The CDC admitted that the vaccine causes Myocarditis

offshoredrilling's Avatar
got to love the new 2 jab report LOL its funny shit
Heywood Jablowmenow's Avatar
The wide paintbrush used by both sides of this argument is so counterproductive to finding the facts.

I'm older with risk factors. It would be stupid for me not to get the shots.

If I was my 17 year old self when I was playing football it would be stupid for me to get these shots that offer no benefit for healthy teemagers but have a very small chance of damaging my heart.

Risk vs reward.

Anecdotally, I do not know anyone that has received the shots and not contracted the Delta version anyway. This includes myself. I have difficulty believing the 95% efficacy of the Moderna shots. I can believe they prevented me from dying, for which I am grateful.
got to love the new 2 jab report LOL its funny shit Originally Posted by offshoredrilling