Just don't vote for him again. That's all.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yordan Alvarez
DNinja69's Avatar
Yordan Alvarez Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Sounds like a home run to me!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Write yourself in.

Or. . . .

Write Your Dong.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So it's a man (see male or having male genitalia and identifies as male). What a sexist...
Is there such a thing called the Republican party anymore?

GOP becoming endangered species in California, as key stronghold turns blue


A vote for the incumbent POTUS is . . .

a vote for a regressive state of the union. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The "State" Commieforina is now in because of the "blue wave" rolling in!!
Yeah ain't the "blue wave" grand...the deadly tsunami of failed liberal ideology. You confuse "stronghold" with "stranglehold"!!

Sarah Lee

Politifact isn’t exactly the type of fact checking organization that rushes to defend Republicans or to take Democrats to task, so that they decided to take Newsom to the woodshed is worth mentioning.
They did a detailed analysis of Newsom’s claims, and found them to be sorely lacking. Here’s what they concluded in their ruling:
San Francisco’s own homeless surveys contradict this. They show a large majority reported living in the city before becoming homeless, and just a fraction coming in from out-of-state.

Newsom’s office pointed to data from San Francisco’s bus ticket program for homeless people. But that defense doesn’t hold up. It shows just a small fraction, less than 7 percent, left for Texas, and doesn’t demonstrate that they originally came to San Francisco from that state.

In the end, we found Newsom made a ridiculous claim.

We rated it Pants on Fire.

Just to put an even finer point on how duplicitous, self-serving, and shameless Newsom is on this issue, when asked about comments made by President Trump in early July that the federal government may need to “intercede” in cities with large homeless problems, here’s how Newsom responded:
“If interceding means cutting budgets to support services to get people off the street, (Trump has) been very successful in advancing those provisions,” the governor said. Instead, he argued, the president has been “decreasing the social safety net to address the reasons people are on streets and sidewalks in the first place.”
It’s similar to what he told Axios in June. In other words, Republicans are to blame for this crisis.
It’s baloney. The homeless issues the state of California (and not just in San Francisco but in other big cities like Los Angeles, too) can in large part be laid at the feet of Democrats who have absolutely run the state into the ground, including Newsom.
Newsom was a member of the SF Board of Supervisors from January 8, 1997 to January 8, 2004. He was the Mayor of San Francisco from January 8, 2004 to January 10, 2011. He was the Lt. Gov. from January 10, 2011 to January 7, 2019.
That’s 22 years he alone has had to commit to helping solve the homeless problem that exists in cities like San Francisco and L.A. Him trying to pin the homeless crisis there on Republicans is absurd, and just shows he’d rather conveniently pass the buck rather than take responsibility for his own leadership failures.
(Hat tip: Hot Air’s John Sexton)
Related –>> Frustrated California Woman Has Scathing Message For Gavin Newsom After Homeless Chaos Destroys Her Small Business

(In a deep voice)

I haven’t heard this kind of high pitched wailing in quite a while.

9500 laid it down and BOOM!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He did lay the boom???
No I laid down the BOOM on him (see above) and you...with your CHILDISH "ignoring"...GOT TO LOVE IT!!
I only need one reason not to vote Trump in 2020...
just give me the name of another candidate that is
worth a shit...

----waiting Originally Posted by DNinja69
There will never be another Ronald Reagan.
matchingmole's Avatar
the left calling trump a racist is a sign he'd doing things right

they call the founding fathers racists

some were slaveholders but not necessarily racists, now they are racists

however most all, if not all, viewed the constitution as the framework to rid us of slavery

being racist is different than being a slaveholder; its a mindset and understanding rather than just a current condition

the left wants to remake our history not understand it

they wish to make racism systemic in our American experience

step by step slavery was being eliminated in states from north southward, until it hit the mason dixon line

then around 1825 the argument of slavery as a productive good was made, causing a war to right that

trump is not a racist

what he is, however inartfully addressed, is a constitutionalist and a believer in natural law, not a believer in the state as the source of human rights, which the left believes

today the left calls all such deplorables, racists
matchingmole's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
Well - J666 - now claiming Putin is on the DPST side.

NSA would love to have your expertise and experience with reading Putin's mind! Originally Posted by oeb11
Yes they would, I’ve been practicing my internet clairvoyance. It’s easy to see into the mind of Putin. He chose a professional wrestler to squat in the Oval Office and create chaos, division, lift sanctions, crack the NATO alliance and build the most corrupt administration in history.

Who am I kidding.....the loyal Americans of the NSA knew that long before I did, it’s only a matter of time before the trump party is finished.