Reports of Hillary meltdown on election night

LexusLover's Avatar
I would give it 5% credibility, it certainly rings true but we really need to get a receipt for that glass ceiling she was going to smash. That certainly sounds like something she would do - be a shame if someone got hurt during that cunt's stunt. Originally Posted by DSK
The only part I would question would be the waste of the $950,000 worth of wine, since, knowing her, the bottle would be empty.

That would explain her non-appearance, along with the rage.

LBJ was a 'better drinker" than she is.
The only part I would question would be the waste of the $950,000 worth of wine, since, knowing her, the bottle would be empty.

That would explain her non-appearance, along with the rage.

LBJ was a 'better drinker" than she is. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy was a " better drinker " too. Except maybe in the eyes of the family of Mary Jo Kopechne !
LexusLover's Avatar
At his victory acceptance in 1964 LBJ was propped up by SS Agents from behind after having his head dunked in a tub of ice water with some "sobering" powder stirred in .... so he could speak. He was celebrating though and not nurturing a loss like HillaryNoMore.

Teddy just hid out for the night until he could function in public.
And Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy was a " better drinker " too. Except maybe in the eyes of the family of Mary Jo Kopechne ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Hey, the "Lion of the Senate" is approaching 3000 days of sobriety.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey, the "Lion of the Senate" is approaching 3000 days of sobriety. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Are you sure?
Hey, the "Lion of the Senate" is approaching 3000 days of sobriety. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Only because he's wearing a " pine " suit and is six feet under ! And buried in Arlington National Cemetery at that ! The sorry lyin liberal POS ! Mebbe I should go visit him after drinking a few beers and piss on his grave so he doesn't get the D.T.'s !!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The more I think about it, the more hilarious this entire episode is.

How well we remember the stunned look on all of the Clinton Minion's faces as the results came in. The puzzled look on all of the Main Stream Media's faces as the 8:00 o'clock hour approached, and Trump had already cleared 230 Electorial Votes, which changed to a combination of despair mixed with confusion as The Blue Wall collapsed. What the fuck was happening.

CNN and MSNBC refusing to update the count as results came in, perhaps thinking that if they didn't report it, it must not be happening.

And of course, Martha Rattaze breaking down into tears. After all, her and her compadres had done everything possible to see that Hillary would win.

The first Presidential Election I remember was Eisenhower. I can remember certain things about each campain as I grew older. But nothing tops this one.

Never have political fortunes changed so dramatically in just a few hours. As the results came in, it was as if America suddenly slammed on the brakes, opened the door, and told the entire Progressive/Liberal/Socialist/Main Stream Media, and their Crowd, to get the fuck out of the car.

And take that Bitch Hillary with you. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It was the most epic night in reality TV history!
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Just listen to the "First "Lady"" tell it.

Does everyone remember: "God Damn America"?
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

July 27, 2016. Post #6.

HillaryNoMore drank her own KoolAid and so did her supporters.

In August 2016 she was DOWN 14 points not UP 2... based on HER POLLS!

All this bullshit about the Russians ... is just that .... BULLSHIT.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-22-2016, 08:27 PM
Sometimes it's not the "source" per se, but the probability the source would have the information "sourced"! In the case of my "source" the probabilities are at their highest level in both elements. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Actually, I agree with that. Which is why I found your camera crew comment so wrong. I referenced the camera crew concerning how a certain person treated THEM and their cohorts. So, as you state for your source, they would a very high likelihood of having the information I used them as a source for.
At his victory acceptance in 1964 LBJ was propped up by SS Agents from behind after having his head dunked in a tub of ice water with some "sobering" powder stirred in .... so he could speak. He was celebrating though and not nurturing a loss like HillaryNoMore.

Teddy just hid out for the night until he could function in public. Originally Posted by LexusLover
" sobering powder ", from the Peruvian mountains ( real mountains, not like EKIM'S KansASS ( Brokeback ) " mountains " ) , but made famous by the Columbians such as Carlos Escobar ? Where there's " always ' snow ' " ?????
LexusLover's Avatar
" sobering powder ", ... Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
My non-scientific description of the substance sprinkled into the tub of ice water. (Also in those days 290 West to Johnson City was routinely blocked off by the DPS so he could drive "home" from Austin!)

He met his match with Coach Royal, who won the battle over the expansion of Memorial Stadium (at the time) with upper decking that blocked the view of the Hill Country from "the Office" on the top floor in the LBJ school across the street.

LBJ wasn't a UT alumni.