*knock knock knock* Excuse me, Chipper? Can you help me understand something?

Get back on topic
Would an automated response be OK???

"...Welcome to ECCIE!
There are over 450 "Ladies" on P411 in Dallas. Make me think you are happy that I chose you for a visit!

When you kiss me, do it like you mean it!"
Chipper Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
CA, you and Chipper have the same Sig line. lol
Here are the real Stats.

Dallas = 492
DFW = 611

Traci, Rumor has it that if you shake your boobies & offer discounts, you will get Perks, atleast thats how it works in chat. lol

Hercules's Avatar
You retired? Holy shit I'm outa the loop...

Ms Brooks, if I may? You're putting way too much stock into something on a internet forum. There are bigger and better things out in the world to get into. And despite any forum controversy, life is still raging (with a hard-on! ) this morning.

And to be blunt. Calling out a guy who has been in this biz more then you and I combined....? Well it makes it look more like a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. Just saying.....
Unnessary rudeness and thread hijacking. Traci has been very polite and mature in this thread. Why dont you try being the same? Staff
You retired? Holy shit I'm outa the loop...

Ms Brooks, if I may? You're putting way too much stock into something on a internet forum. There are bigger and better things out in the world to get into. And despite any forum controversy, life is still raging (with a hard-on! ) this morning.

And to be blunt. Calling out a guy who has been in this biz more then you and I combined....? Well it makes it look more like a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. Just saying..... Originally Posted by Hercules
So how long do you have to have being seeing hookers to be beyond reproach?

Look, I think that by in large the mods do a good job here. A few of them let it go to their head and start talking down to everybody even though they have to sound out their words when spelling, but no system is perfect. However, when they make a mistake, regardless of its well intentioned or not, the members shouldn't feel afraid to point it out. And don't give me this "presented in a respectful (read: ass kissing) manner" shit about complaints. If mods want to point out that they're hobbyists just like the rest of us, then they need to put their big girl panties on and not start wielding their power just because somebody said something that stings a little bit.

I would also say that if one consistently demonstrates an affinity for using his status to push his own personal agenda, than ownership should step in. But that's just my opinion.
Duke of G's Avatar
Leave the mods alone, they have bigger things to do, like censoring Jules for calling out Tara's new fake handle. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Actually, while off topic, please consider this: while minding the behavior of grown adults on the internet is part of our job, much of the work comes from trying to make ECCIE a place that is safe for hobbyists and providers. The amount of stalkers, outers, threats, scams and REAL hobby dangers is pretty high.

If I spent all of my mod time JUST dealing with that stuff, I would not have hours in the day to deal with the he-said/she-said, whining, "they are breaking the rules and mean to me because I was mean to them first" type of moderation. And yet here the posters are, complaining about the "little" things. Sigh.

Traci has handled this politely, but firmly. Most of the band-wagoners are just in to cry foul and bash the mods. So be it.

And to answer the "OMG it's been 24 hours and no one has corrected this mighty injustice!" crowd, and the "mods will read this but do nothing!" bullshit: you are wrong. Chipper made the call, and it's his to handle. It's not ours to come behind and "correct" him, nor is he somehow "hiding." Believe it or not (shocking heresy imminent) not everyone, even mods, checks ECCIE every day or has the time to reply/moderate a given issue.
Herc, you and I both know that we don't see eye to eye anymore. Why are you trying to get a spiteful dig in on a message board? Grow up, sweetie. But thanks for the welcome back. ^_^

And yes, I'm calling out a guy that has been in this biz longer than you and I combined. Because he's wrong. I'm sorry to hear that you would not do the same. But I guess it's easier for you to pick on people with ovaries.

Let me edit to add (because I agree there is a lot of unnecessary general mod-hating going on) that I'm not at all angry with chipper. Annoyed, maybe, and surprised that he didn't know he can't close threADs, but not angry. He's not a bad guy (as far as I know) and I've never had a problem with him before, and will continue to be courteous and friendly after this if he doesn't hold it against me too much. I simply call things how I see them, and I see that he happened to be wrong in this instance. No need to make him into a criminal.

Are there bad mods? Sure. Are there great mods? Absolutely. And I sure as hell wouldn't do what they do, so let's try not to be TOO harsh when they make a mistake that is correctable. No one's perfect.

