Escorts Using Government Assistance

Chica Chaser's Avatar
If you meet a girl off of backpage Atlanta whose incall location is in a "nice secured area" and she charges $60 for BB greek.....she might be on Section 8. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
This isn't just an Atlanta thing. My former hometown.

I'll fuck behind a tree stepping in a cow's shit before I bring a trick back into my home. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
You said earlier that you were not a provider. Which is it?

Hello. I am new here.
I am not a provider, but...... Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
If a lady was disabled or elderly....she could get a pass.

But a young able bodied 20 yr old, hell no. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
Right agreed, and there are so many serious disabilities that qualify for assistance and disability. Being disabled does not mean you have a low IQ but it can mean you have limitations that make it impossible to hold a job down. That can be mild or severe schizophrenia, Bipolar (depending on the severity), mild Autism.. and so on. I have known women who cannot keep a job because of Bipolar and are disabled living on disability. One person in particular only gets 600 a month for disability and her doctor bills and medicines run 300-500 a month. I can easily see someone like this living in HUD housing or section 8 and she is an attractive woman. Anyway, I still think it is wrong to judge people for this because you are not in their situation nor do you know what they are going through that would compel someone to do something as the OP has described.
Let's assume she's making $100 hour as an escort (low end). And let's be honest, even low end girls usually get more than $100/hr. At ONE appointment a day she is making $2,800 a month. That's for ONE hour a day. She is making decent money still and SHOULD NOT be using government assistance. There are people who make like $8/hr at 30 hours a week ($1,120/month) that actually NEED that assistance and with people like her robbing the system, the people the REALLY need help can't get it because of people like her. That's wrong. Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
I see what your saying and to live a somewhat decent life you are looking at a minimum of about 2000 a month for basic living expenses. You don't know what medications / doctor bills she has, if she has to travel via cab, because I seriously doubt someone like that has a car. There are a lot of factors. I would not harbor ill will toward her if she wanted to make an extra 1500 a month to survive or more. Again, I am not one to judge anybody because I don't live in their shoes.

Edit: I have a family member in a similar situation, (disabled) just fyi you can be disabled and get disability and qualify to work on a part time basis without losing your disability benefits or help with medicare insurance. The first 9 months your allowed to make as much money as you able able without losing benefits, but after the 9 months they look at what is called SGA (substantial gain activity) and if you are making over 900 a month after the 9 month period they drop your benefits (although if you have problems again with your disability while working you can still get back on disability without having to go through the red tape).

To the OP: Do you feel that if someone is living on government assistance of any kind that they should not be allowed to use any of the money toward hiring escorts?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-05-2011, 08:16 AM
Fucktards don't usually make as much money as providers. That's HOW it would be different. Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny

I don't know you so this comment is not about YOU, but about your (and others') views on this topic: you don't have a clue about a significant slice of the ladies in this business.

Anyone who finds ALL public assistance to be wrong, I can applaud their consistency; my comment doesn't apply to you.

But if you think it's OK for a single mom flipping burgers to still get public assistance (which for most min-wage less-than-full-time jobs they qualify), then why should the line of work matter so long as she is not earning above the $ limit for the assistance?

Forget how she wound up as a single mom--could be her mistake, could be she trusted the wrong guy, could be the right guy is now dead. That's a seperate question. The question you asked was should she get assistance because of her line of work. Hell yes! The line of work should make NO difference.

If she's making 100K and claiming to make 10K, that's fraud regardless of occupation. Attack the fraud, not the line of work.

If the public assistance is going up the nose, complain about that.

But what the hell is the issue with a Walmart greeter getting assistance but an escort earning the same amout is evil?

I have nothing against single no-kids ladies who do this and because of their no-kids situation they have the freedom to work when they wish. Good for them. I know a lot of women in that situation and enjoy their company. But for someone in that situation to claim a single mom with a 2 yr old and zero support from "dad", family, etc., can work the same way (or the same amount) usually is a pipe dream.

