDP? I'm not sure about state and local government. But given how wasteful and inefficient our federal government is, I don't see giving it more money, as a % of GDP. Make the bastards in Washington, D.C. cut spending instead.

And the policy wonks on Capitol Hill are part of the problem. (I'm not referring to the good people at the Congressional Budget Office, but rather those who want to take more money from the heartland because they believe the pols in Washington D.C. have a have a higher and better use for our money than we do.)

And yes, you have valid points about our THREE unfunded wars (one being the much smaller proxy war against Russia in Ukraine) and the Republicans failure to cut spending along with cutting taxes when they controlled the White House, the House and the Senate during 2001/2002 and 2017/2018.
  • Tiny
  • 09-15-2023, 01:24 PM
Give peace....a chance. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Since George W. Bush disappeared from the scene, the Democratic Party appears more inclined to fund wars in foreign countries than the Republicans. While Trump changed the Republican Party for the worse in several respects, that was one change for the better.
Our friend Tiny thinks that states are efficient spenders. He should know better. Regardless, any program we cut at the federal level to reduce spending will just increase burdens on the states as they try to make up for that loss. It’ll be great for California New York Florida Maryland Georgia and a slew of Blue Stated and Texas since they can generally find themselves and likely even raise taxes to make up any loss. Unfortunately Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, most other red states and maybe South Carolina will start looking like third world countries.

Even though we have a huge number of idiots on this site who seem to believe that red states don’t rely on Blue State welfare, it’s pretty clear that’s the case. Red States by and large are the most poverty stricken

I’m a believer in cutting spending and shifting the cost to the states. Let them care for their citizens rather than block granting federal funds to states. Also we do need to raise taxes. I don’t mind paying my share. We can knock out some debt pretty quickly.
  • Tiny
  • 09-15-2023, 01:53 PM
Our friend Tiny thinks that states are efficient spenders. He should know better. Regardless, any program we cut at the federal level to reduce spending will just increase burdens on the states as they try to make up for that loss. It’ll be great for California New York Florida Maryland Georgia and a slew of Blue Stated and Texas since they can generally find themselves and likely even raise taxes to make up any loss. Unfortunately Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, most other red states and maybe South Carolina will start looking like third world countries.

Even though we have a huge number of idiots on this site who seem to believe that red states don’t rely on Blue State welfare, it’s pretty clear that’s the case. Red States by and large are the most poverty stricken

I’m a believer in cutting spending and shifting the cost to the states. Let them care for their citizens rather than block granting federal funds to states. Also we do need to raise taxes. I don’t mind paying my share. We can knock out some debt pretty quickly. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Good to have you back Blackman. Now if LustyLad and Texas Contrarian would surface again.

My city has the highest per capita GDP in the USA. Undoubtedly we send a ton more money to Washington D.C. than we get back. We can best decide what we want to spend OUR money on. The power of the purse, as well as governance, should be closest to the people whenever that makes the most sense.

Now, if I lived in Louisiana like you do, my view might be different. Although it sounds from your last paragraph that your view may be similar to mine. I'm not referring to the part where you want to raise taxes. I hope someday you'll find a cure for your Stockholm Syndrome.
You can never cut enough from the federal govt to pay off the debt. Hence you have raise taxes as well. Worst of both worlds for the best result. I think it worked well for Clinton.

Your Norquestian anti tax beliefs are simply unworkable if you’re serious about reducing debt and the country’s dependence on spending.

... .... Now, now there, lads...

... Me main concern is WHO should be Vice-President.
Got some quality candidates in-mind already.
But surely reckon President Trump can choose.

Border Immigration and the Economy surely seem to be the
main concerns.

#### Salty
Me know that the gop is a bunch ok Koch heads begging on their knees for the brothers support.

Pick me for you bros to buy the election. Me be your good old white boy. Me agrees to look in the sky and see no blue or stars. Me know its Light pollution lol

Me don't think blue and green bad. Just me opinion