Do not see wellendowed1911

Mojojo's Avatar
I swear this place is starting to look more and more like a video game with points racking up but here's how were going to do this.

Stick to the topic and refrain from the exchange of insulting remarks and unnecessary rudeness. You've got a serious allegation here and one which you should consider thinking before typing more...
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-15-2015, 12:44 PM
And on tonight's episode of "When men need to change their tampons"....

WTF is going on in hobbyland these days.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We can put an end to it very quickly if everyone can't stay away from the rule violations.
Your choice.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
And on tonight's episode of "When men need to change their tampons"....

WTF is going on in hobbyland these days. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
This is why I love you. WOuld you marry me?

On topic: I think wellendowed might have carried over a little too much, but I can't blame him, giving everything else surrounding this drama.

Wellendowwed, don't take my sympathy for your situation as a cue that I would see you. you and all your gender are in my DNS list.
Now we get to play watch the bouncing thread. Where will it go next??
Idk...butt I think some people should Learn how to stfu and go get laid...
Mojojo's Avatar
Now we get to play watch the bouncing thread. Where will it go next?? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Well if you guys played nice we would throw it in the ad's section and see if Chica gets any request for appointments!
ManSlut's Avatar
We can put an end to it very quickly if everyone can't stay away from the rule violations.
Your choice. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
(Raising of the hand with the middle finger still folded down respectfully) What fucking rules are being violated and who is being rude to whom?
FYI, (It's obvious that many Caucasians are unaware of this fact)...

Big Black guys don't tell people that they are big black guys to scare them.

Just like Big white guys or big ______ guys do not advertise or describe themselves as big and _____ to scare people.

Caucasians that fear blacks because of what they think, heard, saw on TV or read, need to get some black friends so that they will realize that skin color does not make a person "bad" or "have super-human strength"!

Skin color may predispose a guy to a larger than average size of certain body parts. Which may also lead to enjoyable sexual experiences for ladies but, it has nothing to do with the ability to cause fear.

The media's portrayal of blacks however, has and continues to cause this unwarranted fear Based on skin color and I hope that society recognizes this one day soon so that "We can all get along!"

If what WE1911 says is true about the OP's race, the idea that the OP thought that by telling WE1911 he was big and black to scare him is really sad and shows the underlying pathology of racism in America.

WE1911, sorry, I will only pay providers.....I don't go both ways.

Just my 2 cents

Happy Hobbying to All, and to all a good night!
bowdown2me's Avatar
Because he has no case......even if he tried to substitute the words and send it to you, surely wellendowed1911 has the original PM he sent to bowdown2me, and then that would probably make you look worse than you already do. So bowdown2me, why did you start this thread? You are digging yourself deeper and deeper.

BTW, this thread is still in the Alerts forum

Fixed it for you, and no truer words have been spoken. But in case you need it, the little white outlined in red with an exclamation point in the middle of it triangle on the lower left of every post and PM on this site is what you click when you want to Report a post/PM To a Moderator.

Why would you do anything personally with or give out personal info to anyone you know who is on this site to begin with? Anything of a personal nature is another world and the two are not related in any way. If you are stupid enough to give out personal info or who your RW friends and family are to anyone on here, not that it is right, but then you are deserving of what you get. I have exchanged numerous PMs with wellendowed1911 and he has not asked for anything to blackmail me with.

This is just another blatant attempt to shift the drama that you caused onto someone else. If you are a real man, tell your posse err, entourage to leave you alone and have nothing to do with them, standing on your own two feet. None of them boys have come to your rescue when Gina Dinero put out an alert on you. No one in their right mind would consider anyone a friend if they are only with you in good times, and these are bad times on this site for you. Where are your buddies now?

You have said that you have been with many of the well known popular providers in another thread, and have the p411 OKs to prove it. Only a low life two faced idiot would keep his two handles on p411 and Eccie separate, for long anyway. Usually because he causes drama in most every post he makes, is an asshat to everyone who disagrees with his opinion, an agenda seeking cyberstalker, hijacking threads in one form or fashion to let others know he still has his agenda or just your garden variety asshole with his Eccie handle and/or most definitely has something else to hide.

Man up, bowdown2me and start to build up your dignity again, if you have any left! Originally Posted by davidfree986
You are a shit talking computer warrior just like wellendowed1911...
Be a man and meet me or sit down and shut the fuck up bitch... I will most likely get banned again... because you bitches are friends with mojojo.....
You all can suck my big fucking Dick... Bunch of shot callin pussies that couldnt get laid in a world full pf pussy... including mojojo....
I dont need no bitch coming to my defense.. you got a problem with you&me... take it up with him...
bowdown2me's Avatar
Jewish Lawyer from all our political debates you should know by now I fear no one, but God. also, he has never been in prison- his latest rant in my pm's he changed himself into a Big Bad mean Black pimp that's been in prison and not afraid of the cops etc- that was his desperate attempt to try to scare me. The OP is not even Black for crying out loud. He tried to paint a picture of someone he thought I would fear- you know the Big Black Bad guy- it's been played to death. I don't wish violence on anyone, but in the real world if I have to defend myself I could care less if you are 7 ft 350 lbs- we all bleed the same right? Now, if he had a "S" on his chest and had skin of steel and super human strength yeah I be a little worried. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Lol... you go on and keep thinking I am who you think I am... .you will meet me one day real soon... and I will show your little bitch ass that all that info you think you have on me was just that.. info to make you think you know me....
Your a fucking coward and a bitch... sit behind your computer... one day you will see exactly what I told your ass you would... and I will be there to prove I aint no skinny little white guy.. .
Ok children. Cut the shit, go to your corners and stop. It seems no one is innocent and by the end of the day a few may be banned when points ad up. The school yard name calling and he said she said shit is old.

I did not move the thread back to COED. Admin chose to based on discussion on alert worthiness or lack thereof. Not that you need an explanation or that we need to give an explanation.

None of you like each other. We get that. We don't care that you don't like each other but the banter makes everyone look like fools. If I were a Provider reading your petty shit, I wouldn't want to see you either.

We all get pissy from time to time but for fucks sake, You guys are fighting on a Hooker Review Board on the internet. Yes, say that line out loud to yourself in front of the mirror. Go haead. Go to a mirror in your house, stand there and Loud & Proud yell out loud with a straight face -

"I am fighting on a Hooker Review Board on the Internet with another dude who also pays for sex."

Now. Step back. Take a mental inventory of your own self and until you realize how silly everyone looks. Look back at the mirror and say it again with pride until you realize......Pride left the building.

I'm not one to have ever been ugly on the board or to purposely disrespect any member or provider but get a grip on reality.
ManSlut's Avatar
bowdown2me, I just wanna know, are you playing chess or checkers right now? In all this high drama I have gotten confused who is playing which game?
bowdown2me's Avatar
This shit needs moved back to the alerts where it belongs....when some guy claims to have real world info and threatens to blackmail the person... that is an alert....
Hes friends with mods and got this shit moved out of the alerts... probably for buying them a piece of ass...
You are all a bunch of bitches....
My main goal in life now is to get this bullshit site shut the fuck down...
And meet wellendowed1911...
Am I white... maybe... am I big and black maybe...
Did I tell that little bitch something that made his ALREADY shriveled balls suck up in his ass... yes I did...
You scared of big black guys wellendowed...
You should really watch that cocksucker...of yours... it will guarantee you a neeting with the monster under your bed... or the boogie man in the closet...
*Shaking my head*

Anybody got the spark notes version of this thread?