It annoys me to see some people have so little compassion, ESPECIALLY some other providers.

And to the guys who find such women a plague carriers and would shun them so vehimently, many of you better get yourselves checked for plague.
Naomi4u's Avatar
To the OP: Do you feel that if someone is living on government assistance of any kind that they should not be allowed to use any of the money toward hiring escorts? Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
That is a sign of an irresponsible person.
Why is this even a question? Are people (not you my love) THAT stupid??
Why should they use it to hire an escort? It is not a need/it is a want/a luxury item.
That money can be helping a non-provider/single mom feed her 4 kids, It could help
someone put their children in a better daycare..... etc.
Abusing the government is wrong - doesn't matter WHO is doing it BUT when a provider does it
she's going to get what she deserves. Why? She probably makes more money than the average person.
I don't care if she's short, fat, tall, green or blue - there are a group of guys paying to fuck her. Ever heard the saying there's an ass for every seat? There is such thing as Karma. If you're fucking for money and
you're on government assistance. Either you aren't sucking the dick right or you are REALLY bad at managing money.

Simple as that.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-05-2011, 08:28 AM
I see what your saying and to live a somewhat decent life you are looking at a minimum of about 2000 a month for basic living expenses. You don't know what medications / doctor bills she has, if she has to travel via cab, because I seriously doubt someone like that has a car. There are a lot of factors. I would not harbor ill will toward her if she wanted to make an extra 1500 a month to survive or more. Again, I am not one to judge anybody because I don't live in their shoes.

Edit: I have a family member in a similar situation, (disabled) just fyi you can be disabled and get disability and qualify to work on a part time basis without losing your disability benefits or help with medicare insurance. The first 9 months your allowed to make as much money as you able able without losing benefits, but after the 9 months they look at what is called SGA (substantial gain activity) and if you are making over 900 a month after the 9 month period they drop your benefits (although if you have problems again with your disability while working you can still get back on disability without having to go through the red tape).

To the OP: Do you feel that if someone is living on government assistance of any kind that they should not be allowed to use any of the money toward hiring escorts? Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures


Real numbers:
--One former provider was doing it to pay for almost $3K/month of meds needed to control her genetic blood disorder. Her health care provider dropped her as soon as she was diagnosed and Medicare caimed the drugs (in use in the US since pre-WW2) were still "experimental" and wouldn't pay. Without them her life expectancy was a few months. With them she has stretches of days where she can hardly get out of bed because of the nausia. She lost her day job and workd a few days a month, mostly with regulars. Tough to work this business when she doesn't know until morning if she'll be able to work.

Yes, she's on SSI.

--Anothe friend has 2 kids, lives in a 1 bedroom apartment, dad's in jail and hasn't provided anything for years. She's going to school full time so she can get out of the rut and taking care of the kids (relatives in the same town provide zero help, not even babysitting during school). She workd a couple days a week, but again her varying school practical schedule makes it tough to fill her dance card. Getting food stamps and pell grant? Yes.

--Third lady: 2 kids, a whopping $100/month from the "dad", and she has her epileptic nephew to care for since her sister is off being a crack head. In public housing (not as an incall, but to live in)? Yes. So what.

Folks complain "don't work from your home", "Don't take public assistance if you're escorting", "If you're escorting you shouldn't need a thing--your bank account should be an easy hig six figures with weeks of lounging on the beach each year". Great for those who can, but wake up to the real world for a lot of others.

Real numbers:
--One former provider was doing it to pay for almost $3K/month of meds needed to control her genetic blood disorder. Her health care provider dropped her as soon as she was diagnosed and Medicare caimed the drugs (in use in the US since pre-WW2) were still "experimental" and wouldn't pay. Without them her life expectancy was a few months. With them she has stretches of days where she can hardly get out of bed because of the nausia. She lost her day job and workd a few days a month, mostly with regulars. Tough to work this business when she doesn't know until morning if she'll be able to work.

Yes, she's on SSI.

