COVID vaccine approvals

valkyra's Avatar
How do you think natural herd immunity would work for the aids virus? Originally Posted by keeponrisin
It wouldn't. We aren't able to build up an immunity to it, as far as we know. (as far as I know)

Herd immunity is not something that can be applied to every virus or sickness.
How do you think natural herd immunity would work for the aids virus? Originally Posted by keeponrisin
I think she asked a legitimate question and was looking for a legitimate answer. How does this help?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Yeah ya did make it political!

Like I said it is my belief that people should get the shot. It is not meant to keep you from ever contracting the virus but it just may save your life if you do and will slow the spread.

The biggest problem I have is the people in charge doing what they do best and pinning people against one another. Like the people not getting the shot are bunch of Covid infected monsters going around giving it to everyone.

Mandating people with natural immunity and have legitimate religious or health concerns is fucking bullshit. It is Government overreach at it's finest. It is allowed because of what they are doing in previous paragraph. See how that works.

Use your best judgement. Talk to YOUR doctor. Do what is best for you. Don't listen to these fucking assholes that tell you to do it for all of us because those people could give two shits about you. Get the vaccine, awesome. Don't get the vaccine, your choice. Either way your not an asshole, shouldn't be shamed, and those that tell you that you are, are the true assholes!!! Originally Posted by tbear4u77
but but but GOD errr ops Gov Kathy the CUNT disagrees
valkyra's Avatar
How do you think natural herd immunity would work for the aids virus? Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Since you came to me for advice, I did some research and found a few articles that'll help explain HIV and herd immunity.

"Herd immunity describes the collective immunocompetence of a population and its ability to resist disease. The diseases of mycobacteria, salmonella, hepatitis A, cryptosporidia, syphilis, measles, influenza, and numerous others recently have been seen in epidemic proportions in the United States. An association between these superimposed secondary infections and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic can be made since the HIV's imposition on individual immunity has ramifications on a population level through a decline in herd immunity. Conclusion. Exploring these epidemic phenomena as consequential to a reduction in herd immunity can provide a unifying hypothesis to explain existing and predict future infectious disease epidemic dynamics. The benefits of acting upon these implications has advantages for both the HIV infected and the uninfected."

Also to answer my own question, Vaccine immunity is considered a method of herd immunity. Thank you, me.

"Measles, chickenpox and polio all have one thing that can stop them in their tracks—herd immunity. That’s when a large portion of a population becomes immune to a specific disease through vaccination or natural immunity, making it unlikely to spread."

There is a vaccinne being built for HIV, but are expected to need many many more trials before it is released to the general public.
That being said, there is a pill that makes you immune to contracting HIV - I'm on it, it is calle PrEP - in case of unexpected exposure to blood, etc. Not sure if that is still considered "herd immunity" since it is a medication that must be consistently taken and not an injection.

"A number of prophylactic vaccines against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have passed through phase I clinical trials, and phase II clinical trials are now being planned"

SO TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION - We do not have herd immunity against AIDS, although we are coming up with a vaccine for HIV it won't be ready for some time. People can best protect themselves from HIV by using protection (condoms, female condoms), abstaining from sex, and/or by taking a PrEP prescription if they are at risk of exposure (medical field, sex work, etc)
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my thought has always been that herd immunity is something that is naturally brought about. We all naturally build up an immunity to a lot of basic sicknesses by being exposed to them and being around other people who are exposed to them.

With all of the mask wearing and hyper-cleanliness, these little bacteria aren't having a chance to get into our systems, which means that we aren't able to build up an immunity against them when they get big enough to invade our bodies and make us seriously sick.

Herd immunity would only apply if we were all exposed to it and our bodies built up an immunity to it, and then we shared the immunity with other people so that they couldn't get sick. I don't think herd immunity is a shot that everyone collectively decides to get, because it isn't something we came up with naturally and because not everyone has it for this reason.
(Or does it not matter? Someone please clarify this, I'm actually not sure) Originally Posted by valkyra
Great Point.

When Fauci was asked, why does someone who has already had covid, given that it provides better immunity than the vaccine, still need to get the vaccine? His answer "I don't have a good answer for that"!

Also why are the collective powers that be, denying any talk or administration of Therapeutics? Traditionally there would have been the Harvard treatment plan, The John Hopkins treatment plan, God forbid the CDC treatment plan? The only treatment plan is the FLCCC that is constantly fought against and censored.
valkyra's Avatar
Great Point.

When Fauci was asked, why does someone who has already had covid, given that it provides better immunity than the vaccine, still need to get the vaccine? His answer "I don't have a good answer for that"!

Also why are the collective powers that be, denying any talk or administration of Therapeutics? Traditionally there would have been the Harvard treatment plan, The John Hopkins treatment plan, God forbid the CDC treatment plan? The only treatment plan is the FLCCC that is constantly fought against and censored. Originally Posted by sexman333

The issue that I have with them pushing the vaccine is that we're forgetting about our friend Darwin and his Theory that the strong and intelligent of a species will survive, and the rest will basically weed themselves out.

My personal (and very professional) opinion is that we're all wasting time arguing with each other lol. If the people who got the vaccinne are right, the people who didn't get it will eventually die of covid or covid-related complications. If the people who didn't get it, don't get sick from the vaccine and everyone else does, then they will be the carriers of the "stronger" genes and eventually the others will fall to the wayside in due time - if it matters, that is. Don't feel bad about the people who didn't make it, they were never destined to make it further than this anyways.

