What's the over/under....

offshoredrilling's Avatar
OK how many of you "Pistoleros" have drawn your penis substitutes and shot someone in some scenario you saw as justified?

Did it make you feel like a man?

I'll be waiting Originally Posted by jokacz
So ya want RL info to be posted mmmmmmm Na. I bet some but a few maybe anyways. And some here would back peddle and try to find the RL dirt.
jokacz's Avatar
So ya want RL info to be posted mmmmmmm Na. I bet some but a few maybe anyways. And some here would back peddle and try to find the RL dirt. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

That RL bullshit is great for a coward to hide behind.

If they can hide their hobby from their wives all these years, they can surely find a way to remain anonymous on a SHMB.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
That RL bullshit is great for a coward to hide behind.

If they can hide their hobby from their wives all these years, they can surely find a way to remain anonymous on a SHMB. Originally Posted by jokacz
I still wonder WHO made the handle for a not well liked icky member using his real name ???? RL info is partly ok unless missed used . mmmm like blackmail or outing. It only takes a small bit of info to put a puzzle together.

Or ya just tying to make a list for a AHEM lady to ask I want your permit for id screening. Or is there a fear hookers will put up a "Guns Welcome" sing as that is part of it also. Some bars can ignore that. Its for legal guns and the the illegal ones that many carry in.

ok more on topic. Part of the new law is must give twitter handle. mmmmm twitter ah twitter ok well that may not go over well.

ok lets see if filings are next week mmmm guessing the week after that will be in the news more so. Most news outlets are not saying who all & why filing.

the new law is nothing but a Gov Nanny Katy pissed NY lost a case. So double down on the legal so her friends with the illegal are safe.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I have a firearm for protection, but I've never fired it. I hope that I'm never in a situation where I have to.
lilylivered's Avatar
OK how many of you "Pistoleros" have drawn your penis substitutes and shot someone in some scenario you saw as justified? Originally Posted by jokacz

Sure I take my guns and shoot up neighborhoods every night.
Doesnt everyone who owns a gun...
OK how many of you "Pistoleros" have drawn your penis substitutes and shot someone in some scenario you saw as justified?

Did it make you feel like a man?

I'll be waiting Originally Posted by jokacz
Ad hominem - pretty typical grabber tactic. So sorry the facts, facts based off of the FBI's statistics, fail to support your position. Based on those numbers the number of defensive gun uses far outweighs murder by firearm. Again, since the grabbers KNOW they're wrong they resort to name calling and other fallacies. And for pinheads like the Guv apparently that's all they need. I'll be voting R across the board for the first time in my life this November and it's is entirely in reaction to that twat Hochul. Would love to see NY turn red!
I think it is unlikely that NY State will turn red this November, certainly not over new gun laws. In fact, most people favor stricter gun laws, and that includes many, if not most, gun owners.
  • rj317
  • 07-08-2022, 03:29 PM
....on how long it takes a court to nullify Kathy's new law that says it is automatically illegal to carry a firearm into a private business unless they post a sign explicitly giving permission?

Clarence tried to warn her in advance in the majority opinion.

First he spoke of it being permissible to regulate carry in "sensitive places" such as "legislative assemblies, polling places, and courthouses." He then went on to say that "...courts can use analogies to those historical regulations of “sensitive places” to determine that modern regulations prohibiting the carry of firearms in new and analogous sensitive places are constitutionally permissible." But then he cautions that this definition cannot be expanded too "broadly."

This woman is an idiot that obviously hates gun-owners more than the Cuomos. But outlawing CCW in all private businesses that do not post notice specifically permitting it is so overly broad that I cannot believe that it will survive anything but the first level or so of a simple court challenge.

Some analysts are already saying that there are very few restrictions of this type that will have any hope of withstanding legal challenge. But this one, in particular, has got to go. Hochul needs an immediate lesson in exactly what this ruling means. And what is does NOT mean, i.e. she is not free to just come up with a whole different set of ways to circumvent the 2nd Amendment.

This could be a lot of fun, watchin her get slapped....

. Originally Posted by rooster
The business is already supposed to have a notice posted if they do not want you to carry a weapon inside their place of building. You are not allowed to carry in a federal building as well. The bigger problem is the media outlets giving these terrorists (because let’s face it that’s what they really are) “ notoriety“ by blasting their names and causes for weeks on end…
jokacz's Avatar
Ad hominem - pretty typical grabber tactic. So sorry the facts, facts based off of the FBI's statistics, fail to support your position. Based on those numbers the number of defensive gun uses far outweighs murder by firearm. Again, since the grabbers KNOW they're wrong they resort to name calling and other fallacies. And for pinheads like the Guv apparently that's all they need. I'll be voting R across the board for the first time in my life this November and it's is entirely in reaction to that twat Hochul. Would love to see NY turn red! Originally Posted by AgaveOnApril20

Let's see those so called statistics, otherwise I'm calling BULLSHIT.

Defensive gun uses vs. murders, now that's a fair comparison...if you're a fucking moron!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I think it is unlikely that NY State will turn red this November, certainly not over new gun laws. In fact, most people favor stricter gun laws, and that includes many, if not most, gun owners. Originally Posted by brasil
sad but true, So NYS will keep doing what's known to not work
red flags that depend on a shrink, that kick flag down with he's harmless
make gun laws that make it safer for illegal gun owners
handcuff cops so can't do the job

The business is already supposed to have a notice posted if they do not want you to carry a weapon inside their place of building. You are not allowed to carry in a federal building as well. The bigger problem is the media outlets giving these terrorists (because let’s face it that’s what they really are) “ notoriety“ by blasting their names and causes for weeks on end… Originally Posted by rj317
would be safer inside BUT who wants to cross the picket line of illegal guns that are protesting the place