pleasant surprise

Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
A man doesn’t wear panties, that’s why you said guy, even you know he’s no man.
A man doesn’t think it’s neat, doesn’t think it’s sexy, doesn’t think it’ll be fun.
He doesn’t think about it at all.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I'm sure glad Les came along to define manhood for us all.
Dev Null's Avatar
Yeah, obviously Alfred Kinsey had it all wrong. Make way for the Krinklesac Institute for Sex Research.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Keep your research, is he the one that told you shoving foreign objects up you rear end is manly too? Here’s a clue, he was gay too.
Not that there’s anything wrong with it, haha, just keep it to yourself, it is abnormal.
Dev Null's Avatar
This may come as a shock, but hooker boards aren't exactly mainstream. Kinsey was bisexual, but at least he had the courage to expand our consciousness about what's normal. I don't see anything manly about repression, but to each their own, sexy underthings included. Real men aren't afraid to let their freak flags fly.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Real men know self lubricating holes are natural, if you have to Astroglide it, it wasn’t made to fuck.
Fly your freak flag high you fudgepacking faggot.
Change your handle to Down Low.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Okay folks.... Knock off the insults. Different things float different people's boats. You can participate in the conversation without calling folks derogatory names.
Dev Null's Avatar
Your homophobia runs deep, little grasshopper.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Not as deep as stuff you like to shove up your ass.
Denile, not only a river in Egypt.
Phobia suggest fear, I fear nothing I can step on, just squish like any insect.
Dev Null's Avatar

This explains a lot about why the mere idea of men wearing women's sexy underthings might evoke all of this imagery about butt play. Shows that 80% of guys with homophobia are aroused by homoerotica, compared to 24% in non-homophobic men.

Not saying that you're one of the 80%, you might be in the 20% group. But it shows there is a link between homophobia and latent homosexuality, and this is the most likely scenario.

Denial, not just a river in Egypt, indeed.

"Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). It has been defined as contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred or antipathy, may be based on irrational fear, and is often related to religious beliefs."
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Just because someone thinks shoving stuff up your ass and wearing women’s clothing is abnormal, it does not make it homophobic.
What all your white knighting is showing us is that you are likely a homosexual.
Nothing wrong with that, fly high your freak, but keep it to yourself!
No matter how many articles, or screaming from the rooftops about it you do, it is ABNORMAL.
Otherwise your asshole would lubricate itself, and you’d save a crap ton on Astroglide.
Dev Null's Avatar
You just keep proving my point. The fact that you continue to conflate cross dressing and butt play tells us more about you than about what's normal.
CryptKicker's Avatar
That's enough folks.... This constant derailing stops now