Hail and Farewell

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2011, 07:42 AM
JB, I think it is unanimous. You can't retire!

Mr. Bull,

Like the others have opined, it was great to have you overseeing this little roadshow. Don't be a stranger and lurk by every so often.

All the best!

SR Only
There comes a time when it's time to go. That time has arrived for me. I've been considering this for some weeks now. As I get older and more involved with family and health issues, I realize that I'm not doing the job for you folks that I expect of myself. And so, it's time for the owners to appoint a new mod. I'm sure they'll give you one who will do a bang-up job.
I'll stop in once in a while to say hello and tease you guys a bit but it's time for new blood.
Thanks for being a great group. Originally Posted by John Bull
Hi John,
Haven`t had the chance to be on this board for long yet, but i wish you all the best for your new endeavour!
I've read many interesting posts you've offered. Good luck.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Cheers! And don't forget to close the forum on the way out
coast_encounter's Avatar
You will be missed JB.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-05-2011, 01:12 PM
Thank you for your service, John.

May the winds be at your back!

All the best to you!
Hey JB, does this mean I can finally harass WTF, and recite nursery rhymes devoted to dairy products without getting in trouble ??

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a big.....

I will miss you JB.I hope that all is well in your life.

I say this calls for a poll on the new mod for D&T.

I appoint atlcomedy and WTF....lol. Females...Becky and Clair Jordan. Originally Posted by London Rayne

LOL, now you are just trying to scare everyone London.