beto and vato or is it beta and vata

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Unfortunately, Beto might get to run the country. Him losing to Cruz might have made him President, if his luck holds. Originally Posted by friendly fred
For Beto to come within 2.6% of the incumbent Cruz in what is presumably a very red state speaks to the popularity of the guy. If he softens some of his positions that are too far to the left for many, he would be a strong candidate in 2020. Especially if Trump continues to flounder in the polls.
This will be very interesting with Beto. Personally, I think he's a nice guy but nice guys usually finish last. I think he would want to please everybody and end up getting nothing done. In Washington, you have to have a strong,dominate personality and I just don't see it in him. I see him as a weak person. That's just my opinion.
Texas is no longer "very red". I look for it to turn into California in about another 10 years.

Texas was totally Democrat until Reagan. It's steadily getting back there.

Of course, it wasn't the Democrats of today. It was in the tradition of the old "Dixiecrats", racist to the core and about as corrupt as a politician could be and stay out of jail.

Lyndon Johnson came up with the grand scheme of telling blacks that they could become wards of the State, he would give them everything they needed, food, shelter, and a check. It was "The Great Society".

All for their vote.
For Beto to come within 2.6% of the incumbent Cruz in what is presumably a very red state speaks to the popularity of the guy. If he softens some of his positions that are too far to the left for many, he would be a strong candidate in 2020. Especially if Trump continues to flounder in the polls. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes, if he plays to the middle he would be hard to beat.

The potential problem is, in the age of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, does Beto realize he is white, and therefore not welcome in leftist America?
bamscram's Avatar
Yes, if he plays to the middle he would be hard to beat.

The potential problem is, in the age of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, does Beto realize he is white, and therefore not welcome in leftist America? Originally Posted by friendly fred

Doesen't the left welcome everyone? It is the rabid right who only want's white .
Hey guys, Beto is an avowed Socialist and a make believe Mexican.

He fooled enough people who were to fukin' stupid to realize that. Why the hell do you think all of his signs simply said "Beto".

Beto's act was a one night stand. I doubt Robert Francis will be able to sell many tickets to the next show.
Doesen't the left welcome everyone? It is the rabid right who only want's white . Originally Posted by bamscram
The left most certainly doesn't welcome everyone. They hate old, white conservatives and would prefer they be killed.
Hey guys, Beto is an avowed Socialist and a make believe Mexican.

He fooled enough people who were to fukin' stupid to realize that. Why the hell do you think all of his signs simply said "Beto".

Beto's act was a one night stand. I doubt Robert Francis will be able to sell many tickets to the next show. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, I hope you are correct here but Beto the fako is a serious threat to win the Presidency with his appeal to the stupid as fuck left wing socialists and those who they intimidate.

I find it hypocritical of lefties to vote for white men, though , since white men cause all the problems in the US.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey guys, Beto is an avowed Socialist and a make believe Mexican.

He fooled enough people who were to fukin' stupid to realize that. Why the hell do you think all of his signs simply said "Beto".

Beto's act was a one night stand. I doubt Robert Francis will be able to sell many tickets to the next show. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's funny how such an avowed socialist married the daughter of a Texas billionaire. When did Beta say he plans to share his father-in-laws wealth with the huddled masses?
It's funny how such an avowed socialist married the daughter of a Texas billionaire. When did Beta say he plans to share his father-in-laws wealth with the huddled masses? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
beto gave himself a Mexican nickname, taught himself some spanish to aid his subterfuge

brags about going to high school in el paso but never mentions he only went one year there before entering an elite, one of the country's most expensive, boarding schools

and, with the aid of the media black-out, keeps quiet the fact his father in law's real estate portfolio is worth about 20 billion
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The left most certainly doesn't welcome everyone. They hate old, white conservatives and would prefer they be killed. Originally Posted by friendly fred
That statement is just a little over the top.
bamscram's Avatar
The left most certainly doesn't welcome everyone. They hate old, white conservatives and would prefer they be killed. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Doesen't the left welcome everyone? It is the rabid right who only want's white . Originally Posted by bamscram
How about a link please here?

And I see you mention "rabid" right which is defined how? Vs. just the plain "left".

Very vague terms. Please elaborate and define giving valid citations.
Link? Originally Posted by bamscram
"The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years." -- Louis Farrakhan in 2002.
That statement is just a little over the top. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
OK - they would prefer we die off then...

“As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,” [Oprah] Winfrey said. “As long as there are people who still — and there’s a whole generation, I … said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the south — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born, and bred, and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.”