Will empty suit Rick Perry switch parties again?

my bad, Perry balanced the budget on the backs of taxpayers and kids in school .. what a fucking successful Govie he is ... woohoo ! Originally Posted by CJ7
On the backs of taxpayers? What does that mean? Isn't the budget always balanced on the backs of taxpayers?

For a good overall review, try this:


It looks like the budget was balanced by multi-billion dollar cuts and by dipping into the "rainy day" fund for a few billion more. So, yeah, the idea of putting money back INTO the rainy day fund it a good idea. That's what it is there for. During deficits you dip into it, during surpluses you replenish it.

If that's at least part of Rick Perry's plan, then my low opinion of him just went up. He (and the TX Leg) are running the budget properly.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-01-2013, 01:23 PM
On the backs of taxpayers? What does that mean? Isn't the budget always balanced on the backs of taxpayers?

For a good overall review, try this:


It looks like the budget was balanced by multi-billion dollar cuts and by dipping into the "rainy day" fund for a few billion more. So, yeah, the idea of putting money back INTO the rainy day fund it a good idea. That's what it is there for. During deficits you dip into it, during surpluses you replenish it.

If that's at least part of Rick Perry's plan, then my low opinion of him just went up. He (and the TX Leg) are running the budget properly. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Perry took 17$ billion federal stimulus dollars, said $$ came from taxpayers all over the country .. Perry is on record being against the stimulus package passed by Obama.

a wise man once said ..

FUCK Perry.
And Obama said he was against Super PACs before he was for taking their money....

So that would be a FUCK Obama as well, right ?

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  • CJ7
  • 03-01-2013, 01:28 PM
And Obama said he was against Super PACs before he was for taking their money....

So that would be a FUCK Obama as well, right ?

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/elec...icle-1.1018425 Originally Posted by Whirlaway

quit deflecting but sure, fuck him too
Perry took 17$ billion federal stimulus dollars, said $$ came from taxpayers all over the country .. Perry is on record being against the stimulus package passed by Obama. Originally Posted by CJ7
Those aren't the muutally contradictory things you so obviously think they are.

This points out the whole problem withe federal stimulus packages. The people of Texas have no choice but to fund it, since they can't NOT pay federal income taxes.

But then the state has to take the stimulus funds in order to get its own taxpayer money back. If it didn't, then there would be a net loss to Texas. There are plenty of broke-ass states (CA, MI, IL) that will gladly step up and take Texas's share of the stimulus money. The end result is TX taxpayer money is transferred by the federal government to the reckless states.

Here is a better option - let Texas refuse the money and then the federal government has to rebate the stimulus money back to Texas taxpayers. But they never offer that option, do they?

This is why stimulus proposals can only be fought at the federal level.

A state governor can opine that a stimulus proposal is a bad idea, but once its authorized by Congress, the state HAS to take back its share.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-01-2013, 01:45 PM
Those aren't the muutally contradictory things you so obviously think they are.

This points out the whole problem withe federal stimulus packages. The people of Texas have no choice but to fund it, since they can't NOT pay federal income taxes.

But then the state has to take the stimulus funds in order to get its own taxpayer money back. If it didn't, then there would be a net loss to Texas. There are plenty of broke-ass states (CA, MI, IL) that will gladly step up and take Texas's share of the stimulus money. The end result is TX taxpayer money is transferred by the federal government to the reckless states.

Here is a better option - let Texas refuse the money and then the federal government has to rebate the stimulus money back to Texas taxpayers. But they never offer that option, do they?

This is why stimulus proposals can only be fought at the federal level.

A state governor can opine that a stimulus proposal is a bad idea, but once its authorized by Congress, the state HAS to take back its share. Originally Posted by ExNYer
works for Perry refusing the healthcare act too ... say no to healthcare, and take far more federal $$ to fund the state medical shortfall .. what a guy
works for Perry refusing the healthcare act too ... say no to healthcare, and take far more federal $$ to fund the state medical shortfall .. what a guy Originally Posted by CJ7
Is there a point to that?

It's almost the same situation as stimulus funds.

Your state is losing the money no matter what. You better get at least some of it back.
@EXNYer.....you realize you are arguing with a fucking fence post...

PS. That's CJ perched on top !

I'm beginning to think that you not only "drink the Kool-aid" but that you have a hose hooked up that feeds it intravenuously! For you own mental health, you really need to broaden your sources of information.

The world you live in is shrinking noticeably . . .and not in a good way. Expand your knowledge and open your eyes, man!

I'm not asking you to even approach the middle of the road ... but at least take a look at which ways the cars are moving.

I'm beginning to think that you not only "drink the Kool-aid" but that you have a hose hooked up that feeds it intravenuously! For you own mental health, you really need to broaden your sources of information.

The world you live in is shrinking noticeably . . .and not in a good way. Expand your knowledge and open your eyes, man!

I'm not asking you to even approach the middle of the road ... but at least take a look at which ways the cars are moving. Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer
You're asking an awful lot of someone who is still convinced that Wisconsin (and America) is Trending Romney! Trendy also believes in Jolly ol' St. Nick, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Go figure!

There's not much hope for poor ol' Trendaway!

I appreciate the spirit in which you offer up your advice, opinion, and criticism,,,,but being a newcomer I don't think you have a handle on my politics, cultural values, or concerns.....so I think I will take a pass on your offer to meet you in the middle of the road....after all, that is where I see most of the roadkill.

How about you re-thinking your ideas on our "shrinking world"....while we agree that the world is getting smaller and more connected, it doesn't mean that the problems are solved by less freedom, bigger government and more public debt !

If you know otherwise, please tell us.

Thanks in advance.
You're asking an awful lot of someone who is still convinced that Wisconsin (and America) is Trending Romney! Originally Posted by bigtex
At some point, will you be developing a response that does not include the now-moronic "Trending" motif?

It was funny for a while. Now it shows pathetic lack of originality.

Nonetheless, it is a tad bit better than "Hillary 2016!!!" in every other thread.
@EXNYer.....you realize you are arguing with a fucking fence post... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Or WellEndowed1911?
At some point, will you be developing a response that does not include the now-moronic "Trending" motif? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Not anytime soon! I've got a lot of catching up to do. Trendy gave us a daily dose of Trending for the entire 6 months leading up to election 2012. Juast giving him a taste of his own medicine. If it bothers you, look elsewhere.

Problem solved!
@ExNyer...let BigTex be BigTex.....his repetitive moronic "trending" posts is the best he can muster.....