Science! Nature! The glory of it all!
My final 2 cents: Fauci moved the goalposts on herd immunity at least once (70/80% vaccination rate was needed, I believe he first said) and then...silence. Why the issue dropped away from the discussion is quite disturbing to me, and perhaps others.
rooster's Avatar
.They work. He lost. There was no steal.
Originally Posted by rooster
First, I am as upset as anyone that this is political, and please don't lump me into that group. I didn't make it that way.

. Originally Posted by rooster
Yeah ya did make it political!

Like I said it is my belief that people should get the shot. It is not meant to keep you from ever contracting the virus but it just may save your life if you do and will slow the spread.

The biggest problem I have is the people in charge doing what they do best and pinning people against one another. Like the people not getting the shot are bunch of Covid infected monsters going around giving it to everyone.

Mandating people with natural immunity and have legitimate religious or health concerns is fucking bullshit. It is Government overreach at it's finest. It is allowed because of what they are doing in previous paragraph. See how that works.

Use your best judgement. Talk to YOUR doctor. Do what is best for you. Don't listen to these fucking assholes that tell you to do it for all of us because those people could give two shits about you. Get the vaccine, awesome. Don't get the vaccine, your choice. Either way your not an asshole, shouldn't be shamed, and those that tell you that you are, are the true assholes!!! Originally Posted by tbear4u77
Whew. sensitive. I kinda takes one to know one but still....

All I did was point out a couple of of inane beliefs in support of my belief...and my opinion... (mine!)... that the vaccines work. And that the arguments against them are not soundly based in science.

So maybe your point is that I made THIS stoopid threAd political by bringing up those. You could argue that, but it was not my intent. My intent....when I said I did not make this "political"....was that I did not make this fucking issue political. THAT is the hobby baby of Trump, Pelosi, DeSantis, Cooper, Cuomo, al.

No one knows who to trust any more.

But here's the thing: the science really is there. And it has been figured out by people you CAN trust. But it has become so hard to do so that people are just falling back on picking one or two from the list above and then not being open to hearing any other viewpoint. It's killing us all. In many, many more ways than just this one.

I'm going back to what you said before, even though you seemed to thinck I deserved THAT criticism too: "Stop watching CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news." Not that I think you actually do. But still.....

Full disclosure -- I got my two Pfizer shots back in February. Thanks to Donald Trump and his Operation Warp Speed.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Full Disclosure - They finally managed to get on track after that first round, when HHS officials
stopped listening to Trump and took over the planning.

On the bright side, Trump got free stock in the companies he gave $1B contracts to. So, yeah.
On the bright side, Trump got free stock in the companies he gave $1B contracts to. So, yeah. Originally Posted by Nubom70
Really? Let me guess the HuffPost is your source? Amazing how stupid our society has become!
Trump has stock in GILD, REGN, and GlaxoSmithKline, the same as Moncef Slaoui (GSK). All of that
is public domain, look it up. Regeneron even told it to CNN Business. Additionally, it's in the SEC filings,
and as a Trump asset in the US Govt Office of Ethics report.

Amazing how stupid some people have become. )
Speaking of stoopid.... or should I say double speaking of stoopid.... is everyone aware that both the current president and vice president were against the Trump vaccine before they changed it's name to the Biden vaccine and channeled their inner John Kerry and were for it???
Trump has stock in GILD, REGN, and GlaxoSmithKline, the same as Moncef Slaoui (GSK). All of that
is public domain, look it up. Regeneron even told it to CNN Business. Additionally, it's in the SEC filings,
and as a Trump asset in the US Govt Office of Ethics report.

Amazing how stupid some people have become. ) Originally Posted by Nubom70
Yeah see I am so stupid I thought we were talking about the vaccine not therapeutics. But now since we are. As most wealthy people in this world Trump has a family trust. It is one of the many ways for wealthy families to avoid giving money to the federal government in the form of taxes. Trust that have been in place for many years and are run by boards. The family trust has many stock holding and are not own in and of by themselves but as part of what are called mutual funds.

Show me proof that Trump was given free stock and I will gladly admit that I was wrong. I'll wait.
They work on vaccines also, don't feel stupid. Most people have never heard of Sanofi-GSK or Veklury,
and I didn't either until I actually read all that crap.

You can check too, you seem capable. No fund exchange (ask your broker). Prior to this he had no
REGN stock (value 1-1001). Trump touts the Regeneron "cure" on Twitter, even though it's still in
hamster and "critical patient" trials, REGN stock goes up 400M in 6 months. He sells (there's a fund
transfer this time) listed as a cap gain, and removed from the end-year investment disclosure report.
Gee, I wonder what tipped off the Ethics office? )

What's completely ironic, most of Schleifers donations from 12/2013 to 8/2020 were to DEM.
"Breakthrough" cases on the rise. Seems you can still get the covid and spread it even after 2 or 3 does of the vaccine. Certainly not the effectiveness sold to us when it was first released.
Now more and more people reported with side effects. Many are life altering or life ending. One day the government tells us how effective the vaccines are, then the next day the CDC says still need to wear a mask if near people that have not been vaccinated. Healthy kids have almost no chance of dieing from the covid, yet now being mandated to get the prick. People I know that had side effects requiring medical attention all tell the same response from the Er doctors. Not only are the doctors clueless about how to treat them, they do not want them there.
I say all thei as a fully vaccinated person. Did biden get the 3rd prick as shown on his staged video or not? Why did they feel the need to make a fake background for his injection? Morons in our government make it too easy to be distrustful of both parties.