--Anothe friend has 2 kids, lives in a 1 bedroom apartment, dad's in jail and hasn't provided anything for years. She's going to school full time so she can get out of the rut and taking care of the kids (relatives in the same town provide zero help, not even babysitting during school). She workd a couple days a week, but again her varying school practical schedule makes it tough to fill her dance card. Getting food stamps and pell grant? Yes.

--Third lady: 2 kids, a whopping $100 from the "dad", and she has her epileptic nephew to care for since her sister is off being a crack head. In public housing? Yes. So what.

Folks complain "don't work from your home", "Don't take public assistance if you're escorting", "If you're escorting you shouldn't need a thing--your bank account should be an easy hig six figures with weeks of lounging on the beach each year". Great for those who can, but wake up to the real world for a lot of others. Originally Posted by Old-T
I really think people do not understand. You have to either be on government assistance yourself or be close to someone who is to see it is not enough money to live and take care of basic bills or meds etc.

The reason I asked the OP if they would object to someone on governement assistance (in most cases it is disability not welfare) utilzing some funds to see an escort provider is because I personally know several handicapped men who do. They are either wheelchair bound or some other physical issue which makes it impossible for them to have intimacy with a woman. I think like what Canada has done they should allow for this, because these type people need human contact and physical intimacy in their lives.

But I do think it is judgemental to assume because someone is in that situation that they shouldn't have as normal a life as anyone else. If that girl needs to pay bills by escorting on the side out of her house (section 8 or not) I would not have a problem with it. Once they have gotten to that point on government assistance you know their life is hell.
Naomi4u's Avatar

Folks complain "don't work from your home", "Don't take public assistance if you're escorting", "If you're escorting you shouldn't need a thing--your bank account should be an easy hig six figures with weeks of lounging on the beach each year". Great for those who can, but wake up to the real world for a lot of others. Originally Posted by Old-T
Sure people get stuck in pretty fucked up situations that they cannot control BUT I personally (and maybe it's because of the type of ladies i surround myself with) have never seen a lady that escorts and is on government assistance. Does this happen often? What I have heard of is the lady that wears louboutin heels and had the nerve to hit up the food stamp office. Isn't that stupidity? Couldn't she just sell her shoes and get rid of the riff raff? Being an escort and being on government assistance is such a big joke to me and anyone that knows me outside of this board can attest I do practice what I preach.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
You're sooooo funny!!!!

Sketch, only escorts with common sense pay taxes. I don't look great in orange jumpsuits. Not a flattering color for I will do everything I can so I don't end up in one for the rest of my life. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
OOOOOOh Women In Prison, how sexy.
Let’s just look at some basic living expense numbers for someone who say is on government assistance of any kind vs what they potentially get on average money wise from the government. This would be a single person no kids.

Government check average wage: 700.00
1 bedroom 1 bath apartment in Houston 700
Electricity 150.00
Water: 20
Gas for car (if they have one) 150.00 a month
Taxi cab expense: 200 a month
Groceries: 250.00
Now this doesn’t even factor in doctor bills/copays monthly if they are disabled in some way nor does it factor in medication.

If on welfare the chances are pretty good your check is between 400 and 500 a month and food stamps for a single person is 250.00 a month. With kids it goes up only slightly.
Total cost for just basic bills not inclusive of a phone at all or extra money for clothes as needed or unexpected bills: So this person is already close to 600 in the red.
Can you live without a phone? Or clothes as needed as time goes by, like underwear and basic clothes items? Can you live without any form of entertainment like cable, or being able to see a movie once in a while on this budget? I think one would go a bit mad just sitting in a small apartment with little to nothing to do.
I guess all in all my point is they have just as much right to dignity and a decent way of life regardless of their situation.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-05-2011, 09:30 AM
Sure people get stuck in pretty fucked up situations that they cannot control BUT I personally (and maybe it's because of the type of ladies i surround myself with) have never seen a lady that escorts and is on government assistance. Does this happen often? What I have heard of is the lady that wears louboutin heels and had the nerve to hit up the food stamp office. Isn't that stupidity? Couldn't she just sell her shoes and get rid of the riff raff? Being an escort and being on government assistance is such a big joke to me and anyone that knows me outside of this board can attest I do practice what I preach. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I am not questioning what you say. Piecing together what you post--and from our PMs--I have no reason to question what you say. And I agree with much of it. All I am saying is this is a very broad collection of ladies and they are not all as fortunate as you and some others.