Thank you for chiming in, Duke. I'm sorry if you're feeling a little beat up. I promise I'm not trying to be a bitch. Perhaps I'm a little sarcastic and snarky, but it's mostly good-natured and benignly intentioned.
Well, I got points for a thread hijack on this one. I'm not sure how a smart ass comment about the mods over moderating on a smart ass thread about the mods over moderating is hijacking, but I'm guessing there's not an Orwellian "Though shalt not question authority" rule on the books. Yet. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Chipper responded to a RTM that your thread was an ad. Apparantly, he agreed with the other person and closed it. When he has time, I am sure he will review his choice and decide if it should be reopened. Chipper is a very fair person and I have never had an issue with him. Trust me, we mods argue and disagree all the time about things. But we do work them out and do what is needed to be fair to all members. We mods do have lives outside the board and it is not uncommom for mods to be gone for several days to deal with real life duties.

its natural to want our issues addressed as quickly as possible. Give him a couple of days to review this one.

Traci, you have handled this very well. I assure you no one is upset with you voicing your concern about a valid issue in such a respectfull way. If more members handled disputes in this way, they might find us a lot more receptive to addressing those concerns.

I cannot speak for Chipper as to how he will handle this but I do know he will addresss it as soon as possible.
  • T-Can
  • 01-05-2012, 08:48 AM
Chipper responded to a RTM that your thread was an ad. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Maybe he should read this:

Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Hey gang, on occasion I've seen staff take action on what is referred to as a "threAD" as though there was actually some sort of rule on this site disallowing it.

Well, there's not....and that's not an oversight.

ECCIE is threAD friendly: what this means is that no staff is to take action against any post or thread that someone considers to be a threAD. Don't move it. Don't point or suspend the poster. Don't warn the member in any way...PM or in a post. If someone RTMs a post referring to it as a threAD, simply let them know that we do not take action on those types of posts and if they want to let the OP know in a respectful way, go ahead.....but again, I do not want any warnings coming from staff unless instructed to do so.

With that said, if the members want to express their distaste on a thread that they feel is blatant advertising, let them...within reason. Just don't let it get out of hand, meaning insults or other violations of forum guidelines.

Thanks for your cooperation,

St. C
From 11-06-2011 at 01:58 PM
Happy 1st retirement! Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth

Welcome back, Traci.

Now I get another opportunity to check out that ass!
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Traci has handled this politely, but firmly. Most of the band-wagoners are just in to cry foul and bash the mods. So be it. Originally Posted by Duke of G
Since I guess I'm one of the band-wagoners, I'll respond. I didn't post for the fun of getting in a dig on anyone. I just didn't like the way Traci's thread was locked and the way many other threads are locked. I'd prefer a lot less of that. I think my post was neither rude nor insulting, unless you consider disagreeing with the way threads are moderated to be so. More to the point I joined in because the way ECCIE seems to work is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. That's my perception. I know you'll respond that lots goes on behind the scenes, and I'm sure that's correct to at least some extent. How much? I and everyone else can't judge because ECCIE has very deliberately chosen to keep staff actions (inactions?) private. So long as ECCIE chooses to take the line that staff doesn't discuss what it does or why it does it or especially even if something has been addressed (I know this is not the case on everything, but it is a very frequent reply from staff when someone asks for an explanation), the perception that loudly complaining is the best way to get any response will continue.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Lets just say you haven't been missing anything Traci, When I get back from Miami we should do lunch and catch up on things
You retired? Holy shit I'm outa the loop...

Ms Brooks, if I may? You're putting way too much stock into something on a internet forum. There are bigger and better things out in the world to get into. And despite any forum controversy, life is still raging (with a hard-on! ) this morning.

And to be blunt. Calling out a guy who has been in this biz more then you and I combined....? Well it makes it look more like a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. Just saying.....
Unnessary rudeness and thread hijacking. Traci has been very polite and mature in this thread. Why dont you try being the same? Staff Originally Posted by Hercules
With all due respect, it is pretty ignorant if you to say that just because chipper has been in the business longer than you or traci combined. That doesn't automatically make him right. In fact, as others have quoted directly from St. C, he is indeed wrong. Obviously it's debatable whether or not her thread was a threAD or not, but the bottom line is that there is no rule against threADs. I find it amusing that when a girl stands up for what is right, you consider it a whiny tantrum. Her response was far from a tantrum. It's the PRINCIPAL of it. I think some of us are just looking for some consistency in the moderation of the board.
Can we all go back to my original thread now? ^_^
Other thread has been reopened. Closing this thread at OP request.