How Would Frederick Douglass Regard Today’s Left?

Besides them being incompetent?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Besides them being incompetent? Originally Posted by 1blackman1

are they? or do you just not agree with the Trump MAGA agenda?

still waiting for you to comment on those leftist radicals who pulled down Douglass's statue.

why did they do that? does antifa and BLM just like to riot for the sake of it? what's the agenda? the goal?

you know their goal. incite anarchy.

you of all people surely can't agree with defacing his statue, yes?
adav8s28's Avatar
Douglass would think these people today are crazy radicals. here's what today's "liberal radicals" think of Douglass

Who Tore Down This Frederick Douglass Statue?

President Trump and others have speculated about why vandals destroyed a Rochester, N.Y., statue of the prominent Black abolitionist even as protests against systemic racism continue.

have no fear! the radical left Revolutionists will eat their own. they always do.

have no fear! political partisanship is alive and well. Obama's kids will get their plum jobs without merit just like Bush and Clinton's did.

and yet here you are, a successful attorney by merit.

maybe others should be as hard working and motivated to succeed as you? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Your other hero Bush43 got admitted into Harvard MBA with 2.7 GPA in history from Yale. He got elected President twice. Why are you complaining about Malia Obama?
Speculation - what’s there for me to answer or respond to. Like I said, I hope you can tell the difference between speculation and fact. I’ve read enough of your posts to know you can’t and don’t but I’ll try to extend you an opportunity to do so.

Yes, the Trump kids are incompetent at “advising” in govt. they did a pretty shit job of mainly nothing. Well, let me take that back, Jared helped exacerbate issues that arose during the pandemic, so maybe that’s something.
eyecu2's Avatar
Trump brought his daughter and son in law into his admin because he knew he could trust them.

anything wrong with that? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes in fact I think there is something wrong with that- its called nepotism.

Ivanka Trump was only known as having a shitty brand of shoes, and helping design layout for Trump spas, & putting her name on them. She was simply a brand that Trump used. Brand to Trump is #1

Could he trust her? Of course he could, after all "if she wasn't my daughter I might be dating her."

For Trump loyalty is the only attribute he admires. Take a look at what happened to Cohen when he was no longer a trusted confidant ;Or Weissman.

Jared - has a little bit of smarts, but not enough to be a trusted advisor to the highest position in the land. He knows a little bit about real estate - big fucking deal. But I guess it's a big deal if the Saudis give you a couple billion dollars to shore up a shitty loan against your devil labeled 666 project.

It seems odd to me that the folks who are conservative on this board continue to stand behind a con man and cast disparity against Democrats who are looking at the people who were put into the Trump administration who were really not qualified in any way to be in those roles -

I'll end with this -the Trump brand is in the toilet.
... The "Trump-brand" is Leading in the polls...

... Though I agree that the Frederick Douglas fellow would
surely be wonderin' WHY his-own statue was pulled down...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Speculation - what’s there for me to answer or respond to. Like I said, I hope you can tell the difference between speculation and fact. I’ve read enough of your posts to know you can’t and don’t but I’ll try to extend you an opportunity to do so.

Yes, the Trump kids are incompetent at “advising” in govt. they did a pretty shit job of mainly nothing. Well, let me take that back, Jared helped exacerbate issues that arose during the pandemic, so maybe that’s something. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

ah but there is a question and it has no speculation to it.

do you approve of this mob tearing down Douglass's statue?

i myself found it both offensive (as is all other "removals" of historical figures) and amusing because it shows the level of mob stupidity behind their so-called movement.
I don’t approve of a mob tearing down anything. Do you? What about the mob attacking the Capitol? Do you approve of that?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don’t approve of a mob tearing down anything. Do you? What about the mob attacking the Capitol? Do you approve of that? Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I've never said anything about equity of outcome. I've said equal treatment. Do you honestly believe that minorities have the same opportunities as whites? That there are no barriers to entry for minorities that don't exist for whites? That the practical access for all is not the same as the theoretical access?

If you truly believe those things then you don't think we have far to go for equality, you believe that we are there in the color is irrelevant society. Maybe in your eyes that's the case. I'd disagree but ultimately that's neither here nor there.

I'll repeat, we aren't in 1960 or 70 or even the 90s. But there are plenty of barriers that remain and plenty of unequal treatment that have huge knock-on effects that prevent us from being all treated equally and having the same opportunities. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Like what exactly?
I suppose you didn’t read anything else in this thread Levi
I suppose you didn’t read anything else in this thread Levi Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Suppose you answer the question.
texassapper's Avatar
Suppose you answer the question. Originally Posted by Levianon17
He can't. There are stupid people out there that think that if there are different outcomes, then there must have been RAYCISS! reasons.

These are people too stupid to understand simple concepts.

Think of it this way... in a 100 yard dash with 10 participants. The runners all start on the same blocks and yet finish at different times. These people think that because everyone doesn't cross the finish line at the same time, that the only reason must be RAYCISS! That the runners MUST have been harassed, hindered or delayed in some reason because WHITE PEOPLE tend to finish in the race first.

But that's not because of RAYCISS! but because during the race, Whites behave in ways that give them an advantage... first off is not being born out of wedlock and so they generally have two trainers/coaches throughout the race. Whites also tend to stay in school... mainly because of those two coaches, and they tend to stay off of drugs (again probably the two parents). Were all participants to behave in the same manner, their chances of finishing and improving their times would be the same.

What these idiots want to do is to throw oba=stacles in the way of the Whites to try to allow the Blacks to finish higher in the rankings. But whats really happening is that Blacks don't have any better times than before, but now the whites times are slower... And the entire sport is poorer for it.

In the future we will see more and more breakdowns of infrastructure as the minorities who had shitty times (but still took 1st place) are no longer able to maintain that which was built by previous foot races. Perfect example is the water infrastructure in Memphis. The entire city is managed, run and populated by minorities, but they don't have the foresight, knowledge, or skill to maintain their infrastructure. Planes will fall out of the sky, bridges will collapse, roads will crumble.

History has seen this before... the Roman Empire lasted for 1000 years until it too lost control of its borders, and let non citizens determine its fate. So too will it be with the US. The only question is what will replace it and how bloody will the change be?
Suppose you answer the question. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Read back from the first post, the answer is there.
Read back from the first post, the answer is there. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Ok, I'll do that. I am sure it will be quite enlightening.