For Those Who Use It How Does The Chat Room Influence YOu

Lana Warren's Avatar
First rule of eccie chat is, don't talk about eccie chat. Originally Posted by sharktrager
LOL! So, I guess all this time I've been talking to myself, huh?
tsrv4me's Avatar
I enjoy watching on Eccie Chat .....I really didnt realize that some people can be as stupid as they act on there .....the drama is much more than most soap operas ...but I do enjoy a few that I can talk with and usually on Private Chat to carry on some sembelance of intelligent conversation ........they know who they are ....Meg ,Lana ,Gin and few other ladies ....also have become friends with a few of the guys ...........different type of friendship however .LOL
jr4u's Avatar
  • jr4u
  • 01-08-2011, 11:31 PM
It's been great to talk to everybody in chat! I appreciate all the friendly people especially those in dfw. I am kind of far from there and appreciate your hospitality. I have been lucky to meet some wonderful people!

The room is great when it is drama free, but we all have our moments.

Great thread looie!

Everybody have a safe and successful New Year and I hope to be in DFW in a couple of weeks.
part of what makes chat fun and interesting is the "free for all" will learn a lot about your fellow pervert here...
SunsetCowboy's Avatar
First of all Looie great thread dude.
The first time I logged into chat I was welcomed with open arms. Now I am a chat-a-holic.
I have gotten to know and meet a lot of the ladies and gents in chat and have became friends with them or at least think of them as friends. First lady I met from chat we clicked right off and have had some memorable times with.
One gent have met for lunch and introduced him to a special lady from DFW, after a special meeting with a special lady was picked up and taken out for a night at the strip club by her and two other beautiful ladies, met another gent there, had to twist his arm real hard to get him there, lol, but is was a great night and great company and got to meet a few other while there, and also have made a great deal on a motor home.

I have gotten to know and meet several of the ladies on chat that would probably never got to meet otherwise. And still have quite a few to meet. And some that I will never meet due to thier online personality and showing thier true colors. Same goes for the gents. But I am still cordial to all the ladies and gents as should everyone. Some of the ladies I chat with and haven't got the chance to meet yet, I still feel like I know them personally.
As for as the pics go, I love seeing the pics of the beautiful ladies there, and try to comment on all of them, but come on have some class and be courteous when posting the pics. Don't bombard the room with the same pics over and over. It is a big turnoff and does not get you any attention or response. Most of the pics from certain ladies I dont even open due to to much info. Sorry if any offense is taken. I love the humor pics that are posted by the ladies and gents and even post a few myself.
Drama has gotten way out of hand on chat lately. Some of the drama is fun and I tend to egg it on along with a few others help. But some of the drama and BS is uncalled for because someone got thier feelings hurt or someone is just a complete asshole and likes to stir the pot so to speak. Some have thier feelings hurt and automatically run to a mod crying and whining. I love the block button feature and suggest everyone learn how to use it and they will get the hint that they are being ignored and leave instead of giving them the attention they are looking for.
Next when a new person comes onto chat take the time to welcome her/him to chat. Be cordial to all of them and the ones coming in just to stir up shit will show thier true colors and you will be able to tell if they are there to actually join in on the convo or trying to pimp out thier services. I have had several convos with some newbies looking for advice and have gladly given them some. Others have asked some things that just gave them away and then they go on block until they leave. You can just tell in the convo who or what they are.
A note to all the chatters I have gotten to know, enjoyed talking to, and cutting up with and have decided not to come to chat or come in and leave due to the drama and BS lately.
Get your ass back in here we miss you and leaving only lets the losers and assholes win. Remember the block button and lets have some fun.

Mizono's Avatar
+1 to all yah said dw!!!!
Don't worry, I've decided to keep my ass out of chat from now on. One less dramallama to deal with for y'all folks...

Carry on. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Ze, that's disappointing if true. You make it entertaining.
I like chat as long as it is not taken to seriously. I enjoy the regulars and it is fun. I even make an appointment every now and then through chat.
Its really pretty sad how much i am in chat .. lol I am in there im sure 16 hours out of the day. I have gotten to know some really great people and have made some great friends. I have gotten appoinments from gents that i may not have otherwise and I usulse get the questions from the newbies. I dont mind lending an ear and listening when somebody has a problem and i dont mind answering questions for new folks. Chat is something like a family. We talk about alot of things both related to the hobby and our personal lives. I think 99% of the regular crowd knows what time my kids walk in the door from school when i cook dinner and all cause im there all the time. lol We do our best to help people out and have a really good time.
I can say that the drama has gotten to be crazy. I know that just in the last two days i have had 2 "pimps" pm me telling me how they could put some real stuff in my life ... lol really lol. Then you have the girls trying to set up appointments for the so called boyfriends who are in truth there pimps. It concerns me that all these younger girls are comming in and dont have the scence to not let others have access to there accounts , It has been done several times when there have been pimps using there girls accounts and in the chat room starting drama. You have the drama over names... ya i said it names ... The new bp girls comming in and them telling us vet girls that we need to change our name or part of it , I mean really its a name. Ok im off my vent now .. I love the chat room !

I love all my CHAT ROOM FAMILY !
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-11-2011, 01:57 PM

No, really... fuck all y'all...

I had a dream last night that the chat count was at 53... *sigh*

Me... dreaming about the number 53...


I am going to go play in the snow. I need to get out of the house.
Phrodo's Avatar

No, really... fuck all y'all...

I had a dream last night that the chat count was at 53... *sigh*

Me... dreaming about the number 53...


I am going to go play in the snow. I need to get out of the house. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

Love ya, ~Ze~!
Makes me horny .... :-)
Makes me horny too, Brookie.
Uhhh huh I'm ready
funnyboy's Avatar
+2 to DW.

Chat has given me a chance to get to know what is going on in other Markets (mostly Dallas & Houston). I have been able to chat with both dolls and guys that helps me understand a little about who they are. This is valuable in deciding who I will see when I travel to these areas. Both on which ladies I seem to click with and which guys I accept recommendations from.

Before getting involved in Chat I was like most guys and looked at services, reviews and looks in making a decision. But there is more to making a good connection than those items and chat has helped me branch out and have some very memorable times with ladies I wouldn't have normally seen.

And got to admit, the pics (in moderation) are kind of nice.