The lady I spent last night with basically has old jeans and pullover tops, most from Goodwill. She does have about 3 nice sets of clothes, Macy's class. Those she uses strictly for work. Almost all her lengiere are gifts from guys. Her shoes are gym shoes, not high heal fashion setters. As far as I know (and I know her quite well) other than her "work jewelry" she has 2 pair of earings (I and another friend bought her one pair each) and a nice but inexpensive watch. She HAS sold most of the "nice" stuff she used to own to buy food for her and the kids.

I agree with you about ladies (or anyone) on public assistance who wear 1000 dollar clothes and drive new fancy cars. Those are the welfare people who get on the news and front page. That certainly isn't all of them.
Ever been out to the East Side of Houston?

There are a lot of government assisted apartments, and there is a lot of Hooking going on.

Nobody gives a shit. It's the East Side.

I am not questioning what you say. Piecing together what you post--and from our PMs--I have no reason to question what you say. And I agree with much of it. All I am saying is this is a very broad collection of ladies and they are not all as fortunate as you and some others.

The lady I spent last night with basically has old jeans and pullover tops, most from Goodwill. She does have about 3 nice sets of clothes, Macy's class. Those she uses strictly for work. Almost all her lengiere are gifts from guys. Her shoes are gym shoes, not high heal fashion setters. As far as I know (and I know her quite well) other than her "work jewelry" she has 2 pair of earings (I and another friend bought her one pair each) and a nice but inexpensive watch. She HAS sold most of the "nice" stuff she used to own to buy food for her and the kids.

I agree with you about ladies (or anyone) on public assistance who wear 1000 dollar clothes and drive new fancy cars. Those are the welfare people who get on the news and front page. That certainly isn't all of them. Originally Posted by Old-T
More often than not women who are in this situation are not capable as you or I Naomi to make a substantial amount of income through escorting. The point is why would we judge them for just wanting as normal a life as everyone else just because they are forced to live on government assistance? They are not living extravagant lives. Unless you personally know people living on social security, disability, and or welfare and get the real stories behind what their life is like no one should judge them. I have first hand experience with and elderly family on SS and also with a brother who is on disability and works part time. I also have a niece whose is on welfare up north and has one child on the way. I know what they are all going through. None of them want this for their lives believe me. None of them are lazy in the least bit.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I just don't see anything wrong with the average person using government assistance.
It's just the lady that escort that I see it being a big problem with. I mean we make A LOT of money.
We may not be rich but it's still a lot of money. I don't think there is any excuse for it if you ask me.


BTW, I thought escorting was easy money. 30 clients a month at $300 per session. That equates to about a 100K per year in gross income. Pretty nice job if you ask me

Yes, that last paragraph is just oozing with sarcasm. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I know you're just being sarcastic but then you pay taxes, expenses and bills....

Easy money to me? Yes. For a lot of ladies though , it's just fast money.
I once read a story on another site about an escort that was getting public housing or section 8 or whatever and using it for an incall. What about escorts getting food stamps? How do you feel about that? Do you think it is right or okay for escorts to use government assistance programs? Why? I don't. Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
I think it`S despicable! Happens in Europe too, once it`s found out, punishment by that same government is very severe. Not only do they have to pay the funds back, they also pay a big fat fine as well. Granted. There are many people out there who are not lucky enough to be capable of escorting , and who really really need the money, and such - forgive my french - c`nts are draggin all other people into the belief that some people abuse these funds.