U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic

adav8s28's Avatar

It was obvious what we needed to do by the end of January, and Trump's advisers were shouting it out to him as loud as they could. Trump however, is unequipped, by his nature, to take this on. He doesn't have a proper appreciation for science, research and analysis. He has a short attention span. Perhaps part of it was pursuit of his self interest, spouting a line that he thought would help the stock market and the economy and his chances for re-election early on by minimizing the perception of the danger from this.
Originally Posted by Tiny

The best section of your post Tiny. It was Trump who said in the beginning, that when the snow starts melting in April the carona virus would go away. At the same time Dr Fauci and the other scientists are on the talk shows saying there is no proof that carona virus will be seasonal flu which not active in the summer months.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Trump took one right step early.. banning flights from China. but his Lackeys here keep harping on that, while ignoring the many failures. we are ridiculously far behind in testing ability, even as Trump stated a while back that anyone who wanted a test could get one. he didn't say the virus was a hoax, but he said those who were making it into something major, were Hoax reporters. this guy thinks he knows more than Doctors, Generals and Scientists. arrogant SOB form the word go..
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump took one right step early.. banning flights from China. but his Lackeys here keep harping on that, while ignoring the many failures. we are ridiculously far behind in testing ability, .... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Actually the GED is a rather simple test. Why can't you pass it?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Actually the GED is a rather simple test. Why can't you pass it? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The thread topic is the fat lying bastards inability to have the country prepared for a Pandemic with prior classified knowledge. Why can’t you comprehend that ?......you got a case of raging dumbass?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Actually the GED is a rather simple test. Why can't you pass it? Originally Posted by LexusLover
how old are you? nine?
  • oeb11
  • 03-21-2020, 06:57 PM
Why does j666 have a fixation that anything trump says is a Lie - and has nothing else
get some professional help j666
It is needed!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why does j666 have a fixation that anything trump says is a Lie - and has nothing else
get some professional help j666
It is needed! Originally Posted by oeb11
he goes overboard like your friends here do.. why not call the Forever Trumpers out, for refusing to admit Trump has ever done anything wrong? Waco said he believes Trump has been 100% right, for 3 years.. that is devotion to a God.
  • Tiny
  • 03-21-2020, 08:54 PM

The best section of your post Tiny. It was Trump who said in the beginning, that when the snow starts melting in April the carona virus would go away. At the same time Dr Fauci and the other scientists are on the talk shows saying there is no proof that carona virus will be seasonal flu which not active in the summer months. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Adav8s28, There's probably something to that. Flu cases fall off by about 70% in the summer. And the four endemic coronaviruses (viruses that jumped from animals to humans) also fall off, more than the flu. Humidity may be a bigger factor than heat. In the winter the air we breath is dry because of artificial heating, and people are more likely to be crowded together. Also, the number of cases reported in places like Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and India has been proportionately much smaller than other, colder, drier countries that China has a lot of contact with. Australia didn't have many cases, although that appears to be changing, as the country passes from summer to fall.

So gnadfly and others may very well be saying "I told you so" around August. I hope they're right. I fear if this happens, the Spanish Flu of 1918 may be a model of what may come next. It appeared to peter out in the summer, then came back with a vengeance, worse than ever, the following fall and winter.
LexusLover's Avatar
Government scrambling as hospitals run low on basic supplies for coronavirus Originally Posted by Jaxson66
#1: That's not the "Government's" responsibility. That's the hospital's responsibility. But more importantly, as the 2020 election looms and the DimWits (like you) support a CommunistSocialist who demands "Medicare for All" .... what the fuck do you think our medical "supply" system is going to look like under a "Bernie" medical plan .... "Medicare for All"?

With every post you PROVE YOU ARE A DUMBASS! Not only are your STUPID you are ignorantly, STUPID.

Do you actually believe that the Chinese got a stranglehold on our pharmaceutical and medical equipment manufacturing during the three years of the Trump administration? Trump's been beating down the Chinese and still is ....! As you whine and bitch like a Little SissyBoy! Keep it up ... sucking off the taxpayers' tit, Little SissyBoy!
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump took one right step early.. banning flights from China. ..... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
... and you like all the other DimBulbs on here would have said what during the FAILED IMPEACHMENT had he done more while he got an assessment on the reality of the situation.

Little Pukes like you would have been whining about how he was trying to divert attention away from the FAILED IMPEACHMENT!!!!

So UNLIKE YOU he started looking for the FACTS!
What happened in January/Feb in the Intelligence committee?

Oh right, the Democrats were busy with the Trump Impeachment Sham.
LexusLover's Avatar
how old are you? nine? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No, but I know how to address an 8-year-old like you and Jackoff!
he goes overboard like your friends here do.. why not call the Forever Trumpers out, for refusing to admit Trump has ever done anything wrong? Waco said he believes Trump has been 100% right, for 3 years.. that is devotion to a God. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
We keep asking "what Trump did wrong?" and we never hear any valid response. Multiple times.

Here's another opportunity CT. Start listing.
LexusLover's Avatar
What happened in January/Feb in the Intelligence committee?

Oh right, the Democrats were busy with the Trump Impeachment Sham.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
They were also in the Fall when this shit hit the fan overseas!

In fact the so-called "Intelligence Committee" had concluded that Trump was the greatest threat to the U.S. AND THE WORLD! Remember?

Chan and JackOff were singing that tune over three years ago and have never quit their childish bullshit.
Lex, clean out your mailbox.