Israeli coalition deal keeps Netanyahu in power

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Netanyahu is nothing more than a pussy who hides behind the U.S. someone needs to off his ass.
Good luck with that one. Besides an amazing intellect, Netanyahu was Sayeret Matkal (Israel’s equivalent of Seal Team 6) and, even at 70, would fuck your dumb ass up blindfolded with both hands tied behind his back.
Good luck with that one. Besides an amazing intellect, Netanyahu was Sayeret Matkal (Israel’s equivalent of Seal Team 6) and, even at 70, would fuck your dumb ass up blindfolded with both hands tied behind his back. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly - BiBi is far tougher than his critics.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Good luck with that one. Besides an amazing intellect, Netanyahu was Sayeret Matkal (Israel’s equivalent of Seal Team 6) and, even at 70, would fuck your dumb ass up blindfolded with both hands tied behind his back. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Bibi's older brother was also Sayeret Matkal and led the raid on Entebbe where he was killed in action. Bibi's younger brother, a Radiologist, also served in Sayeret Matkal.

Netanyahu's younger brother, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been Prime Minister of Israel since 2009, and also served in that office between 1996 and 1999. Both Benjamin and their younger brother, Iddo Netanyahu, served in Sayeret Matkal.